April 2022

Note: On recreation leave for 2 weeks in April.

24/7 Access Trial

  • Continued to provide library entry data and analysis for the 24/7 access trial at GP and KG. Also regular Library Occupancy Report.

Data and Data Insights

  • Joined LLT as a member, and attended strategic planning meeting.
  • Worked with Helen Davies to identify qualitative and quantitative data sources for reviewing the impact of revisions of the Vancouver referencing style resources.
  • Met with Sarah Howard and Kate Nixon (LTU) for initial discussion on exploring visualising data for Pressbooks usage. Further work to be undertaken.
  • Library Snapshot Working Group (Joanna, Rani, Stephen Booth, Tom Mullins, Jill Rogers) – working to visualise 2021 data

Professional Contribution and External

  • Jen Thomas and I submitted a proposal for a paper for the ARL Library Assessment Conference – “The meaningful measurement of liaison librarian services in an uncertain world”.
  • Member of CAUL Analytics Working Group and subgroup – tested and provided feedback on the new CAUL annual statistics data collection form.
  • Co-facilitation of the March meeting of the CAUL/CONZUL Value and Impact Community of Practice – the theme was value and impact challenges and opportunities in academic libraries.


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