April 2022

Student Guild – QUT Abilities Officer – Anne Kelley

I met with Anne Kelley, the new QUT Abilities Officer (Student Guild) and took her on a tour of the Kelvin Grove Library. Anne is a CI student and loved our spaces, and would like to work with the library to ensure that they are accessible and available to all students. Anne and I have already worked together with Facilities Management, following feedback Anne received from a student regarding the toilet on Level 2 of Kelvin Grove Library, and we will continue to do so.

Learning and Teaching

  • QUT Library Learning & Teaching Group
    • Learning & Teaching Share It Session! An invitation was sent to all library staff interested in commencing an informal chat about all things L&T. It is part of the L&T Group’s Personal Evaluation Strategy (PES). We chatted about teaching online using Zoom and Feedback Fruits, and plan to meet again during the semester breaks.
    • Information Literacy Framework – the Working Group and I met this month to progress our refresh of the framework.
  • Canvas – New QUT Learning Management System (LMS)
    • Kevin Ashford-Rowe and Jude Smith met with the Library Leadership Team and provided an overview of the LMS+ Project
    • Jenny Thomas has joined the LMS Student Support Templates Working Group
    • I continue to attend LMS+ Project Business Reference Group meetings, and have had additional meetings with the project team to discuss Canvas enrolment needs.
  • Digital Dexterity Champions
    • I have had the most amazing journey as the QUT Library DigiDex Champ over the past few years. I have learnt so much and met so many wonderful people. It has truly been a very special highlight. It is now time, however, for me to share the DigiDex love here at QUT and pass the baton onto my wonderful colleagues (I can’t be greedy anymore!!). Congratulations to Emma Nelms and Rosie Glynn on becoming our new QUT Library DigiDex Champions. Both Emma and Rosie have led QUT Library in many areas of digital dexterity.  I know that they are going to enjoy the DigiDex Community.
  • QULOC Teaching and Learning Services Working Group
    • I am pleased to advise that Ellen Thompson will be joining Gabrielle Hayes on the QULOC, Teaching and Learning Support Group. I have been in this wonderful group for many years and enjoyed it very much, but it is my time to step away. I am very grateful to Ellen and Gabrielle for representing QUT Library – thank you Ellen and Gabrielle!

Congratulations Helen Davies! Over the past two years QUT Library has attempted to update the Create a Better Online program, a popular QUT Library resource utlised by many libraries and schools throughout Australia and beyond. Due to software constraints and time commitments, barriers delayed progress. Helen Davies was approached to explore the program (particularly as a new user) and recommend changes and updates to the resource. Working with Craig O’Neill and Rosie Glynn, Helen identified the areas that required attention and has led the refresh of this important tool. Helen did this whilst also working on other important projects and her Library Adviser role. With many thanks to Helen, Create a Better Online can again be promoted and used within curriculums.

Information Access

  • The mighty Information Access Team are powering through semester one, and are preparing for the move from Alma Resource Sharing to Rapido.

Spaces Service

  • A 24/7 Access Trial report reviewing our first month was submitted to Nicole, Robina and the Registrar.
  • I provided a Spaces Service update at an April All Staff meeting – the presentation can be found HERE. Please contact me  anytime if you have any questions regarding the Space Service.
  • The KG Library Games Lab featured on the QUT TikTok platform this month.


  • CAUL Conference planning continues. I have regular meetings with the whole conference team and the workshop planning team. See below for conference submission details.
  • CAUL OER Collective Governance Group – as a member of this group, I am working with CAUL colleagues in preparation to receive the OER Collective grant submissions.
  • CAUL OER Professional Development Project Team – we are continuing to meet weekly and plan this resource.

Enabling a Modern Curriculum Conference – Call for Submissions

The CAUL Enabling a Modern Curriculum Conference, which will take place in September 2022 as a hybrid event, has opened for submissions! The Project Team invites you to put forward a submission to be part of the online offering (on 7 and 8 September). It’s an amazing opportunity to share your great work or new initiatives with peers. The call for submission webpage has more detailed information to shape your pitch. It also links through to the submission portal. We also invite you to bookmark the CAUL EMC Conference website and subscribe to the Enabling a Modern Curriculum blog to keep up to date with program and other announcements.


This month I met with –

  • Russell Campbell, Manager, Counselling Services
  • Patsy Yates (Dean, Faculty of Health), Caroline Williams (UQ University Librarian) and Amberyn Thomas (UQ Library, Director of Learning and Research Services)
  • Sam Searle, Head of Digital Library Services, Griffith University Library
  • Trish Maynard and Sam Harrington McFeeter, Managers, Curriculum Design Studio
  • Assoc. Professor Karen Theobald (Nursing) and Sally French
  • Education Portfolio Leaders
  • QULOC Teaching and Learning Working Group (my final meeting)
  • Dave Dennis, Associate Director, Education Product, DBS
  • Leanne Allen, Manager HiQ (Contact Centre)
  • Birgitta Elkerink, Internal Communications Manager, & Sarah-Jayne McCreath, Communications Officer, HiQ Comms
  • Sam Lant, HR Partner
  • Kate Nixon (Next Gen) and Katya Henry, Pressbooks planning
Publishing Librarians Meet Up. Interested? Contact Sarah and she will forward you an invite to the next meeting. Follow the conversations on the MS Teams Publishing Librarians channel! 


I attended the following:

  • School of Justice and Centre for Justice welcome morning tea
  • Bold Minds Presentation
  • QULCOC Career Development Session

Staffing Announcement – Manager, Library Service (Kelvin Grove)

Following a recent external recruitment for the Manager, Library Service (Kelvin Grove) position, I am pleased to share with you all that Bruce Munro will be joining QUT Library from Monday, 30 May.

Bruce comes to us from Southern Cross University Library, and is currently the Library Manager, Client Services. Bruce has extensive leadership and management experience within academic libraries (SCU, University of Sydney Library, & UNSW Library), QULOC and CAUL. Bruce was acting in the Director, Library Services role at SCU during 2020 and 2021, and led the three SCU campus libraries through the challenging times of COVID.

Bruce is very much looking forward to joining us all at QUT, and I know that we will make him feel very welcome.

I would like to thank Caroline Dunk for acting in the role since January 2021, and for leading the KG Learning & Research, Collection Access, & Document Delivery Teams and Enquiry Services. I am extremely appreciative for everything Caroline has done over this period, as she led the Teams and Service through COVID, extreme weather events, and much more. Caroline will remain acting in the role until Friday, 27 May. Please join me in thanking Caroline.

Thank you for reading this report. If you want to know more about the above, please contact Sarah anytime.


Library Leadership Team Reports Copyright © by QUT Library. All Rights Reserved.

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