July 2022

Spotlight on….

HDR Meet, Greet & Eat 

The Library hosted an on-campus morning tea for Higher Degree Research students (HDRs) in the Curriculum Collection Annexe on Tuesday 12 July 2022. Nicole shared a brief welcome to the group and students were able to meet each other face to face, speak with their Liaison Librarian, enjoy food and drinks, and win a number of prizes. It was great to see HDRs socialising and exchanging experiences. Liaison Librarians were enthusiastic about the opportunity to  meet with and assist students in a relaxed environment. Thanks goes to staff from Collection Access, L&R and OSC who worked together to make the event a success, and a special thankyou to Lyndelle, Marvin, and Sal for wrangling caterers and more and Mimy for the fabulous photos below. There were 28 HDR students and 9 Liaison Librarians in attendance. 


Congratulations to Dr Sal Kleine who accepted the ongoing position of Library Adviser (AIRS) and commenced on Monday 1st August.  

Join us for the Scholarly Communications Community of Practice

This year, we have been running a regular Scholarly Communications Community of Practice (CoP) on the fourth Wednesday of each month. The CoP is open to all and is facilitated by Dr Sameera Jayan Senanayake, School of Public Health and Social Work, who is also a Research Fellow in Health Economics at the Australian Centre for Health Services Innovation (AusHSI) and Centre for Healthcare Transformation (CHT). Sameera is the Early Career Researcher representative on the Office for Scholarly Communication (OSC) Advisory Group.

The CoP is online, and the format is usually a brief presentation (10 minutes) by one of our experts, followed by discussion.  You can register here  for future CoPs.  The next is on August 24 and will focus on CC licences.  We look forward to seeing you there.


Community of Practice Topic​​


24 August​​

Why you should put a CC Licence on your images and tables​​

Katya Henry​​

28 September​​

Peer Review – How to write a good peer review report​​

Ginny Barbour​​

26 October​​

Publication Metrics and Altmetrics​​

Tanya Harden​​

23 November​

Tagging publications in Pure/QUT ePrints – Research Centres + SDGs ​

Paula Callan​​

Draft OA policy

Ginny, Stephanie, Katya and Paula have been working on a revising our Open Access policy. QUT endorsed the world’s first institutional open access policy, QUT – MOPP – F/1.3 Open access for QUT research outputs (including theses) back in 2003. Since then, the policy has been updated regularly to incorporate new emerging global practices, with the last revision made in 2018.  In recent years, the pandemic was a catalyst for change in research culture and the impact of open access on the pace of discovery and the practices of how research findings are disseminated.


This revision of the policy includes the addition of relevant definitions, as well as some cosmetic changes to bring the policy into alignment with other QUT policy documents and to streamline text. The main change proposed is that the policy will now require all refereed research articles and published conference papers at the post-peer review stage to be made immediately available at the time of first online publication with a CC-BY licence.  It is expected to go to University Research Committee’s last meeting of the year.

Some interesting reads from the last month …

Bouquets 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺

IFN001 / Advanced Information Research Skills (AIRS)

  • “I learnt something useful from each module. For the areas I was familiar with I found it reassuring to hear that I was doing it the right way!” 
  • “…Overall I thought the topics were good and I got quite a lot out of doing the modules – I think it is great that all HDR students are required to do this course.”
  • ‘”Excellent.”
  • Email:  “Thank you so much for the clear and comprehensive explanation. Truly appreciate it.”

QUT ePrints

  • Folks, I am in awe of the service that you guys provide – it is top shelf. Myles McGregor-Lowndes (The Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies) 
  • Thanks Debbie, No I didn’t [know]. I’m quite new to this process and appreciate you letting me know.  Jo Richardson (Max Planck Queensland Centre) 
  • Thanks for this information Debbie and providing the details of who to contact if I wish for the additional information to be added. Many thanks. Sandy Houen (PhD)
  • Mitch, Thank you very much for creating the record for the work and for your extra note. Really appreciated. Ingrid Wang (School of Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations)
  • Thank you for this kind explanation, Debbie.  Adela Drozibob (QUT Centre for Future Enterprise)
  • Oh thanks so much for explaining this!  Maryanne Theobald (PhD)
  • … and thank you in appreciation for uploading these onto ePrints 😊.  Ross Gordon (QUT Business School)
  • “Thanks so much for the detailed and considered reply! 😊😊😊  [From an LL]
  • “Thank you so much for all your help Rani and Katya” [From a staff member: ]

June in Numbers

 QUT ePrints

New records added Existing records edited Email interactions with academics Full-text downloads Cumulative repository records Cumulative full-text downloads
1,273 445 149 154,168 122,033 (57.3% with full-text)   35,796,473


Total Consultations 
Top 3 Topics:
  1. Image reuse
  2. Copyright advice on contract
  3. Tie between: Permission to publish QUT content; Reformatting resource for student with a disability; Thesis Publishing

The following is derived from queries directed to the managed inbox qut.copyright@qut.edu.au. Each query (composed of several emails and correspondents) is counted once. 


Enrolments Completions Workshops Attendances
35 22 8 59

Research Skills

Number of sessions Number of Attendances Consultations
5 104 191

Research Data Management

Hacky Hour attendees New records added to RDF RDF Cumulative datasets RDF Cumulative views
11 2 new datasets 410 547,344

QUT Theses

Number of theses processed (with DOIs minted and published)

Publication Metrics

Number of Enquiries Number of Consultations Reports/Spreadsheets/Data Presentations

1 (x via LLs)



Service Highlights

Academic Journal Publishing

  •  All five of QUT’s open access journals have been included in the ERA 2023 Submission Journal List (released 26 July). Excellence in Research for Australia is Australia’s national research evaluation framework, developed and administered by the Australian Research Council. This list defines the journals that are eligible for institutions’ ERA 2023 submissions – that is, scholarly, peer reviewed journals that publish original research and were active during the ERA 2023 reference period for research outputs (1 January 2016 – 31 December 2021). The journal list forms an integral part of the ERA evaluation process and provides components used in the ERA 2023 methodology, including: 
    • defining the eligible Fields of Research (FoR) codes that research outputs may be assigned during the submission phase; and
    • defining the outlets from which the citation benchmarks may be derived.
      ERA 2023 | Australian Research Council 

 Student Success 

QUT ePrints
  • Another busy month with nearly 1,000 new research output records added to QUT ePrints. The above-average number of deposits to Pure was, in part, prompted by an email sent by the DVC-R (Prof. Christopher Barner-Kowollik, to academics encouraging them to check that all their ERA-eligible outputs are in Pure and this coincided with a deadline for a promotions round.   

QUT Theses

  • Integration testing for the new Pure module is ongoing. Lyndelle, Marvin and Kylie tested a number of records. The Project technical leads met with Lyndelle, Debbie and Marvin to discuss issues including:
    • data not coming across to the records in ePrints that is necessary,
    • data coming across that should not
    • manual copying from Pure to ePrint record being necessary for other metadata.
  • The project team is investigating fixes and requesting enhancements from Pure/Elsevier.

Scholarly Publishing

IFN001: Advanced Information Research Skills (AIRS) 

  • The AIRS Team welcomed Dr Sal Kleine in the ongoing role of Library Adviser (AIRS).
  • The AIRS team welcomed three new Liaison Librarians to the teaching team. The LLs were sent the new AIRS Liaison Librarian Induction Guide to work through prior to a Zoom session that provided an overview of AIRS and opportunities for Q&A.  


  • Continuing to work with DBS to resolve issues with the automated IFN001 SAMS weekly enrolments reports, to ensure all new enrolments are captured.
  • Working with DBS to resolve issues relating to students currently enrolled in IFN001 who will access learning materials in the Bb 2022 Community Site, but submit assessments via Canvas in 2023.
  • Exploring ways in which the AIRS Coordination Team can work more closely with the Client Services Team in the Graduate Research Centre and access information through the yet to be available HDR data in SAMS to improve client service and efficiencies.

Future activities 

  • Preparation of the proposal for review of IFN001 AIRS for tabling with LLT is underway by the Coordinator, Information Research Skills.
  • Proposal for presentation about AIRS by Lyndelle and Sal has been accepted for the online component of the CAUL Enabling a Modern Curriculum Conference.
  • AIRS Coordination Team are participating in training for QUT systems and applications with which IFN001 AIRS is associated or could make use of, including: QUT MediaHub, Student and Academic Management System (SAMS), QUT Brand Centre, Qrecords, Courseloop,

Research Skills

The 2022 HDR Student Research Skills Survey was opened on 4 July and closed on Friday 15 July 2022.

  • The Research Skills Survey is run annually, collecting data to share with fellow training providers, to inform development of library offerings and help find gaps and identify needs for additional training and focus for the QUT research community.
  • HDR students were asked to indicate their level of proficiency in research skills categories, to identify their training needs, to provide preference on modes of teaching, and to comment on gaps in training at QUT.
  • The survey was promoted by direct email to HDRs, various newsletters, HiQ banner, QUT Library Blog post, a twitter campaign, a HiQ QUT News article, mention in the IFN001 AIRS workshop #1, an IFN001 AIRS BlackBoard announcement and IFN001 AIRS Yammer group announcement.
  • A random prize draw was offered with $40 QUT Bookshop vouchers posted to 3 winners.
  • A report is being prepared by Lyndelle and Marvin and will be shared across OSC, with the OSC Advisory Group, LLT, Liaison Librarians, and other stakeholders, such as GRE+D, OREI and the Office of eResearch.
  • Just as a taster…
    • The survey received a total of 256 responses (more than double the number of responses for the 2021 survey).
    • Responses were fairly evenly distributed across the 5 faculties.
    • Students were asked to rate their proficiency in a range of research skills, identify research skills in which they would like more training, preference for mode of learning, preference for referencing application tools.

Core and collaborative Research Skills Program sessions



Meet, Greet & Eat


Research Data Management Consultation


Research Data Management: Planning


Research Data Management: Storage, Analysis and Visualisation


Research Data Management: Preservation and Publication


Copyright Clinic


Scholarly Communications Community of Practice



  • RefWorks Trial
    • The Referencing Applications Working Party (RAWP) has a trial of RefWorks underway. Liaison Librarians and identified academic stakeholders are working with the Research Skills team to test the functions and features of this referencing tool in order to determine whether it would be a useful addition to our suite of subscription based referencing applications. For more information, contact Marvin van Prooijen or Rosie Glynn.
  • EndNote 20.3 roll out
    • Information has been shared with QUT staff and students about the latest EndNote 20.3 update and new QUT authentication settings. Further details are available on the QUT Library blog. 

Future activities 

  • Planning is underway for the 2022 Researcher Skills Survey (for staff) with feedback currently being sought from OSC service managers, the OSC Researcher Training & Resource Development working party, and the OSC Advisory Group.
  • The Researcher Training and Resource Development Working Party (within the OSC Research Support Working Group) is compiling a directory of contacts and communications channels to be a source of information for OSC and others when seeking to share information with all of or specific audiences or cohorts within the QUT researcher community. The directory will contain information about available channels such as blogs, newsletters, email groups, lead research contacts at faculty and discipline levels. Opportunity will be shared with Liaison Librarians to add information about their relevant discipline area contacts and communication channels.


  • After the Copyright Tribunal Ruling of 31 May 2022, Universities Australia has requested a Judicial Review to be considered during the November 2022 Full Court and appellate sitting period. In the meantime, it is business as usual in regards to the application of the Licence and the use of QUT Readings.
  • QUT won two grants via the CAUL OER Collective DIY Open Textbooks Grant scheme. Katya as the Key Institutional contact has met up with the two successful authors and will be assisting with the logistics.
  • Katya and Rani attended the OER Collective Academic Authors Community of Practice 2022/3 session on Understanding accessibility and inclusion.
  • Katya and Rani met with Finance to discuss CAL invoice payments and the implications of the Tribunal decision (CAL-culations).
  • Katya and Rani held the fourth Copyright Clinic on 19 July. A follow up email with relevant information was sent to registered students. The Clinic is being promoted through various channels.
  • Katya provided a Copyright Service overview for three new liaison librarians.

 Issues (from last month and emerging)  

  • The Screenrights Agreement (expiring on 31 December 2022) has been extended for one year.
  • Quarterly invoices for Statutory Licences received but payment has been delayed in Finance Department.

Major future activities  

  • Development of Blackboard/Canvas Exemplar site
  • Update to OER guidelines in line with updated OER Policy
  • Presenting the Copyright Considerations for Researchers workshop for QUT researchers next month. We were due to present at ResBaz the same month but this has been postponed.

23 Scholarly Communication Things

Future plans

  • Present at CAUL EMC Conference with Stephanie Jacobs
  • Promote OA chapters in OA week.

Usage in July

  • 82 total visitors
  • 197 pageviews
  • Top 3 viewed chapters (based on views):
    1. Databases for metrics;
    2. Copyright and Creative Commons;
    3. Open Access Models
  • Top sites/referrers:
    1. Google.com;
    2. University of SA;
    3. Bing.com

Publication Metrics

  • Tanya and Catherine provided a publication metrics report to the Centre Manager of the Centre for Biomedical Technologies.
  • Tanya provided a metrics report to the Faculty of Science ADR for the Centre for Materials Science
  • Stephanie, Philippa and Tanya attended a meeting with Stephanie Guichard from Digital Science to talk about the possible rollout of the API and to discuss possible upcoming workshops with different audiences at QUT.
  • The Lens.org webinar was presented by Aaron from the Lens.  It was recorded and Tanya is in the process of editing the video (the session was very long) for use by Library staff.
  • Overton session was presented by Toby Green from Coherent Digital. Tanya is editing the recoding and will then upload for use by library staff.
  • Tanya and Paula presented on getting the most out of ORCID at the Scholarly Communications Community of Practice.
  • Sandra and Tanya presented at the CIESJ Post Doc Network, to demonstrate how to find and use metrics, as well as other alternative measures of impact and reach.

Issues (from last month and emerging) 

  • There are major delays in receiving the required spreadsheets in a reasonable time from RISS to update Altmetric Explorer.  RISS have agreed to proceed with the Pure API. 

Research Data Management

  • On 19 July, the ResBaz Organising Committee met and the decision was made to postpone (hopefully not cancel) the ResBaz Qld 2022 event to a later time in the year, depending on Griffith University facilities availability.  Being an in-person event, the health and safety of the volunteers, teachers, helpers and attendees was the top priority.  More information will follow as it comes to hand.
  • Philippa wrote a briefing paper on the new Data Availability and Transparency Act (DATA) Scheme for Library management in late June and has since provided Library management with a list of suggested users to fulfill the roles required of nominated QUT staff in Dataplace, the government portal for managing data access requests.  It has been suggested that Philippa Frame fulfill the roles of Organisation Administrator and Data Coordinator.  Over the next two months, Philippa will be attending a number of information sessions run by the Office of the National Data Commissioner to learn more about how QUT can become an accredited Dataplace user.
  • An ABS Contact Officer Community of Practice meeting was held in early July.  The ABS reported that their annual review of DataLab user charges was completed in July and that, as a result, there will be a number of changes made to the way that researchers are charged to use the secure online research environment, including waiving the previous annual project fee for existing projects, waiving the fees for using SAS and using >1TB storage.  The ABS is still negotiating an extension to the current arrangement for 2023.
  • The QUT servers that house Research Data Finder, CKAN and Data Management Planning Tool have reached end-of-life and can no longer support these applications.  DBS is applying to IT Security for exemptions to the shutdown requests to allow more time to migrate the applications to new, cloud-based servers.  It is anticipated that there may be some down time in the future, to allow this work to proceed.
  • Philippa was invited to UQ Library to participate in a workshop run by the ABS, for UQ researchers and Qld ABS Contact Officers on 13 July.  This was a great networking opportunity and Philippa was able to see firsthand what sort of training is on offer for registered users of ABS products, in order to decide what would be most suitable for QUT researchers.  Philippa’s proposal to host the ABS for a workshop for QUT researchers and relevant Library staff was successful and she is now organising for the training to occur (hopefully) in October.
  • A second Research Data Residency (at Gardens Point) was held in July.

Issues (from last month and emerging) 

  • On Sunday, 24 July between 11:48pm and 11:59pm, the dmp@qut.edu.au managed email account received ~220 emails.  This was reported to DBS, who concluded that the emails were a result of an SQL injection attack from someone that evening.  19,000 requests were sent between 11:00pm to 12:00am that evening, trying to log into the DMPT.  It was determined that they were not successful, but the attack caused the site to send the ~220 error emails.  Once the Tool is migrated to a new server, these attacks will be automatically blocked.  

Major Future Activities 

  • Progress environmental scan of research data repositories in use at Australian universities and commence scan of identified open source and commercial solutions.
  • Deletion of 2015-2019 blank/empty plans in the Data Management Planning Tool.
  • Update Guidance in the Data Management Planning Tool, including the FAQ and Help pages.  Ensure that new URLs for ‘Managing research data and primary materials’ webpages are updated and include the new Research Data Management and Primary Materials Checklist.
  • Attend: Technology Taster – Introduction to Zoom, ARDC Data Repositories CoP, Accreditation of Data Service Providers (ONDC), and Preparing for Canvas staff forum.

Congratulations and thank you for reading this report (right down to the end). If you would like any further information or have burning questions on the above, please contact Stephanie or the relevant Service Manager:  Katya (Copyright), Paula (Scholarly Communications), Tanya (Publication Metrics), Lyndelle (Information Research Skills) and Philippa (Research Data Management). 



Library Leadership Team Reports Copyright © by QUT Library. All Rights Reserved.

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