
3 The Science of Influence and Persuasion 

The Science of Influence and Persuasion

Influence and Persuade

Robert Cialdini, a professor emeritus at Arizona State University, is a global guru of how to ethically influence and persuade.1 Most of us know the principles and we practice them to some extent even if we have not ever heard of Pr. Cialdini.

First, please watch the short animation below. It will help you to have this list of the principles as you watch (below). You might also want to take notes as you go.












Before you start on the activity, here is a more serious set of insights than stories about mints and towels.

At QUT we have worked with George Kohlrieser who is a professor at IMD in Switzerland. Pr. Kohlrieser is a former hostage negotiator and has many insights in his book, Hostage at the Table.3 Pr. Kohlrieser shares his experiences persuasion. He notes that in the life-threatening situations where he has applied some of these principles there is typically a great deal of fear and threat. He stresses the importance of credibility and honesty.

Pr. Kohlrieser’s definition of persuasion is ‘the ability or power to induce or get someone to undertake a course of action or embrace a point of view by means of argument, reason, or entreaty’.4

Take a moment to read that again. Think back to your work about reasoning and critical thinking, emotion and intention, HROs, noise and signals, small things and small wins and Why How What. The power of influence and persuasion in the moment of saving a life is about as intense as most of us could imagine.

Here we want you to think about less mission-critical episodes.

The examples you come up with are moments are important moments in your life. This activity helps you to be aware of the opportunities that you have to use your skills to influence and persuade for the better. Every day in your context you will likely have an opportunity to do this.


Review each of the six shortcuts that Pr. Cialdini and Steve Martin explain in the short animation.

Make a list of an example of each of the short cuts in two ways: 1 in your personal life; 2 in your professional lives.

Now, explain why each of these examples was successful.

We want to be very clear that Pr. Cialdini is explicit that these principles must be applied in an ethical and transparent manner. Be sure you highlight this in your examples that this is the case.

Given the importance of Pr. Cialdini’s work in so many areas we want you to explore his thinking and insights in more detail. A powerful statement that always resonates from his work is the power of an action that is:

‘meaningful, unexpected and customized’5

Cialdini explores the psychological dynamics that lead to such insights and also the reasons why as humans we engage in such actions.

Here are 9 mechanisms that he suggests are the foundations of what he calls pre-suasion, what we think and do before we set out to make a request or influence someone.

[insert the contents of the excel sheet The 7 Components of Pre-suasion ]6

Read through the 7 Components of Pre-sausion. The lesson here is that how you structure and present your argument is as important and powerful to making your case as the reasoning and value of the argument. By using carefully preparing and then applying one or more of the techniques you are more likely to hold your listeners’’ attention, overcome dissention and convince them of the importance and relevance of your argument.

If you read carefully you will note that most have an emotional element that either supports or enhances the cognitive appeal you wanting to make. What did James Clear claim? Every decision is an emotional decision at some level.7 So too every argument has a feeling.


Because there is a lot for you to take in for during this lesson we won’t ask you to do anything other than go and watch cat videos.8 Seriously! It will be good for your well-being. Research in a well-known journal has shown a positive connection between emotional well-being and watching internet cat videos.


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