September 2022

CAUL Conference  – Enabling a Modern Curriculum

The inaugural CAUL Conference was a great success. Two days of online presentations and a one day face-to-face workshop in various locations around Australia, including QUT (Gardens Point). It was wonderful to see presentations from our QUT Library colleagues – Ginny, Catherine Radbourne & Stephanie Jacobs, Lyndelle & Sal, Rosie Glynn & Cameron Rutter, and Katya. A BIG thank you to the workshop team that assisted me – Sami, Rachel, Laura, Katya, Ishara, Ellen, Alice, Kate H, Michael H, Catherine H, and Helen D. We received wonderful feedback from everyone that attended.

Learning and Teaching

  • Associate Dean Learning & Teaching, Science, Trina Myers
    • I met with Trina to discuss all things L&T – QUT You, Canvas, Digital Capabilities, OERs, and of course, the fabulous Science Liaison Team. Following the meeting I caught up with the Science Liaison Team, and Trina has invited me to present at the October Faculty of Science L&C Committee meeting.
  • XR Emerging Technologies
    • Nicole, Sally F and I meet with the School of Nursing leadership team to discuss the complexities of XR support and resources.
Health Digital Capabilities Pilot Program
Three cheers to Rosie Glynn for leading the Health Digital Capabilities PressBook, and a big thank you to Cameron Rutter for assisting Rosie. A special thank you to David Cohen for reviewing the draft. 
Rosie, Cameron and I continue to attend fortnightly meetings and workshops with ADL&T, Laura Gregory, to develop digital capability strategies throughout the Faculty of Health.

Information Access

  • Cathy, Jai and Kurt are solving problems and implementing information access resources left, right and centre!
  • EZProxy was officially turned off and a small celebration followed this month. Yah!
  • Cathy and Narelle continue to explore Document Delivery processes. This month we gave QUT Library staff a friendly reminder of who can use the Document Delivery service and for what purposes.

Trove Partner Resource Sharing  – Webinar – Invitation & Presentation

Congratulations to Cathy for being invited to present at this webinar, and a big thank you to Narelle for her support. Cathy presented alongside Roxanne Missingham (ANU), BCC Libraries and others to share experiences and work around streamlining digitisation and ILL/Document Delivery requesting.

Spaces Service

  • Great data in this month’s 24/7 Access Trial report – read it HERE.
    • No library resources went missing!
    • 13,400+ entries!
  • A BIG thanks to Emma, Bruce, Craig and Cathy for assisting with the GP closure over the maintenance weekend. All went to plan.
  • I am continuing to collaborate with our HiQ partners to ensure better communication regarding opening hours
  • Nicole and I had the opportunity to explore a number of libraries whilst in Sydney for the CAUL Council meeting – Darling Square Public Library, UTS, UNSW, Uni of Sydney and Marrickville Public Library.

CAUL Council Meeting – Sydney Library Tours


  • CAUL Council Meeting, Sydney
    • Deputy Librarians were invited to join the University Librarians in Sydney for a two day meeting to plan, share and listen. I learned a great deal, and it was wonderful to see people I have only met online over the past two years.
  • CAUL Conference, as mentioned above, was a great opportunity for the CAUL community and beyond to share and discuss OER and student as partners learnings.
  • CAUL Open Education Resources (OER) Professional Development Program
    • After a year of planning, the program commenced late this month and will run until December.
    • Over 50 participants, including four QUT Library colleagues – Sal K, Sandra, Catherine H and Mathew.
    • I will continue to work with the organising team, providing two online sessions each week and ongoing engagement with the Canvas unit.

Lego as serious play…

Nicole organised a session with Dr Boon Lee (School of Economics and Finance), who is a certified Lego as Serious Play facilitator.  It was a wonderful afternoon in the Gibson room using Lego to strategically explore two topics –

  1. Current and future challenges faced by Library services in providing a seamless user experience
  2. How Library services can provide users a seamless user experience in the current environment



  • Sam Lant
  • Mark McCormack
  • Jen Tredinnick
  • Sabina Stuart & Dee Nguyen – HiQ
  • Kate Nixon – Pressbooks
  • Dave Dennis and Megan Duffy – DBS
  • Trish Maynard – Curriculum Design Studio

Events, Meetings and Workshops

  • Maker Activities meetings
  • Law Library meeting
  • Makerspace Pop Up – Glen Murphy, Gemma Alker, Andy Yeh
  • SES/GOS Workshop
  • Publishing Librarians
  • Engineering Liaison Team
  • KG Collection Access and Document Delivery Team
  • GP L&R and Collection Access meeting


Thank you for reading this report. If you want to know more about the above, please contact Sarah anytime.


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