

Any discussion of business models and strategy must at the very least infer value: value for the organisation, value for the customers and end user, value for the organisation’s members, and for the wider group of stakeholders.

As well, along the way to creating, delivering, and evaluating our business models and the ensuing strategies and tactics, we develop ongoing insights and observations that are extremely useful.

As we make our way through delivering on work-related projects, we can be working to gather that organisational wisdom and storing them away for the future. There are many ways to do this: reflective journals, retrospectives, ‘what-if’ gatherings, storytelling and more.

The big questions for you as you make your way through this brief set of tools and processes, are;

What is the value that our business model and strategies deliver, and to whom?

What have we learned along the way, that can help take us into the future?


The Business Case Capture and Strategy Models Copyright © by Antony Peloso. All Rights Reserved.