
The Workplace Project Strategy Journey: Strategy Journey Maps

Organisations of all kinds, including government agencies, struggle with their strategy development processes and creating a strategic vision. The process can be onerous, mind-numbing, and overly complex. Many of the tools and processes that are available are opaque and it can be challenging to connect the dots!

We also know that when we can include key stakeholders and those who will be delivering on the strategy, the strategy is more likely to be adopted and indeed likely to be successful. What is shared and co-created is more likely to be actioned!

And once the strategy is developed, sharing the journey and showing the outcomes can be difficult to process and understand.

The Strategy Journey Map process is an interactive and real-time way that leaders, key internal stakeholders, and indeed the recipients of the strategy, can be productively and powerfully involved.

This section is helping you to explore ways that you can develop, share, revisit and bring to life a strategy methodology, research process, and strategy design.

Use this section as a check on possible ways that you can highlight and demonstrate the Strategy Journey – the Methodology you might say, of your project.



The Workplace Project Strategy Journey Copyright © by Antony Peloso. All Rights Reserved.