
June 2022


Night Against Procrastination

The Learning Hub at GP Library was the location of the Night Against Procrastination held on Thursday 9 June. The Library had a presence and, in amongst fun with puppies like Archie below, helped a number of students, mainly with questions about citing/referencing and plagiarism,  Thanks to Stephanie Jacobs for being the library representative, and to Lara Vanderstay, KG’s fieldwork student for also attending 🙂

GP Library Displays

Newest Library Display celebrating Social Media Day on June 30 – thanks as always to Stephanie Jacobs 🙂










  • Jacque Quinn left on LSL for three months, and Stephanie Jacobs is job-sharing the GP Senior Library Adviser position with Kate Thomas over this period.
    • Ishara Maligaspe Koralage is filling Stephanie’s Library Adviser position during this time.
  • Rosie Glynn is partially backfilling Graham Dawson while he helps to negotiate the new EB. This arrangement will continue until at least August.

Good news story!

Laura Ross became a Granny for the second time to a baby girl, Winter Alura (her middle name is a mix of Alison and Laura, her two Grandmas).  Laura is already a doting grandmother to little Reuben 🙂








Collection Access

The GP Collection Access Team has completed relocating the Industrial Design collection to Kelvin Grove, and will be assisting the KG Collection Access Team to back-shelve and interfile those items into their collection.

Faculty of Engineering Liaison

Brendan Sinnamon completed a task for Joanne Richardson (Operations Manager, Max Planck Qld Centre | School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering | Faculty of Engineering) whereby he was asked to find publications for some QUT authors where funding was provided from a completed grant from the Australian Research Council (ARC) Industrial Transformation Training Centre in Additive Biomanufacturing.
Grant Number: IC1601000026: https://dataportal.arc.gov.au/NCGP/Web/Grant/Grant/IC160100026

Joanne also asked Brendan to determine if quite a number of publications out of this grant were available open access. Unpaywall Simple Query Tool was used to determine the publications status. This reporting is required as part of a final report for a completed ARC grant.

Graham Dawson presented to Faculty of Engineering promotion and grant aspirants on Academic Profile Optimization – Friday 10 June.

Graham gave significant input into the second planning meeting for the Faculty of Engineering Vacation Research Experience Scheme (VRES) on Thursday 16 June.  He maintains a library subject guide which is key to the running of the programme.

Brendan and Graham engaged with Clarivate InCites webinar training where we learned of the new micro subject categories available for benchmarking using Web of Science (WoS) citations – Wednesday 22 June.

Graham ran the Zoom technical side for our 5th Australasian Engineering / STEM Librarians webinar and also presented on Patent Search Databases in the public domain – Thursday 23 June.

Graham discussed the upcoming semester two student use of Cordell Estimator Platinum EDU quantity surveying costing database with the UXH315 Construction Estimating unit coordinator, Dr Carol Hon – Friday 24 June.

Graham met with the joint coordinators of Research Methods for the Future Built Environment lecturers, AProf Bo Xia and AProf Glenda Caldwell – Friday 24 June. He has setup a QUT readings list for this UXH300 unit.

Library Advisers

We might be in-between semesters, but that doesn’t mean the GP LAs have been any less busy!  In June, with mostly reduced service hours as we entered the quieter period, we assisted clients in 146 chats and 20 appointments.

Our LAs have been working on a myriad of projects and faculty tasks in this time as well, from updating and promoting our collections to improving staffing and workshop processes.


Library Leadership Team Reports Copyright © by QUT Library. All Rights Reserved.