May 2022

QUT Classic

It was great to see a few colleagues put on their running/walking shoes and tackle the 5/10km. Helen Batchelor and Sarah caught up with Megan Brodribb, although only at the start line…as Megan left Sarah for dust at the 500m mark.

Welcome Bruce Munro to QUT Library Team! Bruce commenced in the Manager, Library Service position this month.

Learning and Teaching

  • Strategic Priorities
    • There are many Learning and Teaching strategic priorities within the 2022 QUT Library priorities. Please explore them HERE.
  • Learning and Teaching Group Meeting #3
    • Guest Speaker – Kate Nixon (Learning Technology Adoption Lead / Next Gen) 
      • Kate is working on a number of innovation pilots, including exploring the use of GoSoapBox and the potential replacement: Mentimeter. Ellen Thompson and Jenny Thomas are currently exploring the use of Menti within the library.  
  • Information Literacy Framework
    • The Working Group is continuing to work on the update, and are exploring the use of a LibGuide.  
  • Faculty of Health – Digital Capabilities Project
    • Meeting fortnightly with ADL&T, Laura Gregory
  • LMS+ Project – Canvas
    • Sarah attend the staff information session
    • Sarah met with the LMS+ Project Team to discuss library roles within Canvas
    • Business Reference Group met to explore the use and design of templates
  • QUT You
    • Sarah attended the staff forum and workshop
  • LTU
    • Nicole and Sarah presented to the LTU Leadership Team to provide an overview of QUT Library.
  • QULOC – Teaching and Learning Support Group
    • Ellen Thompson will be joining Gabrielle Hayes on the QULOC, Teaching and Learning Support Group. I have been in this wonderful group for many years and enjoyed it very much, but it is my time to step away. I am very grateful to Ellen and Gabrielle for representing QUT Library – thank you Ellen and Gabrielle!

Congratulations Success Champions!

Emma, Stephanie, Tom, Danielle, Zach, Thu, Helen, & Eileen have led a successful suite of QUT Library workshops to commence semester one, and continue to work together, plan, organise and schedule further workshops with student support colleagues, such as the Student Success Group. Working together to refresh lesson plans, tour scripts and room bookings, the Team had to juggle constant changes to the learning and teaching schedule due to extreme weather events and COVID. Planning for both online and face-to-face possibilities. Trialling library tours and reviewing future options, was another wonderful Team effort by the group.

Information Access

Is there anything Cathy, Kurt and Jai aren’t doing! It has been a big year for the IA Team as they continue to progress through big projects whilst navigating the demands of semester one systems…

  • Rapido implementation (new Document Delivery system) – the IA Team, Narelle, Teresa, Cameron, & LRS are doing an amazing job setting up and preparing the new system.
    • A special thank you to Steve Grasso and Maryann Lonergan who were critical in getting the QUT Library holdings into RapidILL!
  • OpenAthens – the countdown is now on as we say farewell to EZProxy.
  • Alma Annual Business Review meeting was held with Ex Libris.
  • May 4th…did you spot the messages on the self-checkout machines! Love the IA Team sense of fun!

Spaces Service

  • 24/7 Access Trial report
    • During the second month of the trial, it was noted that:
      • Usage of the library spaces has increased significantly in comparison to the first month of the trial, undoubtedly due to the time of the semester and promotion of the trial.
        • o March – April = 6,062 total entries (both campuses)
        • o April – May = 14,847 total entries (both campuses)
      • Limited collection loss. Only three items went missing from both campuses.
      • A significant increase in the use of QUT printing facilities.
        • o March – April = 3,620 (printing, scanning, photocopying)
        • o April – March = 7,393 (printing, scanning, photocopying)
      • Rubbish has increased significantly, but Security will assist the Cleaning Teams with student communication to ensure all spaces are cleaned each night.
  • School of Design – Student Work – Library Promotion
    • Image Production and Design (DVB102) students worked with QUT Library last year to create fabulous digital signage, such as the one below by Yasmin Kaya. With many thanks to HiQ Comms, the signage is now on display.



  • CAUL Conference
    • Submissions are now open!
  • Open Educational Resources  – Professional Development Project
    • Progressing very well.
  • Open Educational Resources Collective
    • DIY Open Textbook Grants are now closed, and Bruce & Sarah are currently reviewing submissions.
    • Sarah attended the CAUL Pressbooks –  Advanced Training session


  • QUTeX
  • Flamur Cocaj, Finance Partner
  • Megan Pozzi, SSG
  • Ross McHugh, LinkedIn Learning
  • Julie McKenzie, Manager, Disabilities Service
  • Dave Dennis and Megan Duffy, DBS
  • Stabilisation Project Business Reference Group
  • Chris Anderson, QUT Bookshop Manager
  • Leanne Allan, HiQ
  • QUT ID Card Project
  • Rebecca Pritchard & Marguerite Langford, Campus Services

Nicole, Michael and Sarah visited Kelvin Grove State College to meet with library staff and teachers. QUT Library is ensuring our connection and collaboration with local schools remains strong. 


  • Publishing Librarians Catch Up
  • Student Voice Engagement Grant: Insights from the 2021 Pilots – QALT
  • Education Portfolio Staff Forum
  • National Simultaneous Storytime
  • Giving Day
  • Bold Minds – Are you Leading your Business or managing your BUSYness?





Thank you for reading this report. If you want to know more about the above, please contact Sarah anytime.


Library Leadership Team Reports Copyright © by QUT Library. All Rights Reserved.

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