February 2022


2021 Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence

A BIG CONGRATULATIONS and WELL DONE to Catherine for receiving the 2021 Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence (despite the delay) in the category of Inclusion and Diversity Excellence for her work with the Faculty of Health Cultural Safety and Indigenous Issues School Champions!

The Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence (VCAE) are prestigious awards conferred to individuals and teams in recognition of their exceptional performance over the past twelve months. This is a wonderful accolade, and a recognition of staff’s hard work and impact at QUT.

Catherine is awarded with a certificate, have her name added to the team award details on the University website as well as receiving a monetary prize to the value of $500, being her share of the team award.

2022 QUT Library Workshops

A BIG THANK YOU and well done to Danielle and Zach for taking part in preparing and organising the 2022 QUT Library workshops and also to the KG LA Team for teaching the “sold out” sessions that began on the first week of February.

Music Collection Deselection

A special thank you to both Alice for single-handedly deselecting a massive 887 titles from our music collection and our wonderful CA Team for removing these items from the collection and storing them in Level 1 storeroom for our next Indigenous Literacy Foundation book sale.

Deselection of Curriculum Collection

A massive thank you to Helen B and Jenny for completing deselection of the Fiction section of our Curriculum Collection! It has been some years since this was done. It took them three months (from mid November until mid February) to complete the work.

Doing the deselection themselves have given them latitude to decide on the collection that are too good not to be given a second chance! Some of the early childhood materials withdrawn that are still in good condition have been put aside for donations to the local kindergartens.

Research Skills Video

Well done and a HUGE THANK YOU to Alice and Danielle for working with Lesley Irvine of the School of Communication to design and create a research skills video that will help students with assignment work for all of the major first year units! Danielle did a beautiful job of both the narration and postproduction, and the video has been gratefully received by unit coordinators.  Listen for yourself to Danielle’s “golden voice”!

Pilot to Embed Digital Capabilities in the Faculty of Health

Thank you to Rosie and Cameron for working with Sarah to support a pilot to embed digital capabilities in the Faculty of Health! The pilot is being led by the Faculty of Health Associate Director Teaching & Learning, Laura Gregory, and also includes partners from SSG and LTU.

Alma Resource Sharing Went Live

The Alma Resource Sharing “Lending” system which processes the Inter Library loan and copy requests went live on Monday 21st February. A MASSIVE THANK YOU goes to Narelle and Cameron from GP for all their work with getting the “Lending” processes worked out (including writing procedures and training staff).  An extra huge thanks also goes to Cathy and Narelle for tirelessly working for many months to make sure that the transition from VDX to Alma Resource Sharing went as smooth as possible – it has been an enormous piece of work!

Library Lovers’ Day 2022

It is a day to remember that our libraries are a place where we can get lost in an idea we are following, find an adventure we are seeking in a book, discover more about an issue we feel passionate about or get help from someone about something we want to know. These are all the reasons (and more) to celebrate the valuable roles libraries play in our lives and to re-engage with our libraries and ‘show the love’.

We celebrated this special day by displaying a beautiful and vibrant Library Lovers’ Day decorations at our book display area on Level 3 and promoting it through Twitter. Thank you for the beautiful books collection Alice!

Photo Taking in Curriculum Collection

It is nice to know that our beautiful Curriculum Collection area is well acknowledged and appreciated by our colleagues from other parts of QUT. An example of this is when QUT Marketing and Communication specifically requested this space to do some photo shoots of three students on Thursday 17th February.

COVID Safe Practices

Display Adaptors for Screen Sharing

Based on the input received from our HSE partners about maintaining physical distance at face to face appointments, we have recently purchased some display adaptors to enable students to connect their laptop to the large screen monitors. These adaptors are included in the LA’s appointment basket that our LA team carry to their appointments.

Hand Sanitisers

As part of our preparation for Semester 1, we have requested Cleaning Services Team to ensure that all hand sanitiser dispensers that are located throughout our building are checked, refilled and maintained daily.

Optus Upgrade Works

Optus has been upgrading the telecommunications equipment on KG R Block roof for 5G operation. The works are expected to be completed by Tuesday 8th March. During this time, a Traffic Controller is present to direct pedestrians during overhead works to open and close the exclusion zones as required. The ping pong table is closed until the upgrade work is completed. This information is included in the library website.

Extreme Weather Arrangements

Due to extreme weather event impacting south-east Queensland, all QUT campuses and facilities were closed from Monday 28th February until Friday 4th March. Staff were requested to work from home from Tuesday 1st March until Friday 4th March.

Sadly, some parts of KG Library building were affected by the heavy rain falls during this time as shown on these photos.

Our special thank you to both Marcel and Rosanna who helped Caroline in dealing with all the leaks over the weekend and to Cameron MacLeod for helping Teresa to empty the water filled buckets during the week while visiting KG to borrow some equipment. Such a fantastic teamwork that we have across our teams and libraries!!!

During this time, our team stayed connected through our catch up meetings.

February Birthday!

Our team gave Caroline a surprise birthday morning tea during our KG L&R Team meeting on the second week of February, which she truly enjoyed and appreciated! The foods are all well hidden in this photo 🙂

On the Horizon

  • 24/7 access is currently undergoing the final approval process
  • Recruitments are underway for both Senior Library Adviser and Manager, Library Service positions at KG
  • Justice School has been invited to have an informal morning tea at KG Library to welcome them to KG
  • Relocation of older periodicals from KG to GP Store
  • Relocation of Interaction Design and Visual Communication collections from GP to KG Library
  • Exploring a LED neon sign for Games Lab to make the area more vibrant and inviting for our gaming students

On a Lighter Side While Working From Home…

Mickey, Alice’s mighty co-worker was in a far happier mood once the rains and storms have passed. See below his before and after mood.

Meanwhile, Cameron’s hardworking co-worker Muta has decided to go on “power save” mode on his “power charging station”.


Library Leadership Team Reports Copyright © by QUT Library. All Rights Reserved.

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