
Getting Started



This Project Inspiration Intensive will help you to shape your thinking about how to approach your project, how to bring clarity and crispness to your thinking, and develop both richness and curiosity about where to go from here.


NOTE: The Intensive and this Guide are NOT intended to replace in any way the importance of efficacious and rigorous objective research methods and thinking.


It is essential that you focus on the content on your Blackboard site and the respective modules and other materials that are the formal element of the unit.

Part of the purpose of this guide and the intensive is to highlight the ways in which you can formulate, design, collect data, execute the project, and report in a manner that is likely to enable you to deliver value.

Working with your cohort peers, we will help you to consider how to start this journey with confidence, process, and some structure.

I have created this Intensive guide together as something of an adjunct to your unit content, our time together and other pieces of work that you may address during this unit.


I will add to this over time and I also encourage you to explore yourselves.

pillars 1.PNG

Think of this as part of the framing and foundations of your experience and learning as you integrate the various elements to address your workplace project.

To begin:

You have little time to prepare for the intensive by considering these activities. I know that you are busy, so try to find 30 minutes before we meet.


Action 1

First, I would like you to read the short section about the Boyatzis Model of Intentional Change, in the next chapter. There is also an additional piece, the SECI model, which focuses on embedding change. That may be useful for you later on.


As you read the section and work your way through the ICT approach, be thinking about examples in your workplace where you may have consciously or implicitly used this approach. Perhaps you have not used ICT and you wish you had!


However, this model underpins the development of your capability and we want you to keep this approach in mind.




Action 2

Your Success Story


To help you prepare for the intensive session and the subsequent interactions, please think about a great success you have had in your current or previous roles or at another organisation and be prepared to share. Here is the template if you wish to give it some thought in advance. 


Success Story template fillable 1


Be as creative as you can in your thinking. If you want to get started, drawings, images, a story, all work. We will get you to share in your Teams during the intensive.


Action 3

Your Hope story.

The final part of the preparation for the intensive is to think about the ONE opportunity in your current role and place of work that you would really love to make happen. Please keep your proposed project in mind as you work on this. We will ask you to share with your peers. No need to give this more than a few minutes.









What happens during the intensive:

I will encourage you to use insights from your stories and your project proposal as well as those of your peers to underpin the day and to help build context around this time together.






Project Inspiration Intensive Copyright © 2022 by Antony Peloso. All Rights Reserved.