February 2022

Wow! Now that was a month! So much happening for QUT Library.

Emma Nelms and I met with the Deputy Chancellor, Peter Howes. We toured the Gardens Point and Law Libraries, and then explored the library website and resources. We are plan to met Peter again to continue assisting him with his research.

QUT Library Insync Survey is coming! Joanna and I are organising the set up of this survey. We have recently received approval from QUT Evaluations to launch the survey on Monday, 5 September and run it until Sunday, 18 September.

The Library Leadership Team are working on our 2022 strategic plans and goals. More details coming soon…

Collaborating with Sarah-Jayne McCreath, our HiQ Comms Partner, and the Library Social Media Team, the 2022 QUT Library Communication Plan has been finalised. Already we have seen the wonderful Love Data Week and Copyright Matter campaigns.

An extra special thank you to Tanya Harden and Cameron Rutter for urgently assisting the Dean of the Faculty of Health with research data!

Learning and Teaching

  • QUT Library L&T Group Meeting #1 2022
    • 2022 priorities identified:
      • QUT You
      • Academic Integrity Review
      • Information Literacy Framework
      • Digital Literacy Framework
      • OERs
      • L&T Library promotion
    • Orientation and Library Workshops
      • Semester One library workshops commenced online. With many thanks to Emma Nelms and the wonderful Working Group who have planned, trained and scheduled the workshops, we are off to a terrific start, as most workshops are full or have healthy attendance. 
    • AusAward Program
      • Janet Baker and Emma Nelms provided a wonderful overview of the AusAward program. The program is now led by SSG, however, Emma and Janet are our AusAward Liaison Librarians who lead the planning of library workshops. Tom Mullins has provided a F2F AusAward workshop this year. 
    • LMS+ Project
      • Sarah attended the Canvas demonstration, led by the QUT LMS+ project team late last year. With access to Canvas through CAUL, Sarah provided a very, very brief overview of the platform.  
    • Submissions open on draft copyright legislation
      • Katya provided the Group with an overview of the key draft copyright legislation. The long awaited Copyright Access Reforms will need to be passed in Parliament, with concern that the election will hinder progress.  
    • Kate Harbison submitted a CiteWrite article for the LTU Newsletter. The article was picked up by Faulty newsletters.
  • Faculty of Health Digital Capabilities Program Pilot
    • Fortnightly meetings with the program pilot group continue.
    • Rosie Glynn suggested we explore the JISC Discovery Tool. A self assessment tool that assists students and staff understand their strengths and opportunities.
      • We met with the University of Wollongong Library to learn how they are using this JISC tool.
      • ADL&T, Laura Gregory, and Sarah presented the tool to Kevin Ashford-Rowe, Jude Smith and Abby Cathcart, to seek support and wider integration across the university. It was very well received.
    • Rosie and Sarah are continuing to work on the Heath Digital Capabilities Pressbook, that will be used within the pilot.
  • LMS+ Business Reference Group
    • Sarah has joined this Group and will represent QUT Library.
    • To keep up-to-date with the progress of the Learning Management System (LMS+) project, please bookmark and/or follow the LMS+ SharePoint website and explore the information provided.

Information Access

The Information Access Team continued to kick major goals this month. Working with the Document Delivery and Collection Access Teams, Alma Resource Sharing lending went live. A great deal of work was involved to make this happen – with many, many thanks to the three fantastic Teams.

Progress with OpenAthens continues to grow. Librarians are updating LibGuides and library resources. Partners, such as QUTeX, QUT Online and LTU, have been contacted and supported.

As semester one commences, the IA Team will no doubt be in demand again by the QUT community.

Spaces Service

It has been a big month of planning, preparing, and partnerships for our 24/7 access proposal. We now wait to see if we have approval for the semester one trial.


QUT Library has embedded ourselves in many of the CAUL initiatives. I am fortunate to be a part of –

  • Digital Dexterity Champion Network
    • We held our DigiDex Community of Practice Planning Day this month.
    • I continue to be a part of the DigiDex Resource Sharing Group
      • Learning about the program Tango and sharing this amazing tool with colleagues at an All Staff meeting.
  • OER Professional Development Program
    • Meeting weekly, we are progressing to finalise a draft of the program outline.
  • OER Collective
    • I was invited to join the Governance Group
    • Katya Henry, Catherine Haden and I are keeping up-to-date with the OER Collective initiatives.
  • OER Conference
    • I am putting together the Brisbane workshop, planned for 13 September. More details coming soon…


This month I met with –

  • Publishing Librarians Group
  • Julie McKenzie
  • QUT Art Museum
  • Rebecca Pritchard, Director Campus Services and Procurement
  • Extended Reality (XR) Community of Practice
  • Associate Dean of Learning & Teaching, Karen Whelan
  • Pauline King, Finance Partner
  • Nicole Johnston, Edith Cowan Uni – research interview – The impact and management of mis/disinformation at University Libraries in Australia
  • Elisa Lee, Unstacked
  • Sam Lant, HR Partner
  • Trish Maynard and Samantha Harrington-McFeeter, CDS
  • Megan Pozzi – SSG Partner
  • Berni Cooper – Health and Wellbeing Strategy draft review


This month I attended –

  • Bold Minds
  • Studiosity Launch
  • Jessica Thiel – “Open Publishing and Value of Access” – Confirmation Seminar
  • Discovering More About CAUL

2022 Library Triumphs Padlet

Use the Padlet to share our Triumphs this year!

Thank you for reading this report. If you want to know more about the above, please contact Sarah anytime.


Library Leadership Team Reports Copyright © by QUT Library. All Rights Reserved.

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