May 2022

24/7 Access Trial

  • Continued to provide library entry data and analysis for the 24/7 access trial at GP and KG, including the second month trial report for Sarah Howard.
    Also regular Library Occupancy Reports – available online – COVID-19 Library Staff Information – Library Reports – Library Occupancy Reports.

Data, Data Insights and Visualisations

  • Created Faculty views for the new Liaison Engagement database to allow for easier access to data, in consultation with Michael Wallace.

  • Provided the newly released CAUL Tableau dashboard data for Read and Publish Agreements, to LRS and OSC.
  • Worked with Danielle Laing to analyse Library chat session data for the single line of chat period.
  • Enquiry Services Report (Weeks 5-9) – showing trends in Library enquiry services and HiQ library related enquiries – distributed to Senior LAs, Sarah Howard and Nicole Clark. Also available online – Library Statistics – Data Insights – Enquiry Services.
  • Met with Lyndelle Gunton for initial discussion about AIRS/Research skills and UX and Student Voice data.
  • Continued working on the collection of statistics for the CAUL 2021 benchmarking. Thanks to LRS for all the massive work that they undertake each year for this.
  • Created the Survey for QUT LGBTIQA+ staff on behalf of the Registrar.
  • Submitted request to Marketing and Comms for visualisations for 2022 Library Strategic Priorities, 2022 Library Services, 2021 Library Snapshot.
  • Shared with Megan Pozzi (SSG) the ways in which we manage scheduling and communication about our workshops and other events.

Service Management

  • Held the 2nd Service Managers Community of Practice for 2022 – follow-up actions:
    • Established a new UX (User Experience) channel in the Library All Staff Team – any Library staff are welcome to join in the discussions!
    • In the process of setting up a Notebook for brief quarterly updates on each service – to help share achievements, insights, challenges, and UX across our services.

Professional Contribution and External

  • Member of CAUL Analytics Working Group and subgroup – attended meeting to progress work.
  • CAUL Value and Impact Community of Practice (one of the “Guardians”):
    • Chaired the May meeting – statistics theme. Kate Conway (Curtin University Librarian) led discussion about statistics, to help inform the Curtin Library review of their statistics. Kate Davis (Director Strategy and Analytics, CAUL) gave an overview of the key activities of the CAUL Analytics Working Group – including the recent launch of the Read and Publish Agreement data.
    • Attended meeting with other “Guardians”, Kate Davis and one of co-convenors of the new CAUL Transformative Agreement Community of Practice, to share our experience in establishing and facilitating a CoP.


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