September 2022

Data Insights and Visualisations

  • Continued to provide library entry data and analysis for the 24/7 access trial at GP and KG. Also regular Library Occupancy Reports – available online – COVID-19 Library Staff Information – Library Reports – Library Occupancy Reports.
  • Enquiry Services  regular reports – showing trends in Library enquiry services and HiQ library related enquiries.  Access via  – Library Statistics – Data Insights – Enquiry Services.
  • Attended the SES (Student Experience Survey)/GOS (Graduate Student outcomes) meeting. Analysed Library related data and produced a report for LLT – Library resources and facilities were rated by QUT students at 87.57%, the highest rating by QUT students out of the 47 items in the 2021 Student Experience Survey (SES). This is a great result, well done everyone! The SES is an annual national survey completed by first (commencing) and final year students. The other library related scale item “Textbooks and learning resources – quality” was rated at 77.07% by QUT students. This was 8/47 ranking of scale items by QUT students.
  • Met with Alistair Gray and Hella Owen (Unihub) regarding options for ingesting and analysing Unihub data in Power BI – will explore further.
  • reviewed library contribution to the next Times Higher Education Rankings (THE).
  • Slide of Library highlights for Education Portfolio Forum.

UX (User Experience)

  • UX mini project on Library Spaces kicked off – coordinated by Sarah Howard and great to have staff putting their hands up to be involved!
  • Overview of my role and some UX activities for 3 fieldwork students – guerilla interviews, observation and journey mapping.  UX results relating to 24/7 opening were provided to Sarah Howard, for potential inclusion in the 24/7 Monthly Report to Robina. Provided results to Craig O’Neil of usability testing for the Library help page.

Service Management

  • InSync/Library Client Survey for students (5-18 Sept) – keeping an eye on response rates and promoting the survey. Thanks to library staff for promoting the survey to students.

Professional Contribution, External Engagement, PD

  • Writing a paper and a presentation with Jenny Thomas for the Library Assessment Conference (LAC) – early November.
  • Attended Board meeting of the LibPMC International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries.
  • Behind the scenes admin work for the CAUL/CONZUL Value and Impact Community of Practice
  • Attended the Lego as Serious Play workshop


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