August 2022

24/7 Access Trial

  • Continued to provide library entry data and analysis for the 24/7 access trial at GP and KG. Also regular Library Occupancy Reports – available online – COVID-19 Library Staff Information – Library Reports – Library Occupancy Reports.

Data Insights, Visualisations and UX (User Experience)

  • It’s been a BIG data month.
  • Enquiry Services  regular reports – showing trends in Library enquiry services and HiQ library related enquiries.  Access via  – Library Statistics – Data Insights – Enquiry Services.
  • Continued deeper dive into Faculty level analysis of chat, Helpdesk and appointment, LibGuides, workshop, LL engagement data for Semester 1.
  • Met with Jonathan Ackfun (DBS) to discuss the sources and options for reporting HiQ answered Library related enquiries and Library chat data, as changes have occurred to services over time. Subsequent discussion with Bruce, and Bruce will follow up with HiQ regarding the enquiry categories that are being used – aiming to streamline and align our categories.
  • Met with Michael Wallace to discuss visualisation options for the Liaison Engagement data.
  • Fieldwork student Kia Owens worked on a mini project exploring the Liaison Engagement data for the Science LL Team, and did an excellent job.
  • Met with Lyndelle and Marvin, to consult regarding HDR Student survey results and Qualtrics.
  • UX activity about students awareness of 24/7 opening with fieldwork students Kia and Wendy, and also with new Library Advisor Nick Morgan. A great result – with 39 responses in 30 mins, and the data being used in Sarah’s 24/7 Report to Robina.
  • Attended the SES (Student Experience Survey)/GOS (Graduate Student outcomes) workshop with Sarah, and subsequent exploration of the new dashboard in Power BI. The new dashboard provides the opportunity, for example, to access data about the 2 library related questions SES questions and to filter by demographics. Stay tuned for some insights about how first and final year students rate us against these questions.

Service Management

  • 3rd Service Managers Community of Practice meeting for the year  – we have a NEW Service Updates section in the SM CoP Notebook – Check out the highlights of what’s been happening in the last quarter for each of the services.
  • Assisted Nicole, Sarah and LLT with the Library Risk Assessment and Strategic priorities.
  • Business continuity planning – continued working on revised Business Impact Analysis, in consultation with LLT
  • InSync/Library Client Survey for students (5-18 Sept) – final promotional and other planning activities with Sarah. Let’s promote the survey at every opportunity and achieve the best response rate yet!

Professional Contribution and External Engagement

  • Attended Board meeting of the LibPMC International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries. I’ve been assigned to the following subgroups: Programming and Community Building. The Community Building one is a new focus for the Board, and relates to both during and after the conference and should be particularly interesting to be involved in.
  • Helped out on the day at the Library Amazing Race – at the puzzle booth – those puzzles didn’t look easy!


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