
August ’22

👀 This Month’s Image…

A dashing pair: Dennis Wickham (with pie) and Addan the camel. By Cynthia O’Gorman (1976) Camels, Mooloolaba, Queensland. “Wonga” was the Bain family beach house at Mooloolaba, Sunshine Coast (out of shot; see in other photos under link). Dennis Wickham took tourists on camel rides, and “Camelot” was the property in Buderim where Dennis kept his camels.

🔦 Highlights

On August 1st, following a gap of two months, LRS was joined by its new Resource Team Leader, Kendall Kousek. Kendall joins us (most recently) from Macquarie University: welcome, and may the onboarding fun begin!

New RTL in LRS

  • MLRS attended two of four Applied Coaching workshops with FIREUP Coaching (organised by QUT’s Performance, Leadership & Capability team, HR); met with her QUT coach for two of five sessions; and met her ALIA mentee from CQU for the first of five sessions
  • Close of two LRS jobs: HEW6 (Resource Coordinator (Readings)), and HEW4 (Library Resource Assistant) – then shortlisting, interviewing, and deciding. Many thanks to the two wonderful colleagues from Strategic Procurement who sat on the panels. Also to Bruce (MLS, KG)
  • MLRS and RTL joined the UL in a meeting with the Student Guild to discuss textbook models and ratios
  • Hosted Ken Beutel (Director, QUT College) for a lightening overview of LRS work tasks
  • Library hosted the Education Portfolio meeting and lunch.

🔎 Issues (from last month and emerging)

  • Juggling staff gaps – end in sight.

⛷️ Major Future Activities

  • Onboarding two new staff, next month
  • Licences, negotiations, talking with vendors… renewal season.

👐 Indigenous Strategy

  • Being progressed by the UL – consultation forum with Indigenous QUT academics planned to discuss the proposed Indigenous Primo View
  • Digital artwork approved for use in the Primo View
  • 4th QULOC Indigenous Strategy Reference Group meeting held: Leslie Acres spoke about UQ Library’s cultural audit of their thesis collection
  • Team purchased books for the Murri School.

Owned Services

📈  Information Resources:

  • RTL working on QUT’s annual insurance submission (print collection figures)
  • CAUL Content Coordinators’ meeting: renewal season focus
  • Meetings with EBSCO, QUT Accounts Payable (Finance), and LRS to iron-out remittance wrinkles and choose a new subscriptions renewal process
  • Mammoth annual EBSCO renewals process concluded, and submitted: thanks Mary, Susan and Adam!
  • Virtual vendor meetings: ProQuest
  • Funds reallocated within Alma, to accommodate uptake of ordering via Rialto
  • Privacy around user data – on the Library’s and CAUL’s minds.

📷  QUT Digital Collections:

Total number of items in QDC – 6,728

Total number of accesses, August – 29, 567 (QDC new record!)

Date Hits EPrints Doc.s Full. Abs. Users Countries
2022-08 29,567 5,067 2,540 9,722 19,845 8,528 128
Totals 29,567 5,067 2,540 9,722 19,845 8,528 128

August: Specific Collection Use

Collection Use
Alison Jones Technical Production    1,493
Asia Pacific Images 1970s-1990s    5,428
Bain/ O’Gorman   5,734
CRC for Construction Innovation     1,091
Cilento Gift Scripts 162
QUT Alumni Donations   4,781
QUT Conference Proceedings   51
QUT Film Screen & Animation    497
QUT Landscape Architecture


QUT Publications   1,600
QUT Stories    1,397
QUT Visual Arts   147
Queensland Law     2,997
Sugar Industry Collections    1,615
Susan Caulfield-Leclerq Dance Programs 315
  • Great help as always from CA staff at GP and KG, digitising items. Brett (CA GP) continues to work on digitising a beautiful book on Brisbane from 1823 to 1923 lent by Dr Lyndal O’Gorman.  Rosie and Cameron (CA KG) are helping a couple of hours each per week in the QDC area with the scanner, and slides
  • Zach Dominello and Helen McMahon are continuing to assist with metadata and other tasks. One hour per week, usually from their desks
  • Jasmine Smith (Assistant Curator, Galleries and Museums), was very happy with photographs scanned by Adam Hall for a publication re: William Robison: “Images are fantastic, thank you!” (29/8/2022 email)
  • Google Arts and Culture now has 1249 QDC images loaded in the preview area. We continue to work with Google Arts and Culture staff on a launch for World Environment Day, 5th June 2023. Jill working on writing engaging exhibitions/ stories around the images.  The platform is a bit more cumbersome and time consuming than we initially thought re: the layout and getting the items in, however they display very cleanly
  • Jill has been communicating with Kerry Raymond from Wikimedia Australia, re: placing QUT Digital Collection images into Wiki Commons and Wikipedia. Further engagement could be generated globally via this partnership.

📖  QUT Readings:

  • RTL and MLRS attended the Preparing for Canvas staff forum
  • Link checking has been completed for Semester 2 (4 units to follow up)
  • Roster 3 procedure has been updated due to new requirements and further improvement.
  • Not peak time for Roster 1 (incoming digitisation requests) & 2 (AskQUT Readings email inquiries).


QDC – social media engagement

This was huge! Lost Brisbane picked up one of Jack Bain’s glorious summertime images as their new cover photo – Centenary Pool, Gregory Terrace, Spring Hill, 2nd October 1960.

2.3K likes, 532 comments, 226 shares


Toowong Railway Station, Brisbane, Qld., early 1905. By Ernest J. Melville: L’Estrange Collection.

267 Likes, 35 comments, 25 shares


Camouflage net making, Kelvin Grove Drill Hall, QUT (now Z10) – a group of older men, women and children (November 1941). By Isabel Bain.

245 likes, 32 comments, 24 shares


Image of the Loganholme Ferry taken by Jack Bain in December 1929. First established in 1867, a ferry would run across the Logan River at this location until the Loganholme Bridge was opened in 1931.

110 Likes, 7 comments, 28 shares


Aerial view (taken from hot air balloon) of the Brisbane suburb of Clayfield. 1999. By Iraphne R. Childs.

91 likes, 7 comments, 2 shares


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