2023 – Quality and Planning Manager – Monthly Reports


Data insights, strategic planning and reporting

  • Library Entry and Occupancy Reports – 2,382,389 entries 1 Jan – 12 Dec 2023!!!!!!!
  • Library Enquiry Services Reports
  • Andy Priestner UX workshop
  • Visualised CAUL statistical data in Power BI to deliver insights for LLT
  • Visualised Enquiry Services data for sem 1 and 2 2023 to deliver insights for  summer and sem 1 2024 service planning
  • Provided library entry data for Nicole for PCAG submission
  • Met with Sandy Driscoll (Academic Integrity) regarding comms and resources for library staff to answer student questions about academic integrity resources and changes. Further resources and information to come.
  • Met with Sarah, Amy Webster (Disability Services) and staff from Texthelp for an overview of their Read&Write software program that is now available to all QUT students and staff. Texthelp staff member will present at Library All Staff meeting 6 Feb 2024.
  • Met with Aimee Moore (HR) regarding facilitating Library Strategic Planning half day (6 Feb 2024), planning underway with Sarah and Nicole.

Enquiry Services and related – a huge THANK YOU to Danielle, Kate and Jacque for their hard work and support this year. And another THANK YOU to all the Library Advisers, who make such a positive difference to the experience of our students.

  • Working with the SLAs, Michael Wallace and the Law LAs on the Law Library Helpdesk training program for all of our non Law LAs. A big thank you especially to the Law LAs for their wonderful work in creating the resources and helping to deliver the training.
  • Data analysis and planning for service hours for summer semester and preliminary planning for sem 1 2024.
  • Great work by our LAs and SLAs!! Here is some data for 1 Jan-12 Dec 2023:
    • 4,891 chat sessions
    • 2,839 Law Library Helpdesk enquiries
    • 606 Researching and Referencing Appointments
    • 31 Law Librarian Online Appointments
  • Coordinated with Kirsty Mitchell for the delivery of her Responding to Distress training in November for client facing library staff.
  • Worked with Michael Hawks and Eileen Salisbury, and high school engagement staff to deliver Yr 11 IB QACI student sessions
  • Staffed the Library stall at the KG Night Against Procrastination (NAP) with Amika Bird

Professional contribution and professional development

  • CAUL Value and Impact Community of Practice – Continued behind the scenes work with Simon Hart (University of Otago) as guardians of the CoP planning for 2024 and onboarding new members. Also attended CoP meeting.
  • LibPMC (Library Performance Measurement Conference) Board member – planning for the next conference in 2025, and international panel of editors for webinars on Peer reviewing in Feb/Mar 2024 – stay tuned for webinar details
  • Invited to submit LibPMC joint presentation (with Simon Hart and Alison Walbutton from NZ) as an article for a special edition of the Performance Measurement and Metrics journal.


Data insights, strategic planning and reporting

  • Library Occupancy Reports
  • 24/7 data for Sarah for the 24/7 final report
  • Library Entry and Occupancy Reports – 226,215 total entries in September this year!!!!
  • Overview of my role and UX activities with several fieldwork students
  • UX Task Team -. We continue to explore ideas on how we can gather information from our students and staff regarding library spaces – met with Law and GP members of the team to explore ideas for UX activities in those libraries.
  • Attended Library L&T Committee meeting
  • Liaison Librarian induction – overview of my role and enquiry service sand reporting
  • Drafting 2024 Service Vision template

Enquiry Services and related

  • Worked with Eileen Salisbury, Michael Hawks and QUT High School Engagement to arrange a round robin of activities on campus for 150 x Yr 11 QACI students (4000 word extended essay) – a huge thank you to Michael and Eileen!
  • Data analysis and planning for service hours for remainder of semester 2 with SLAs and Michael Wallace.
  • Great work by our LAs and SLAs!! Here is some data for this month:
    • 597 chat sessions
      • Faculty of Health = largest client group recorded
      • Undergraduates – largest client group recorded
      • Most recorded unit code = NSB132
    • 349 Law Library Helpdesk enquiries
      • Faculty of Business and Law
      • Undergraduates – largest client group recorded
      • Most recorded unit code = LSW012
    • 104 AskQUT emails
    • 89 Researching and Referencing Appointments 
      • Faculty of Health = largest client group recorded
      • Undergraduates – largest client group recorded
      • Most recorded unit code = NSB132
      • 66% face-to-face
    • 5 Law Librarian Appointments

Professional contribution and professional development

  • Member of the HiQ Peer Concierge recruitment panel
  • CAUL Value and Impact Community of Practice – Continued behind the scenes work with Simon Hart (University of Otago) as guardians of the CoP including membership refresh. Also attended CoP meeting.
  • Attended the QUT Current Leader series workshop – “Fierce Difficulty Conversations” – worthwhile attending.
  • UNSW Library leadership team visit to QUT – joined in LLT presentations and discussions


Data insights, strategic planning and reporting

  • VC’s Report – worked with Nicole and Sarah on the Library’s submission
  • Education Forum – worked with Nicole and Sarah to prepare the Library’s submission
  • Enquiry Services Reports
  • Library Entry and Occupancy Reports – 323,461 total entries in August this year!!!!
  • QUT Data Literacy Business Reference Group – attended the second meeting
  • UX Task Team -. We continue to explore ideas on how we can gather information from our students and staff regarding library spaces – met with Law and GP members of the team to explore ideas for UX activities in those libraries.
  • Service Managers Community of Practice – round robin of highlights and challenges for our services this year so far.
  • 2023 Integrated Planning Cycle Dashboard – insights

Enquiry Services and related

  • Great work by our LAs and SLAs!! Here is some data for this month:
    • 544 chat sessions
      • 2-3pm busiest hour
      • Faculty of Health = largest client group
      • Most recorded recorded unit code = NSB204
    • 368 Law Library Helpdesk enquiries
      • 88% undergraduates
      • Most recorded unit code = LLH401
      • 93% face-to-face
    • 123 AskQUT emails
    • 86 Researching and Referencing Appointments 
      • 84% Faculty of Health
      • 70% undergraduates
      • Most recorded unit code = NSB203
      • 73% face-to-face
    • 9 Law Librarian Online Appointments
  • I helped staff the Wear it Purple stall at GP Library – really enjoyed being part of the event
  • Met with Michael Wallace regarding the Library Schools Program

Professional contribution and professional development

  • CAUL Value and Impact Community of Practice – Behind the scenes work with Simon Hart (University of Otago) as guardians of the CoP including membership refresh. Also attended CoP meeting.
  • Attended the QUT Current Leader series workshop – Fierce Team and Delegating” – worthwhile attending.
  • Re-contacted by Rachel Harrison (UQ) about the Liaison Engagement database – questions around how we export and mine the data


Data insights, strategic planning and reporting

  • Worked with Nicole and Sarah on aligning Library strategic planning with QUT’s Integrated strategic planning cycle
  • Prepared submission for content for the VC’s Report to Council – with Nicole and Sarah
  • UX Task Team met this month. We continue to explore ideas on how we can gather information from our students and staff regarding library spaces.
  • Provided Sarah with some data as evidence for the Faculty of Health Digital Capabilities Project Team award application.

Enquiry Services

  • Data analysis and insights used to inform our Semester 2 Enquiry Services planning with Bruce, Danielle, Jacque, Kate and Michael W.
  • Joined Danielle in a planning meeting with Lauren Woodlands (QALT) for the Get Uni Ready @ KG.
  • Met with Kirsty Mitchell (Senior Wellbeing Facilitator (Students)) and Sarah regarding the new Responding to Distress training that Kirsty has developed for QUT, in a train the trainer model – Kirsty will run 2 duplicate workshops for Library staff (LAs, LLs, Collection Access and any other interested staff) – 1 Nov and 9 Nov.

Time this month has been dedicated to staff planning and Library Adviser recruitment.

Staffing Welcomes

Please welcome the following library staff when you meet them.

Following the recent recruitment process, I am pleased to announce the following appointments:

  • Meeka Moessner will be rejoining us as Library Adviser in the Health Liaison team, KG (part-time, ongoing). Many of you will know Meeka from her previous roles at QUT. She has worked as a Library Adviser in Faculty Liaison Teams and Library Research support roles, a Peer Adviser and HiQ Adviser.  We welcome Meeka back on Monday 21 August 2023.
  • Amika Bird will be joining us as Library Adviser in the Health Liaison team, KG (full-time, ongoing). Amika joins us from the University of Queensland, where she has been working as the Document Delivery Senior Assistant.  Amika also has previous experience in the Moreton Bay and Rockhampton Regional Council libraries. We welcome Amika commencing Monday 4 September 2023.
  • Zachariah Dominello will be rejoining us as a Library Adviser, in the Engineering Liaison team, GP (part-time, ongoing). Zach has experience in a number of roles at QUT Library including Library Adviser, Liaison Librarian and Resource Assistant, in addition to his experience as an educator in the QUT College. Currently backfilling in the OSC team, Zach will take up the role officially in early November.

 Other staffing updates:

  • David Cohen will be continuing with the GP Library Adviser team (Science Liaison team) on an ongoing basis (25 hours per week)
  • Kristiana Darling will be continuing with the GP Library Adviser team (Engineering Liaison team) on an ongoing basis (16.75 hours per week).

Professional contribution 

  • LibPMC conference – this month, as a Board member I was involved in 2 x  conference session chair/moderator roles; checked presentations against accessibility guidelines; helped plan and facilitate Conference First timers session; and session for Board and Friends of the conference. In addition to co-writing a lightning talk with NZ colleagues
  • CAUL Value and Impact Community of Practice – Behind the scenes work with Simon Hart (University of Otago) as guardians of the CoP including membership refresh. Also attended CoP meeting.


Data insights

  • Strategic planning work with LLT
  • Provided 24/7 Semester 1 entry data for the 24/7 Report
  • Prepared a slide for the Education Portfolio Staff Forum
  • Attended the first meeting of the new QUT Data Literacy Business Reference Group –  the Group aims to contribute advice and support that enables the uplift of data literacy capability amongst QUT staff.
  • Attended Library Spaces UX Task Team meeting
  • 2023 Library Strategic Priorities – M&C have once again done a great job of creating an attractive visual for us. The visual is now available on the Library Strategic Priorities web page

Visual presentation of QUT Library Strategic Priorities 2023. Transcript below. Link is to the same image in PDF.

Enquiry Services

  • The Library Adviser (LA) Forum was held on 20 June –  thank you to all of the Library Advisers for their amazing presentations of the unique things that they do in their roles. A big thank you to the other members of the LA Working Group (Debbie Smith, Kate Thomas, David Cohen, Lara Vanderstaay, Nick Morgan) for all their work to make the Forum a success.
  • Undergoing recruitment for the Library Adviser positions – full-time ongoing LA at GP (and ort first targeted Indigenous Australian position), and part-time ongoing LA at KG.
  • Worked with Jen Thomas at the Library stall for Night Against Procrastination (NAP) @GP, which was great fun and a lovely way to have a chat with and to spruik library services and resources to students.
  • Enquiry Services have been busy – thanks to the SLAs and LAs for all their amazing work!

Professional contribution and other

  • Board member of the LibPMC (Library Performance Measurement Conference, July 2023), including member of the Programme and Community Building sub-groups –  busy time with the conference starting in July. Examples of the work includes planning moderator sessions and docmentation, tech checkups, checking presentations for accessibility, support sessions for presenters. Also co-writing a lightning talk with NZ colleagues for the conference.
  • Attended an update on the CAUL Communities of Practice.
  • Attended Ned Potter Twitter Training session


Data insights

  • The 2022 CAUL statistics  have now been submitted – that’s it for another year! A big thanks to the staff involved in helping collate the statistics, particularly Kendall and her team in LRS (information resources), Paula (institutional repository), everyone that counted the seats, and Collection Access staff that input the borrowing stats. A trend analysis of 2022 vs 2021 data will be tabled at a future LLT meeting.
  • 2022 Library Snapshot – M&C did a great job visualising our ideas for the 2022 data. The Snapshot is now available on the Library Facts and Figures web page. A big thank you to everyone that provided input.

Enquiry Services

  • SLAs and I each presented an overview of Library Enquiry Services to HiQ staff in their weekly meetings. It was a great opportunity to share knowledge about library services and resources to support students, and to also gain insights about student enquiries from HiQ staff.
  • Library Adviser (LA) Forum (20 June) –  Planning continues with the other members of the LA Working Group (Debbie Smith, Kate Thomas, David Cohen, Lara Vanderstaay, Nick Morgan) for a fun, connected half day for all Library Advisers
  • Enquiry Services have been busy – thanks to the SLAs and LAs for all their amazing work!
    Here are some quick stats to show you how busy Library Enquiry Services have been during May:
    • 676 Library chat sessions – Referencing and Searching Assistance were the top 2 enquiry categories
    • 364 Law Library Helpdesk enquiries – Directional and Library Facilities were the top 2 categories
    • 89 Researching and Referencing Appointments – Referencing and Searching Assistance were the top 2 categories
    • 88 AskQUT emails – Borrowing and the Law Library were the top 2 categories


    • Board member of the LibPMC (Library Performance Measurement Conference, July 2023) – work is ramping up e.g. compiling and finalising conference program, helping to facilitate support session for presenters.
    • Attended the Managing Mental Health in the Workplace training session (now called Workplace Supports for Mental Health) – well worth attending. Registration is through StaffConnect.


  • Library Business Continuity Plans (BCP) – Library Enquiry Services Business Continuity Strategies document finalised.
  • UQ Library visit – Student Experience Leadership Team – along with other members of LLT and HiQ managers met with the UQ team to share information about our service models.
  • Flinders Uni visit – along with LLT met with Prashant Pandey and other members of the Flinders Library Leadership Team to share information about our libraries.
  • Attended CAUL Value and Impact Community of Practice meeting, and behind the scenes work
  • LibPMC (Library Performance Measurement Conference, international) – Planning work as a Board member, including the Community Building and Programme subgroups). Also, had a lightning talk proposal accepted – co-writing with Simon Hart (Uni Otago) and Alison Walbutton (Massey Uni)
  • LLT Strategic planning
  • Attended Disability and Accessibility Services awareness training for staff
  • Attended Library L&T Committee meeting

Enquiry Services

  • Library Adviser (LA) Forum (20 June) –  Planning with the other members of the LA Working Group (Debbie Smith, Kate Thomas, David Cohen, Lara Vanderstaay, Nick Morgan) for a fun, connected half day for all Library Advisers
  • Enquiry Services have been busy – thanks to the SLAs and LAs for all their amazing work!
    Here are some quick stats to show you how busy Library Enquiry Services have been during April:
    • 890 Library chat sessions – referencing was the top enquiry category (53%)
    • 422 Law Library Helpdesk enquiries – referencing was also the top category (66%)
    • 122 Researching and Referencing Appointments – referencing was also the top category (66%)
    • 125 AskQUT emails – Borrowing was the top category (43%)


Enquiry Services

  • It’s been a very busy start to semester 1, and I am still learning the ropes as SLA Team Leader, and co-Service Manager with Bruce. Kate T,  Jacque and Danielle have all been incredibly helpful and do a great job wrestling with rosters and managing their LA branch teams. A big shout out to all of the Enquiry Services staff – they have all done an amazing job this semester supporting our students – it has been super busy.
    Here are some quick stats to show you how busy Library Enquiry Services have been between O Week – Week 5:
    • 788 Library chat sessions – Wednesday 29 March was our biggest day with 48 chats!!! 11am-1pm has been the busiest hour for chat. Wednesdays and Thursdays are our busiest days. Referencing was the top category for chats overall, at 32%, followed by Searching assistance (19%). Students from Health were the biggest recorded users of the service. Ugrads was the largest recoded client group.
    • 574 Law Library Helpdesk enquiries -11am-12pm has been the busiest hour for the Law Library Helpdesk.  95% of our Law Library Helpdesk clients are ugrads. Monday 6 March and Tuesday 21 March were the busiest days.
    • 102 Researching and Referencing Appointments – 11am-12pm has also been the busiest hour for Researching and Referencing Appointments.  73% of our appointment clients are ugrads. Thursday 30 March was our busiest day (10 appointments).
    • 163 AskQUT emails – the top category was Borrowing (46%). Tuesday 28 March was the busiest day (13 emails).
    • And the many many workshops that the LAs have conducted to support our students
  • LA Forum (20 June) –  The LA Forum will provide all LAs from across the library the opportunity to get together, make connections, share what they do and have some fun. It will be the first one held since 2019.  A thank you in advance to the LA reps on the LA Working Group, who will help us to plan the event!

Library Occupancy

  • If you thought that Library spaces have seemed packed this semester, then you would be right! There have been 469,666 entries through our libraries so far, O Week – Week 5. That is a huge number!
    • Peak occupancy numbers for Mon-Fri were: 541 @ 12pm (GP)302 @ 12pm (KG) and 104 @ 2pm (Law).
    • Entry numbers and also occupancy numbers have increased across all three libraries compared to the same period last year. The weekly/fortnightly Library Occupancy Reports are available on the  Library SharePoint site – Covid-19 and working remotely site….


  • 2022 Library Snapshot – request submitted to M&C to create the graphic.
  • Be Well program – completed this pilot program at QUT.
  • Board member of the LibPMC (Library Performance Measurement Conference) – reviewing paper/panel/lightning talk proposals, helping to organise writing workshops for accepted authors.


  • Library Business Continuity Plans (BCP) – the QUT required BCP and Business Impact Analysis have been submitted to Risk Services, to provide high level business continuity information in the event of a significant service disruption. Each Service Manager is now working on a business continuity strategies document for their own service, designed for Library internal operational purposes, and will be informed by any learnings from the recent cyber security incident. Many thanks to our Service Managers for their work on theses.
  • Enquiry Services – I have the pleasure of joining the Enquiry Services Team as a co-Service Manager with Bruce, and also supervisor of the SLAs – Jacque, Kate and Danielle. Looking forward to working with such a great team!
  • LibPMC (Library Performance Measurement Conference, international) – I’m a conference board member for the conference that will be held online this year. We have conducted conference submission support sessions and will also be providing conference writing workshops for the successful proposals. I will share any learnings in the Publishing Librarians teams channel













Library Leadership Team Reports Copyright © by QUT Library. All Rights Reserved.

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