July 2022

24/7 Access Trial

  • Continued to provide library entry data and analysis for the 24/7 access trial at GP and KG. Also regular Library Occupancy Reports – available online – COVID-19 Library Staff Information – Library Reports – Library Occupancy Reports.

Data Insights and Visualisations

  • Library Web & Digital Engagement service statistics – now available. In consultation with Jenny T, created new worksheets for Research by Study Area Guides, Course & Unit Guides statistics. Access in the  Learning and Teaching 2022 spreadsheet.
  • Enquiry Services Semester 1 and fortnightly reports – showing trends in Library enquiry services and HiQ library related enquiries.  Access via  – Library Statistics – Data Insights – Enquiry Services.
  • Continued deeper dive into Faculty level analysis of chat, Helpdesk and appointment, LibGuides, workshop, LL engagement data for Semester 1.
  • Liaison Engagement database – made it easier to add new entries, feedback and Guidelines, in response to LL feedback.
  • CAUL benchmarking data – submitted ULANZ Borrowing Scheme 2021 usage data. Provided feedback to CAUL Analytics Working Group that we don’t find it useful to report the data.

Service Management

  • Business continuity planning – continued working on revised Business Impact Analysis, in consultation with Nicole and Sarah, and also FM.
  • InSync survey (5-18 Sept) – finalised questions with Nicole and Sarah, discussed communication and marketing strategies.

Professional Contribution and External Engagement

  • Pressbooks data visualisation meeting with Emilia Bell (USQ), to learn about their approach and any takeaways. Exploring visualising the data at QUT Library.
  • Participated in onboarding for the Board of the LibPMC International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries.
  • Participated in meeting of the CAUL Analytics Review Working Group. Communicated feedback from Majella (and from the recent benchmarking work) that the annual title statistics are less useful and reliable than the expenditure information. Will be discussed at the next Working Group meeting.
  • Attended the graduation ceremony to receive my Graduate Certificate in Data Analytics (QUT).


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