January 2022

I am extremely appreciative and honoured to step into the role of Associate Director, Library. The past 12 months have been one of the highlights of my career, and I am thoroughly looking forward to the next five years. I reflect back 20+years ago, working on the QUT Library Loans desk at KG, and remember how much I enjoyed being a member of the QUT Library Team. I still have these strong feelings today.

I am so grateful to all my colleagues who are working either on or off campus. We are clearly a super strong QUT Library Team who are constantly beating the challenges that come our way. We look out for each other and maintain our passion to support the students and staff of the QUT community. As many of us pack up our home offices and return to campus early next month, our Team will undoubtedly become stronger.

I am very much looking forward to packing up my home office (located at our dining table) and coming back to campus. Spending extra time with the boys, D’Arcy (20) and Elliott (17), has been great, but they just eat so much…and I have been keeping up with them. 😉



Learning and Teaching

There will be many exciting opportunities in Learning & Teaching in 2022. Some include:

  • Growing the QUT Library Learning & Teaching Group
  • QUT You
  • LMS+ Project
  • Academic Integrity Review outcomes
  • Information Literacy Framework Review
    • With many thanks to the Working Group, and particularly Stephanie J, Emma, Peter and Gabrielle.
  • Digital Literacy Framework leadership opportunities
  • Faculty of Health Digital Capabilities Program Pilot
    • Planning has continued throughout this month and is on track for semester one. Many thanks to Rosie B and Cameron R for joining me on this project.
  • OERs
    • Pressbooks
      • QUT has renewed our subscription for 2022.
    • CAUL OER Collective
      • Exciting opportunities for QUT Library, with partnerships and resource sharing.
      • Katya, Catherine H and I will be part of the Collective in 2022.
    • CAUL OER Professional Development Program
      • Planning has continued throughout this month, and I meet with my CAUL colleagues every Friday.
    • CAUL Conference
      • Save the date – Tuesday, 13 September 2022 (10am- 3pm).
  • CAUL Digital Dexterity Network
    • With the postponement of VALA, my colleagues and I will need to refresh our video presentation for later in the year.
  • Extended Reality (XR) growth
    • The new XR space in Z Block is getting better each week. More details coming soon!

Information Access

To say that Cathy, Jai and Kurt have been working hard is an understatement. This small yet dynamic Team are smashing their goals in the first month of the year and helping QUT Library to provide outstanding information access. This month the IA Team are setting up our new authentication system OpenAthens, and our new Document Delivery system (Alma Resource Sharing), have set up single sign on for Pressbooks; and all on top of their everyday busy business as usual. Thank you IA Team!

Three big cheers to Cathy, Kurt and Jai!




Spaces Service

The Spaces service this year is busting at the seams. With many growing partnerships and opportunities such as:

  • 24/7 Access Trial proposal
  • Collaboration with partners (e.g., Foundry, Sustainability, Disabilities, Equity) to host events etc., within library spaces.
  • Tours of Brisbane/Ipswich GLAM spaces to seek new opportunities and ideas.
  • New partnership with Julie McKenzie & Team ensuring library spaces support all students
  • Partner with QUT Art Museum to install art works from their collection within the GP, KG and Law libraries.
  • Partner with the Student Guild to obtain student feedback regarding use of spaces.

Please explore the 2022 Service Vision.

Have you noticed that the QUT Social Media channels are using lots of images of our beautiful library spaces….



Partnerships & Events

This month I met with:

  • DBS Partners – Megan Duffy and Kathryn Innes (along with Nicole)
  • HiQ Comms – Birgitta Elferink
  • HiQ – Leanne Allan
  • Finance Partner – Pauline King (along with Nicole and Majella)
  • HR Partner – Sam Lant (along with Nicole)
  • SSG – Stace Lowe (along with Emma)


Thank you for reading this report. If you want to know more about the above, please contact Sarah anytime.


Now, take a break from reading and try this short crossword below…



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