
November/December 2022

What’s been happening at GP? (Emma Nelms)

Jenny Thomas was played this month by Emma Nelms. In this capacity I attended a Canvas Commons planning meetings with Jude Smith and Sarah Howard looking at how the various elements of LTU will support and create resources.

Great news that Ishara & Annette will continue at GP until June 2023 and Marvin until February.

Kate Thomas, Kate Harbison, Michael Hawks & Emma Nelms were part of the REFRESH team (again) this year. The Kates developed and created the trivia quiz and now know a lot more about the personal lives of library staff. Michael worked with Stephanie Jacobs to create the brilliant ice breaker and Emma Nelms worked with Stephanie Bradbury to bring together the Points of View session using the various work bags with Rowena Barret and Vicki Morganson from QUT Entrepreneurship.

New dining chairs for the tearoom & new office chairs have now arrived.  We are waiting on the new office chairs before we can get rid of all the old ones!

GP had an end of year celebration lunch at the Ship Inn, South Bank.

Emma Nelms holidayed in Tasmania & bumped into Margretha Gould while visiting Stanley. Margretha (now SLQ) is doing a 2-month road trip around Tasmania and plans to visit Sue Collins – now living in Hobart.


Our dedicated jigsaw enthusiasts (left) and Christmas tree (right)

Faculty of Engineering Liaison (Kate Harbison)

  • Engineering participated in the VRES training in November.  The Libguide for this is extensively relied upon.
  • The Australasian Engineering / STEM Librarians summer T&L Themed Webinar was held. Graham convened and it was a very successful event.

Faculty of Science Liaison (Ann-Maree Graham)

Stephanie Jacobs and I recently attended the inaugural Australasian Academic Makerspace Symposium in Sydney at the University of NSW.  Over the 4 days, we had the opportunity to visit multiple makerspaces at UNSW and University of Sydney, as well as a community makerspace in Marrickville.  In addition to touring the spaces, and hearing how each one operated, we participated in maker activities operated by the attendees.  These included wearable electronics, 3D Scanning and Virtual Reality, and provided valuable insight into how workshops could be run.  Panel discussions included how makerspaces have evolved and changed since their inception and the lessons learnt, as well as the workplace health and safety issues that need to be considered.  It was a great way to meet with makerspace staff from a range of organisations, and to get their opinion on what worked for them in developing their makerspaces.

Library Advisers (Jacque Quinn)

  • Eileen created a new libguide for online map resources. A great resource for STEM students. The Libguide provides  links and descriptions of various freely available online maps. https://libguides.library.qut.edu.au/maps.
  • Ishara, with the guidance from Ann-Maree and the Science team, has been involved in going through ACARA resources with our Library holdings, contributing to the Indigenous Knowledge & Perspectives Project.
  • As a member of the CiteWrite team, David has been updating the Harvard referencing guidelines, adding new information based on LA/student feedback, and rewriting the sections under ‘Getting started with Harvard’: https://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/cite/qutcite.html#harvard-general-intext.

Collection Access (Cameron MacLeod)

A trial was conducted giving people the opportunity to take withdrawn items using the annual deselection of the engineering collection.  This resulted in 48% of items collected.

Accolade for the Engineering Team

Dear Anne-Marie, Brendan, Graham, and Kate (cc: Sarah),

I would like to thank you all for your contributions to the Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee this year. As ADLT, I feel our faculty is very well supported in L&T by the entire team within the Library. I would like to confirm the Library representative on our Committee in 2023, and to look ahead and schedule an early meeting where we can invite Sarah and the team to present on the exciting initiatives and activities happening in the Library.

I will schedule the 2023 meetings for FLTC this week, including scheduling an FLTC Advance Workshop, so that we can develop a work plan for the Committee across 2023.

I have attached the Charter for the Committee. Revisiting and reviewing this Charter will be an important first step for our Advance, and I welcome any ideas you might have about improving the committee’s operations and achievements.

I hope that you can have a restful break over the festive season and into the new year.

Warm regards,
Karen Whelan FIEAust pronouns: she/her/hers
| Associate Dean, Learning & Teaching | Faculty of Engineering |



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