November/December 2022

[On leave 5-23 December]

Data Insights, Visualisations, UX (User Experience)

  • Library Student Survey (InSync) – Briefing Note, analysis of comments and data by branch, service areas and other related departments (FM, SSG etc). Available from the Library Service Management SharePoint site. Further work will be planned in 2023 to dive deeper into the results.
  • Continued to provide library entry data and analysis for the 24/7 access trial at GP and KG. Also regular Library Occupancy Reports – available online – COVID-19 Library Staff Information – Library Reports – Library Occupancy Reports.
  • Enquiry Services  regular reports – showing trends in Library enquiry services and HiQ library related enquiries, including semester report.  Access via  – Library Statistics – Data Insights – Enquiry Services.
  • Worked with Sarah and Nicole to provide Library content for the annual reporting for QUT.
  • Met with Lyndelle to discuss referencing applications – data, analysis and reporting. Also provided feedback on the draft AIRS Review Project Plan.
  • UX activities with fieldwork student, with the results passed on to Cathy Slaven to provide feedback on the Library search.

Service Management

  • The fourth and final Service Managers Community of Practice meeting for the year was held in November, and it was great to hear the highlights from each of the Service Managers. Fantastic work being done by everyone. You can read more about the highlights from the Service Managers Notebook..
  • The 2023 Service Visions will be finalised by the end of January and will be tabled at LLT in February to help inform strategic planning for 2023.

Professional Contribution, External Engagement, PD

  • Presentation and paper submitted with Jenny Thomas for the Library Assessment Conference (LAC) (virtual) in early November. We  also were members of a panel discussion about Covid experiences at the conference to provide insights and answer questions. Paper will be included in the conference proceedings.
  • Board member of the LibPMC (Library Performance Measurement Conference, virtual, July 2023), and also member of the Community Building; and Programme sub groups. Working on ideas for increasing the diversity and regional representation of both presenters and registrants at the conference. Call for papers will come out in early/mid December with deadline for submission 14 February.
  • Member of the CAUL Analytics Working Group – provided feedback on the Read and Publish dashboards in Tableau.
  • Attended CAUL/CONZUL Value and Impact Community of Practice meeting.
  • Visited the QUT Extended Reality (XR) Hub.
  • Interviewed by PhD student from Curtin Uni for her research on data visualisation.
  • Attended the Rainbow and Mocktails event


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