
2023 – Library Resource Services – Monthly Reports


QDC gem of the month:

Left: Bain, Jack (1956)   Christmas morning at the Mooloolaba beach house. The couple at the back of the photo are Dr Lyndal O’Gorman’s parents, newly married. The older lady on the left is Lyndal’s grandma, Isabel.  The beachhouse “Wonga” (one of the very few single dwellings), is still standing and family owned.


🌻 LRS fun stuff:




Left: LRS’ End of Year celebration at Victoria Park, with Secret Santa’s elves distributing gifts to the good girls and boys back in the tea room (for those still around)




  • Library’s Reward & Recognition event held: congratulations to Steve Grasso for achieving 25 years!
  • Majella attended an online Advanced Strategic Planning workshop (4 hours) – worthwhile
  • Kendall completed her Applied Coaching course

🌻 Information Resources service:

  • R-e-n-e-w-a-l-s-! Vendor meetings to negotiate law products, and Nearmap; war-room meetings to discuss approach around high increases on other key products (eg ClinicalKey for Nursing). LRA to be spent by the end of the year: no pressure!
  • IR Lead Community of Practice meeting held, which precedes each IRC meeting. EOI call for next Secretary of IRC (2 year tenure). Greg Steele to continue for a second term (thanks Greg!)
  • IRC meeting #4 (Dec 15), key outcomes:
    • Kendall tabled costs for etextbooks, 2021-2023 – shows number of titles increasing, rather than cost per title. Many moving to subscription models. Health titles represent the biggest spend, by far.
    • IRC Terms of Reference, and IRC Procedures documents discussed and updated
    • Edits to the Collection Development Manual (CDM) endorsed
    • Ellen takes on KG voting rights, from Catherine (thanks to both!)
  • Maryann’s ongoing review of product licences continues. QUT Records Management Service has been advising regarding retention and storage (see the slides from her impressive presentation on 14/12, here)
  • Touchbase with KG CIESJ around borrowable journals pilot for Semester 1 at KG (selected CI titles)

🌻 Indigenous Strategy:

  • Online launch of the First Nations Collection Description Guidelines for the Library Sector (an AIATSIS, ALIA, CAVAL, CAUL, NASLA collaboration) – and coining of ‘#molepeople’ (cataloguers)
  • Indigenous Strategy Forum debrief – Nicole, Catherine and Majella reflected on the late September session held at UQ, and learnings
  • Text in QDC records reviewed in preparation for Terri Janke’s ICIP consultancy with QUT in 2024. Some text modified in line with the new description guidelines (link, above)

🌻 QUT Readings service:

  • Sadly, the team lost Maree Colledge and Connor Emerson, as their contracts could not be renewed due to budget constraints. An afternoon tea was held to thank both valued team members. Connor will also be missed by the QDC service
  • Discussions with Nicole commenced around two projects for 2024
  • Reading lists for S1 and full year 2024 have now been rolled over and digitisations will be rolled over the week starting 11th December.
  • The agenda for 2024’s Talis Insight APAC conference is now available. It will be held at UQ and is free to attend. They are still looking for sessions, though, if you have an idea to discuss.

🌻 QUT Digital Collections (QDC) service:

Jill attended the ALIA Qld Mini Conference day (8th November); then the National Digital Forum in Wellington NZ from the 20th to the 23rd of November.  The latter was funded by PDP funding from the QUT Register and some funds from Wikimedia AU and Jill herself. With this Forum running for 20 years, it was very interesting to see how collaborative and how far the New Zealand organisations are ahead in terms of digitisation and preservation, as compared with our institutions in Australia.

60 architectural drawings from Alumnus John Carr (1965 Central Technical College) have been donated. They have been photographed and we are waiting on a quotation and invoice for this work. The recent donation has a Gift Management Plan signed by QUT Alumni, QUT Library and the donor (registered in QRecords).

Jill worked extra hours on Fridays for 5 weeks, to expend the last of the Wikimedia AU grant.

For QDC statistics, please scroll to end of this page.



QDC gem of the month:


Left: Dreaming of the holidays? How it used to be done: the accommodation at Bilborough’s lookout, Springbrook National Park, Qld. April (Easter) 1933. Bain/O’Gorman collection.

🌻 LRS fun/ ‘other’ stuff:

  • King’s birthday holiday
  • Fieldwork student Korina Paule (TAFE) began her four-day placement in LRS, having completed the first week with Narelle in Document Delivery. A model team-member – both LRS and DocDel would have her back in a flash. At her wrap-up chat with Majella, Korina said she was so glad she specified our two teams, as they fit perfectly with her aspirations. Our thanks go to KG’s Placement Champion Ellen for your support with our first hosting using the enhanced guidelines



Left: Kendall, Jingyue and Majella attended Andy Priestner‘s two day UX Workshop, at GP. So inspiring. The students who were approached for feedback on each team’s rapid prototypes were engaged, and were pleased to be asked for their opinion

  • Majella took leave, mainly from 9th-17th, plus a couple of single days – not the best timing, during peak renewal season… However, the team is a well-oiled machine, and powered ahead marvellously.

🌻 Information Resources service:

  • It’s subscription renewal season… AU$17.8M to spend (81% on subscriptions; 17% on one-off purchases; 2% on vendor services). By the end of October, 35% of our 2023/2024 invoices had been paid (calculated as ‘cash’ or payment to the biller within 30 days (usually)). Using QUT Finance’s accrual / subscription prepayment methodology, the LRA was 65% expended by the end of September (October % TBC). Accrual methodology evens-out expenditure on QUT’s books across 12 months: see quick definition here
  • IRC meeting #3 (moved from September) – highlights:
    • 25 one-off purchase bids discussed and endorsed, plus two (or three) small subscriptions
    • Chris guested, to explain the accrual accounting model applied by QUT Finance to library subscriptions (vs the ‘cash’ methodology recorded by Alma) – it’s all about timing. See here for a brief explanation
    • The 2019-2022 eBook Usage Trends Report (now based on Alma Analytics’ SUSHI harvesting of COUNTER 5 statistics), tabled
  • Vendor meetings (most, virtual): EBSCO (re: DDA); Gale Cengage (meet & greet new rep); Nature (OA offer); Lexis Nexis (annual renewal); Wiley Higher Education (textbook division) (their first health ebook package offer)
  • Kendall joined discussions on QUT’s Visitor Registry (re: visitor access to e-resources); and the CI borrowable journals project (pilot to begin, Semester 1, 2024)
  • Kendall attended QULOC Information Resources Group #3 meeting (Majella prepared the institutional report)
  • Joint Library teams’ discussions around Thomson Reuters’ annual renewal; supporting open textbooks in 2024; NEJM billing and offer changes; stakeholder update on the Library Liaison Review

🌻 Indigenous Strategy:

  • Majella (and Catherine Haden) attended the (virtual) QULOC ISRG #5 meeting. In the Yarning Circle, Majella shared an update on LRS’ BAU activities: facilitating the addition of Indigenous flags to the spines of appropriate new books; adding AIATSIS subject headings and AUSTLANG codes to MARC records. Catherine spoke of the launch of the daily Indigenous Research Excellence spotlight, on ePrints

🌻 QUT Readings service:

  • Textbook adoptions for Summer Semester completed
  • Preparing for Summer Semester rollover – the team will review the number of time periods QUT has in the system: number is at the high end of the scale, when benchmarked against other APAC Talis institutions

🌻 QUT Digital Collections (QDC) service:

The launch of six QDC ‘stories’ on Google Arts and Culture platform last month was mentioned by the VC in her weekly email update of October 6th – see also: QUT story and press release ;  QUT Twitter (7, 340 views since 16/10); Google site.

Accepted a donation of approx. 60 architectural drawings from Alumnus John Carr (1965 Central Technical College). Investigating photographic quotation to get these digitised for QDC’s QUT Stories collection.

For QDC statistics, please scroll to end of this page.



QDC gem of the month:





Left: Teaser from the Google Arts and Culture project: photo by LRS’ Adam Hall, 2010, The Jetty at Lord Howe Island

🌻 LRS fun stuff:

  • From vantage points at KG, watching the Growler and Globemaster III rehearse for the Brisbane Festival’s Riverfire spectacular on the 1st of the month – starting September off with a roar!
  • Kendall took a three week holiday, after completing one year as RTL – where did that time go?
  • Majella, along with the rest of LLT, met with UNSW Library’s senior leadership team



Left: R U OK lunch organised by Donna, LRS’ Ambassador



🌻 Information Resources service:

  • Nicole, Majella and Stephanie began contemplating how to respond to a new variation on journals flipping to open access (OA): ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)’s journal portfolio will be fully OA by 2026. This sees subscribing organisations paying for their academics’ Author Publishing Charges (APCs) based on their institution’s past publication history. QUT’s subscribes via a CAUL negotiated deal, which will double our subscription cost for 2024. This uptick will continue over the next three years until the pricing reaches ACM’s cost calculation for QUT. If this new model for OA journals is widely adopted, library budgets will be negatively impacted, as most libraries do not currently cover the cost of APCs
  • CAUL deals are flowing fast and LRS team members are furiously keeping up with renewal summaries to help us best decide on renewals
  • Vendor (virtual) meetings: Bloomsbury, Refinitiv, LinkedIn Learning, Wolters Kluwer (Ovid), OSF (Open Science Framework)
  • Majella attended a fantastic Open Education Network webinar entitled Pioneering Disruptive Change to Create a Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) – showcasing SCU’s ground breaking policy – compulsory OER textbooks for students
  • 2024-2026 budget talks with the Library’s Finance Partner
  • Kendall and Majella hosted an IR induction session for colleagues newly placed in their permanent Liaison Librarian roles – thanks for arranging, Bruce!
  • IRC meeting #3 moved to October due to timing of school holidays

🌻 Indigenous Strategy:

  • Along with Nicole and Catherine Haden, Majella attended the QULOC ISRG (Indigenous Strategy Reference Group) Forum at UQ (St Lucia campus). Thursday afternoon saw a tour of Fryer Library, and a viewing of its Blaktivism ephemera. All day Friday’s program included two powerful yarning circles, the first led by Uncle Norm and his assistant Lindy. We were asked to reflect on our professional and personal reflections on a single image – Captain Cook at Adventure Bay (Tasmania). From UQ’s Director of iTALi, we learned how UQ is Indigenising its curriculum, and how UQ Library is Indigenising its collections. ULs Caroline Williams (UQ) and Nicole spoke ‘in conversation’ about significant moments in their leadership journeys resulting in Indigenous self-awakenings. It was an unforgettable session showcasing the tremendous leadership of UQ Library’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Collections & Services team
  • Majella attended (virtually) RMIT’s fantastic Kummargii Yulendji Symposium

🌻 QUT Readings service:

  • A quiet time for QUT Readings. We continue to receive assistance from Connor and David.

🌻 QUT Digital Collections (QDC) service:




Left: This image was posted to Facebook (Old Brisbane Album) and received a lot of feedback that was useful in establishing an approximate date, and generated other discussion amongst members.

  • Jill and Adam powered towards the finish line to launch the six QDC ‘stories’ on Google Arts and Culture platform. Launch of Google Arts and Culture partnership with QUT Digital Collections – 21st Sept 2023 – see: QUT story and press release ; and Google site
  • Jill (as National Convenor) held the second ALIA Digitisation and Preservation webinar on engagement on 13th September. Four speakers from three organisations: Trove (NLA), Wikimedia Australia (we got a great mention re our Wikimedia AU project) and Biodiversity and Heritage Library Australia
  • Jill attended a Digital Preservation Day at Qld State Archives on 14th September hosted by Digital Preservation Coalition
  • The recording of the Library and Health Engagement’s Pride Week In Conversation author event with Ellen van Neerven and Troy-Anthony Baylis was added to QDC’s #QUTYARNS collection

For QDC statistics, please scroll to end of this page.



QDC gem of the month:


Left: Ekka! L’Estrange, Robert Augustus Henry (1903) Harrison’s jams and jellies display – First Order of Merit Prize at the National Agricultural & Industrial Association of Queensland 28th Annual Show 1903




🌻 LRS “stuff”



Left: LRS’ birthday celebrations and annual winter “Soup and Slice” foodfest



🌻 Information Resources service:

  • QUT hosted the Brisbane ProQuest ebooks Roadshow at KG – many thanks to ⭐Laura⭐ who liaised with ProQuest, and ⭐Mimy⭐, for their sterling organising skills. Could not have had such a successful event without you. ProQuest were very appreciative
  • CAUL Content Coordinators’ monthly meeting: updates on Read & Publish deals (current and in negotiation), as well as updates on the progress of the two Working Parties (Licensing; Law Content)
  • IR Lead Community of Practice meeting #3: focus on IRC meeting #3’s one-off bids process
  • Vendor meetings (virtual): McGraw Hill

🌻 Indigenous Strategy:

🌻 QUT Readings service:

  • Commenced discussions with QUT Procurement about the current 3 year Talis contract, which ends in November this year
  • Nine team members and Readings Working Group members attended three, two-hour, virtual Talis Business Process Review sessions. Followed up with a 35p. report

🌻 QUT Digital Collections service:

  • Submitted the Stage 2 Report to Wikimedia Australia, as per requirements of the $10,000 grant Jill won. Project now completed, having run from May to August, greatly aided by Adam Hall, Helen McMahon and Kate Harbison (plus Prof Kerry Raymond).
    • Stage 1: 68 images already in QUT Digital Collections’ Bain-O’Gorman Collection – Wikimedia Commons, were batch uploaded to Wiki Commons
    • Stage 2:  new scans were uploaded: Thursday Island (46), North Queensland (126), Sunshine Coast – (84), Central Queensland (29), and Asia Pacific Queensland. The project was reported in SLQ’s Queensland Memory eNews and in an article written by James Gaunt (11 August 2023)
  • Met with Annie Rolfe (QUT School of Architecture & Built Environment) regarding hosting materials from her Disability Arts Archive ARC project, as a backup to their Omeka instance, once completed

For QDC statistics, please scroll to end of this page.



QDC gem of the month:

July = semester break, beaches… how were your hols? Above: Bain, Jack (1964) Beach Tour, unknown beach, North Queensland.

🌻 LRS fun stuff:

  • TAFE Qld fieldwork student to be shared by Doc Del and LRS in Sept/Oct

🌻 Information Resources:

  • Progressing a QUT Open Texts Collection in Primo: now live
  • CAUL Content Coordinators’ monthly meeting focused on: ACM journals flip to full OA by 2026; vendors starting to ‘claw back’ annual price increases to make-up for COVID price-freezes (some around 8%); updates on possible new Read & Publish deals for BMJ, IEEE, RSC, ACS…
  • Virtual vendor meetings: Emerald, EBSCO print, Elsevier Health, Ollexi, LinkedIn Learning (joined by Mel from QUT Professional Staff Dev), Gale Cengage
  • Commencement of a DEI (diversity, equity & inclusion) environmental scan overseen by Michael W & Majella, conducted by Tom Mullins

🌻 Indigenous Strategy:

  • Recording of Indigenous Conversation Series: Chris McGregor-Sandy: strengths and stories added to #QUTYARNS
  • Discussions to progress cultural advice pop-ups in Primo

🌻 QUT Readings:

  • For Semester 2, 2023 almost 500 reading lists were checked for required rollover of digitisations.

🌻 QUT Digital Collections:

  • A month of consolidation. Nearly done with Google Arts and Culture which Jill expects to launch in August (no date yet)

  • Completed a Wiki Commons load for the Wikipedia Australia project. On track for completion at the end of August. Grant funding for Kate Harbison and Helen McMahon finishes on 11th Aug. Jill to write the 2nd report. Project has easily met the target numbers of new items with Thursday Island, Nth Qld and next week Central Qld images going into Wiki Commons.

  • Working with QUT Records to register Gift Management Plans in QRecords, and dot/ cross any orphaned copyright ‘i-s’ and ‘t-s’

Many thanks to Ishara for her latest display of fab floral QDC images at GP level 6 (left) 👏🏻👏🏻





For QDC statistics, please scroll to end of this page.



QDC gem of the month:

Above: Nothing new under the sun: Roma Street Station construction works. Designed by Francis Drummond Greville Stanley and built from 1873 to 1875 by John Petrie. Unidentified photographer (ca. 1874)

🌻 LRS fun stuff:

Left: Yoda keeps watch at LRS’ hot desk, awaiting Cathy Slaven’s weekly visit 👋




Right: ‘Interesting items to catalogue’, as found on Steve Grasso’s desk (follows on from June 2021’s ‘dicey’ series – huge dice for the Curriculum Collection) 🎲

Left: Majella (MLRS) completed her 12 months as QUT’s ALIA mentor, to Patricia Hayman at CQU: celebrated by pairs each giving 3 minute Lightning Talks 🎉



Below: Digital Clean-up Day: snaps to LRS, with a special mention of Steve’s 61.2GB contribution! 🏆



🌻 Information Resources:

  • IRC meeting #2 held 15/6; highlights:
    • Annual subscription bids, and associated subscriptions cancellations, endorsed
    • 2022 Online Video Usage Trends Report, and 2022 Database Usage Trends Report, tabled
    • Modifications to the QUT Collection Development Manual (to be included soon)
    • Post-June-reforecast LRA confirmed as $17,821,000. Caution that the September reforecast by QUT Finance is still to come
  • QULOC IR Group meeting #2: informal discussion of each Institutional Report. Of interest, CSU is trialling providing 1st year ‘100’ students with free print textbooks (DVC grant).

🌻 Indigenous Strategy:

  • 🏆 QALT have embedded our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander resources website into the Associate Fellow (Indigenous) program, and noted that they are very grateful to have the tool
  • More tweaks to the Library Search webpage wording, following feedback via Prof Abby Cathcart. This includes elevating the Cultural Advice to the top of the page

🌻 QUT Readings:

  • 🙏 With Bryn, Maree and Jingyue on leave, Greg has been ably assisted by Connor Emerson and David Huynh from Collection Access

🌻 QUT Digital Collections:

  • Cathie Warburton and Emily Grant from ALIA visited the service and to talk about the ALIA Digitisation Preservation Group (Jill is the convenor)
  • James Gaunt (project and communications) from Wikimedia Australia visited to talk about their $10,000 grant and look-in on progress
  • 1st Wikimedia Project report submitted. Those involved either directly or indirectly include:  Majella, Chris (contract and money), Kerry Raymond (external Wikimedia expert), Jill (project overview lead), Kate Harbison (paid 6hrs per week from project money, works with Kerry on loading images into Wiki Commons), Helen McMahon (paid 3 hrs per week from project money, metadata and new B&W scans), Adam (reports, scans and Adobe photoshop work), Zac (photo jpeg finding, metadata). LAs at GP are also involved with adding metadata for some of the images.

For QDC statistics, please scroll to end of this page.



QDC gem of the month: 

Above: Bain, Jack (1965). St Anne’s Anglican Church, Jondaryan, Qld

🌻 LRS fun stuff:

  • MLRS (Majella) was overseas on leave for three weeks. Many thanks to Kendall, who was on partial acting duties
  • Bryn in OSC part of the week (then on leave), so the Readings Team has been joined by Connor Emerson and David Huynh from Collection Access until Bryn returns in July. Welcome!
  • Not so fun: three LRS laptops and an iPad were stolen on the weekend of the 20th-21st. The iPad was later retrieved in Z Block – passcode couldn’t be cracked

🌻 Information Resources:

  • Subscription/ vendor ‘ownership’ was reassigned amongst the Resource Team – please continue to contact ejournals@qut.edu.au with your queries. They will be triaged to the new ‘owner’ as quick as a flash
  • Still awaiting the LRA figure
  • Vendor meetings (virtual): Sage, LinkedIn Learning, Bezi
  • CAUL statistics for 2022 data submitted!
  • Attended ALIA Information Online (virtual)

🌻 Indigenous Strategy:

  • Cross-library project team made more tweaks to the Library Search webpage wording

🌻 QUT Readings:

  • Getting ready for Semester 2 rollovers

🌻 QUT Digital Collections:

For QDC statistics, please scroll to end of this page.



QDC gem of the month:

  ANZAC Square in Brisbane

Above: ANZAC Square, between Ann and Adelaide streets, Brisbane. Opened on Armistice Day 1930. Left: Jan 1955 (by Jack Bain). Right: Nov 2020 (by Paul Budde).

🌻 LRS fun stuff:

  • Kendall and Majella went to one day each of the THETA conference. Majella attended a GP site visit by the Flinders Uni group, who were in town for THETA
  • Majella lunched with UQ Library visiting group, at KG

🌻 Information Resources:

  • Still awaiting the LRA figure
  • Vendor meetings (virtual): LinkedIn Learning; Elsevier; catch-up with OUP at THETA
  • Natalie ran two training sessions for LLs and LAs on ‘Ordering via vendor platforms’

🌻 Indigenous Strategy:

🌻 QUT Readings:

  • Working on backfilling Bryn’s partial secondment to OSC

🌻 QUT Digital Collections:

  • 🎉 🙌🏻 🎉 QDC wins one of four $10,000 grants from Wikimedia Australia! Well done, Jill! Will be working with Kate Harbison and Helen McMahon
  • Visit by esteemed, retired architect Don Watson
  • Possible new image collection donation from Dr Brian Hudson, adjunct professor

For QDC statistics, please scroll to end of this page.



QDC gem of the month:

1920s aircraft

Back to uni! Captain Percival and his plane with joy flight passengers. Bain, Jack (1922)




🌻 LRS fun stuff:

Building works to re-clad the pipes running through ceiling above Steve (D113), through the bathrooms, into the ‘conveyor belt room’ (D110A) were completed in just over a week. Team members from ‘Steve’s area’ relocated to the other LRS wing (D107), were on leave, or worked from home (Peek-a-boo pic by Mary Harlow).

Visit to KG by MLRS’ ALIA mentee, Patricia Hayman, from CQU 👋

In person QUT Ally session: Sex, gender expression, and gender identity: Embracing variability, ending discrimination, and enhancing psychological well-being 🏳️‍🌈

🌻 Information Resources:

  • Inaugural IR Lead Community of Practice meeting held 6/3, in preparation for IRC meeting #1
  • CAUL Procurement Annual Meeting, split over two half days (virtual), 21 & 22/3
  • QULOC IR Community of Practice meeting, held 24/2
  • IRC meeting #1 held 16/3. Highlights:
    • Confirmed the two IR Leads with voting rights (Catherine Haden (KG) and Mathew Fletcher (GP))
    • No division of funds, as LRA not yet known (budget)
    • Report on Rialto spending to date (12 months)
    • Release of the 2023 Purchasing Guidelines
    • How to increase circulation of KG print journals
    • How to ensure Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are reflected across the entire collection, in all formats.

🌻 Indigenous Strategy:

  • Tah dah! Launch of the Library’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island resources facet in Library Search. Follows over 16 months of preparation and consultation. Great work Steve Grasso, Cathy Slaven, Catherine Haden, Kate Harbison, Sandra Fry and Emma Nelms

🌻 QUT Readings:

  • Making sure all is ready for Semester 1
  • Some members of the Readings team met with representatives from the Graduate School of Business to discuss their specific requirements for reading lists.
  • Another Copyright Catch Up session was held with Katya, Rani and the Readings team to discuss copyright updates and issues.
  • Jingyue, Greg and Kendall met with our Talis Support representative to discuss outstanding cases, ongoing issues and our upcoming Business Process Review day.

🌻 QUT Digital Collections:

  • Inaugural webinar of the ALIA Digitisation & Preservation group (Jill is the convenor). Over 200 registered to attend. Speakers were from WA and SA

For QDC statistics, please scroll to end of this page.



QDC gem of the month:


Beachgoers at Kirra Beach, Gold Coast, 1925. Bain/O’Gorman collection.



🌻 LRS fun stuff:

  • Some of the team continued to enjoy their summer holidays (as per photo above!), whilst those on campus got busy with new year ‘hygiene’ tasks whilst we waited for QUT systems to come back online following the 22/12 cyber security incident

🌻 Information Resources service:

  • Vendor meetings started up – we’re sticking with online meetings, so those who are WFH share an inclusive experience (Jan/Feb: SAGE; LinkedIn Learning)
  • Annual CAUL Procurement survey completed (results set the agenda for the 2023 program of work)
  • The two 2023 voting IR Leads on IRC confirmed (one for each campus), and the IR Lead Community of Practice established – first CoP two weeks prior to IRC meeting on 16/3.

🌻 Indigenous Strategy:

  • Indigenous Perspectives Primo View: UL consulting with Joe Sambono – getting closer to launch
  • Project updated a selection of book titles using LCSH ‘Folklore’, to ‘Religion’, to the best of the LRS/ LL project team’s ability at this time
  • Project underway to add at least one AIATSIS Thesaurus term to each title in the Indigenous Perspectives Primo View. Steve has bulk-updated 599 titles.

🌻 QUT Readings service:

  • Busy times: link-checking; textbook adoption for Semester 1
  • Majella and Kendall progressing the idea of a Recreational Reading List for students, following Joanna’s feedback on the 2022 InSync survey
  • Team attended Talis Insight Asia-Pacific, which was held as a webinar over 2 days, with sessions from Technology from Sage (parent company) and Talis Aspire customers.

🌻 QUT Digital Collections service:

• Jan 2023 with 33,955 Accesses (QDC’s best ever figures on 7,012 items) from 107 countries demonstrates the great community engagement that QDC continues to engender. The quality of the images, artefacts and metadata mean the items are discoverable and provide a positive image of QUT in the community whether users find directly or via Facebook or other means.
• The QDC team (Majella, Adam and Jill) would like to thank and acknowledge Ishara (for the GP Level 6 displays), the LAs at KG and GP who have helped with metadata over the summer, and the ongoing support and work done by our colleagues in the CA team. We are really providing some original material of high quality.
• Collection highlight: 100-year book and map so expertly scanned by Brett Rock, that was in the Bain/O’Gorman ‘things’ (donation). Please see this treasure here. The advertisements are great, and the language so different. QDC has the only digitised copy in Australia. Jill has shared with Brisbane City Archives, as they loaned their more complete version for scanning. Important for BCC 200 year celebrations this year and next. Thanks to Theresa and Marcel for allowing Adam to scan the map that was subsequently restored and stitched back together.
• Jill has been working with ALIA staff to get the ALIA Digitisation Preservation Group established over the last couple of months. Our first webinar is 8th March noon Qld time: ALIA Digitisation and Preservation: Collaboration.

For QDC statistics, see Appendices, below.



QDC collection use

Collection Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
#QUT YARNS 15 17 29 15 50 82 86 223 127 128 91 19
Alison Jones Technical Production    83 238 563 232 230 291 363 310 568 634 369 517
Asia Pacific Images 1970s-1990s    9,112 3,625 4,784 3,235 3,390 3,841 5,338 7,061 6,389 7,868 6,654 6,074
Bain/ O’Gorman   2,946 4,267 4,673 3,645 4,647 6,951 5,753 6,161 8,080 9,962 6,819 7,360
CRC for Construction Innovation     473 214 905 230 153 151 316 119 1,546 930 283 246
QUT Alumni Donations   2,611 2,567 3,610 1,988 2,417 2,935 2,114 2,842 4,734 5,252 3,851 3,926
QUT Conference Proceedings   53 34 787 22 22 59 45 338 48 44 19 15
QUT Film Screen & Animation    58 113 153 86 143 195 419 154 415 373 201 141
QUT Landscape Architecture    462 234 787 620 609 548 203 338 713 577 392 291
QUT Publications   682 1,031 949 790 961 928 1,388 1,023 1,875 1,220 1,014 969
QUT Stories    1,560 995 1,686 1,242 2,157 2,057 1,036 952 1,728 1,696 1,505 833
QUT Visual Arts   17 48 127 53 54 23 74 36 164 119 79 47
Queensland Law     4,308 2,515 2,603 1,148 2,253 1,144 1,953 2,111 5,509 3,090 1,708 1,077
Sugar Industry Collections    6,215 881 1,249 853 2,228 3,402 4,411 6,576 7,732 4,070 4,669 3,948
Susan Caulfield-Leclerq Dance Programs 270 139 229 105 120 118 195 195 396 288 162 149

December 2023 – 27,475 Accesses (7, 505 records – some have multiple items attached)

Date Hits EPrints Doc.s Full. Abs. Users Countries
2023-12 27,475 4,179 2,530 12,434 15,041 11,030 131

November – 30,070 Accesses (7,488 records – some have multiple items attached)

Date Hits EPrints Doc.s Full. Abs. Users Countries
2023-11 30,070 4,102 2,989 15,281 14,789 13,314 145

October – 39,475 Accesses (7,460 records – some have multiple items attached)

Date Hits EPrints Doc.s Full. Abs. Users Countries
2023-10 39,475 5,927 2,905 14,488 24,987 20,901 155

September – 43,353 Accesses – new record! (7,414 items)

Date Hits EPrints Doc.s Full. Abs. Users Countries
2023-09 43,353 6,119 2,756 15,597 27,756 11,267 147

August – 30,198 Accesses (7, 410 items)

Date Hits EPrints Doc.s Full. Abs. Users Countries
2023-08 30,198 3,242 2,707 16,953 13,245 9,878 140

July – 27, 675 Accesses (7, 392 items)

Date Hits EPrints Doc.s Full. Abs. Users Countries
2023-07 27,675 4,225 4,122 14,852 12,823 8,314 127

June – 23,900 Accesses (7,254 items)

Date Hits EPrints Doc.s Full. Abs. Users Countries
2023-06 23,790 3,719 2,455 11,174 12,616 8,523 127

May – 22,526 Accesses (7,155 items)

Date Hits EPrints Doc.s Full. Abs. Users Countries
2023-05 22,526 2,724 2,559 11,234 11,292 8,836 139

April – 16,124 QDC Accesses (7,120 items)

Date Hits EPrints Doc.s Full. Abs. Users Countries
2023-04 16,124 2,737 2,343 8,075 8,049 7,841 125

March – 28,575 QDC Accesses (7,041 items)

Date Hits EPrints Doc.s Full. Abs. Users Countries
2023-03 28,575 4,869 2,834 9,776 18,799 9,732 137

February – 20,842 QDC Accesses (7,010 items)

Date Hits EPrints Doc.s Full. Abs. Users Countries
2023-02 20,842 4,036 2,443 8,134 12,708 8,349 125

January – 33,955 QDC Accesses

Date Hits EPrints Doc.s Full. Abs. Users Countries
2023-01 33,955 4,359 2,498 8,709 25,246 11,131 107



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