Many of us struggle to share in a meaningful way our true capabilities and achievements. I have found that this relatively simple and straightforward reflection is a good way to get us to stop and think about what we bring to our teams and our organisations, our families and our groups of friends. We often think about what we did, the action ‘YouTube’ version of the success, but not so much what it means and why it matters.

To prepare for this reflection session, we ask you to take some time, before the Intensive, to complete your Success Story, and be ready first up, to share in a small group. Be as creative as you please. Draw, insert your favourite Instagram images – what works for you.

Success Story template fillable 1


After we put you into breakout groups, introduce yourselves, and get comfortable. One by one, share your success story.

What to do!

As each of your peers shares, be listening for the strengths, skills, capabilities and other insights that arise.

Make notes about each speaker as you are listening. When you have finished, each person will hear from their peers, their insights about your success, and their ‘take’ on why this was successful. Have your Post’-Its ready.

As the final wrap-up of this activity, please create a 1-minute ‘capability story’ about this group. Your facilitator will choose a couple of groups to share when we are back in plenary. Elect the speaker for your group, in case you are in the spotlight. The point of the capability story isn’t to repeat the story or stories, but to highlight the capabilities that you uncovered as a group, and share how they contributed to success!

Morning Tea Conversations:  Reflect on what you heard and your insights about yourself!



You might not need to turn these stories into a social media feed, but they are important and a great way to kick off the start of a key project or team initiative in your workplace. We know from experience that this is a powerful way to surface expertise and what might be unknown or ‘tacit’, in the language of SECI! And who knows what you might discover.

It is also a great way to hear from those who don’t naturally or usually share such details. They get a chance to do so, and in a way that is less likely to ‘put them on the spot’. For those who are natural at this, it is a time that they get to listen to others and reflect on the capabilities around them.


Success Stories Copyright © by Antony Peloso. All Rights Reserved.

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