January 2022


Congratulations to Denise Frost for receiving an out-of-this-world bouquet from a Masters of School Guidance and Counselling student!

“Denise is the Yoda of the QUT Library! Absolutely EVERYTHING was useful, informative and brilliant! Give this woman a pay rise!!!”

From a Masters of School Guidance and Counselling student.

Mask Requirements and Access to Campus

Following Queensland Health’s increased restrictions and recommendations on COVID 19 safe practices as well as advice from the University, the campus as well as KG Library were re-opened as planned to staff and students on Monday 4th January.

Students and staff were required to follow the current Queensland COVID-19 health advice and wear masks at all times when indoors (including in work spaces) and outside (if social distancing is not possible) and also to use the Qld Check-in app. Whilst the campus is open as usual, and therefore (where possible) services are being delivered as usual, staff were given the option to work from home (if possible) is between Monday 4th and Friday 4th February, which is in line with Queensland Health’s advice.

Fire Exit Floor Stairwell Repair Works (Level 2 – 6)

It is wonderful to see that the floors on the fire exit floor stairwell on level 2 – 6 look great and presentable again in the new year after all the minor damages were repaired during the Christmas closure period. See before and after photos below.

Landing between level 3 and level 4






Relocation of Games Collection to Games Lab

All our games collection have now been relocated to the Games Lab, thanks to Teresa Butland and the wonderful CA Team! A new location has been created in Alma and Steve Grasso from LRS has transferred all the games to this location. The information has also been updated on the Library website pages:

• https://www.library.qut.edu.au/about/rooms/#kg
• https://www.library.qut.edu.au/about/rooms/gameslab.jsp
• https://www.library.qut.edu.au/search/getstarted/howtofind/games/
• https://www.library.qut.edu.au/search/borrowing/shelf/kg/

Repositioning of the Periodical Shelves on Level 3

The periodical collection shelves on level 3 have been repositioned to face the balustrade, to make the area more aesthetically pleasing.

Book Displays

A SPECIAL THANK YOU to Alice Steiner for putting together a beautiful selection of books to start the new year!

Well done and thank you to Rosanna Milanesi for taking the initiative of putting together a beautiful selection of books to commemorate Australia Day on 26th January.

Justice Collection Move

The interfiling of the Justice collection into the general collection at KG is now complete! Well done and thank you to both Collection Access teams from both KG and GP Library for doing an amazing job!

While Working From Home …

During the WFH period our L&R Team stay connected via our zoom catch up meetings in the morning and our fortnightly team meeting.

Both Cameron and Mighty Muta are enjoying each other’s companion during the WFH period.

On the Horizon

  • KG Library’s strategic priorities will be developed following LLT strategic planning activities
  • Recruitment of Senior Library Adviser is underway
  • Relocation of older periodicals from KG to GP Store
  • Relocation of Interaction Design and Visual Communication collections from GP to KG Library
  • Exploring a LED neon sign for Games Lab to make the area more vibrant and inviting for our gaming students
  • Exploring design enhancements that can be applied to the Periodical collection shelving on Level 3 to make them more visually appealing
  • Collaborating with Creative Industries Faculty to organise a fashion café and some workshops in the link area between R & E Block during O Week

Congratulations to our new Associate Director Library!

Following an external recruitment process, Sarah Howard has been appointed to the role of Associate Director Library. A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to you Sarah! We are so happy and proud of you!


Library Leadership Team Reports Copyright © by QUT Library. All Rights Reserved.

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