2023 – Kelvin Grove Library – Monthly Reports
Library displays were created for summer reading, love library day, welcome to study and the Curriculum Collection.
CIESJ Team Update
- New staff and HDRs were welcomed and inducted.
- Information Literacy resources were added to unit Canvas sites including for the new Design Lab and Fashion Hubs.
- LLs contributed to the reaccreditation processes for the BCom, BFA, BDesign and Honours program development.
- LLs connected with the new learning designer for CI.
- LL met with SSG learning educators to design specific support for Justice cohort.
- LLs attended 2 x Schools of Education meetings.
- LAs assisted the Digital Collections Librarian with metadata creation and image processing.
- LAs have been ordering Curriculum Collection requests from new academics including decodable readers.
- Ed Team held its first meeting for National Simultaneous Storytime
(QUT is a registered event).
Health Team Update
- LA Lara added metadata to the Bain/O’Gorman photographic collection.
- LA Helen provided co-author support for integrative review in School of Nursing.
- A research and referencing workshop was delivered to Browns Plains State High School.
- Catherine has taken on the role of LL for the School of Clinical Sciences. Thanks to the team for working hard to cover the Clinical Sciences LL gap!
- So far, the Health LLs have 55 individual teaching and learning sessions in Semester 1, 2023 across Schools/Courses/Units.
- Cameron has continued to work closely with the PNG AusAward HZ38 cohort – providing a number of sessions for the students currently based on campus.
- Catherine attended 3 QUT You Meetings/Workshops to progress Fake News Unit.
- Peter attended FoH L&T Committee meeting Feb.
- LLs have been providing metrics and consultations to NHMRC Investigator grant applicants.
- Sally has been providing training for Nursing academics for the CKSN database in the use of Clinical Key- Evolve instructor resources.
- Contributions to systematic reviews:
Peter- one paper accepted and another under review,
Sally- one paper accepted.
Collection Access
- The KG CA team welcomed back Cameron Deegan who is backfilling Marth’s position until 10th March.
- KG and GP CA staff placed over 4,000 Indigenous flag stickers and over 600 Torres Strait Islander flag stickers on items in the KG collection.
- Since late November 2022, they have deselected over 5,500 items from the collection for the Health team with another 3,000 items to go and they will then move onto the CIESJ deselection list which contains over 8,000 items. The majority of deselected items are being collected for recycling, but we are continuing to put aside items for donation to the ILF book sale.
Document Delivery Statistics (Jan/Feb)
- Borrowing (QUT Patrons)
Copies: 600
Loans: 50 ‘in progress’ - QUT Scan (digitisation request)- 142 supplied
- Lending (other Libraries)
Copies: 1017
Loans: 99
Our top 3 requesting libraries for copies were:
- Harvard University: 97 requests
- University of Wisconsin: 87 requests
- University of Washington: 65 requests
Our top 3 requesting libraries for loans were:
- Bond university
- Griffith University
- University of Sydney
The Green Impact Program Launch was hosted in the Courtyard as part of the QUT Sustainability priority. This has included the introduction of an Airgarden within this space with a workshop held for people across the university coming together to start growing the first harvest.
CIESJ Team Update
Ellen and Alice have developed the new Canvas community site “QUT Design Hub” which delivers a range of library resources for design students, including library guides, research skills videos, StudySmart and Cite Write. It has also been a pleasure to once again host design and creative practice students in the library. The curriculum collection learning space is a wonderful place for them to explore the nearby print collections.
Stephanie and Sandra had great success in reconnecting with both Schools of Education, now being regular invitees to both School meetings and receiving updates from them. They have also been connecting with key academics to provide resources for initiatives in the Schools, such as resourcing early childhood teaching videos to provide exemplars to students when submitting their Quality Teaching Performance Assessment.
Sandra has also been highlighted writing the editorial for School of Justice undergraduate newsletter.
There was also alot of interest from academic staff in finding impact as a result of the CIESJ Promo sessions.
Health Team Update
Liaison Librarians have had a busy start to the year including for Jan 1 – Mar 27:
- LL Classes = 43 (1761 attendees)
- Consultations = 277 (329 attendees)
There have been many consultations to support grants and promotions and providing Metrics for promotion session for the Faculty.
Systematic review work includes:
- 3 recently accepted reviews
- 16 in process reviews
Of note a piece of work involves providing support to three Faculty working groups progressing through Scoping Reviews about embedding Indigenous Perspectives in their curricula.
Collection Access / Document Delivery
A few statistics for items processed by KG CA staff so far this year:
- 2801 items were returned to KG
- 4051 items were reshelved to the collection – both returned loans and in-house use
- 1512 hold requests were submitted, with 1473 fulfilled
- 110 postal loans were processed
In March 683 requests have been sent via RapidILL & 580 of those request were filled. Average fill time = 14 hours.
In Conversation Series
The Kelvin Grove Library held the 1st In Conversation Event for 2023, Joe Geia – Planting a seed for tomorrow. Held in the Curriculum Collection space the conversation was hosted by Associate Professor Deb Duthie who was joined by Indigenous musician Joe Geia, Gugu Yirrithirr/Kuku Yalanji (Aboriginal) and Kaurareg (Torres Strait Islander). Well attended with around 30 people in person and a similar number online, Joe delighted attendees with some music along with stories from his journey.
Thank you to Mimy Andree and Sandra Fry for all their work and efforts with the running of the session, as well as Marvin Van Prooijen, Zach Dominello, David Huynh and Cameron Deegan for set up and directional assistance on the day.
Site-Specific Dance
Dance students engaged with the library space as part of their unit presentations and discussions. 35 KDB218 Performance in Context 1 students rehearsed and performed site-specific dance projects as part of their learning and assessment over the months of March and April.
Thank you to Alice Steiner for her work with bringing this into the space working with academics Csaba Buday and Matilda Skelhorn.
QUT has been successful in securing one of the 12 CAUL OER Collective DIY Textbook grants for 2023, valued at $4,500.
Catherine Haden has been instrumental in getting the grant application together, and will play an important role working with the authors on the titled OER
Cultural Safety in Health: Professional Practice, Pedagogy, & Research.
Cameron Rutter has recently been published as co-author in the open access journal “Health & Social Care in the Community.” Cameron has been involved in this scoping review since 2020, along with lead author is Professor Danielle Gallegos (School of Exercise & Nutrition Sciences/Director of the Woolworths Centre for Childhood Nutrition Research).
C. Rutter, “Working towards the Active Participation of Underrepresented Populations in Research: A Scoping Review and Thematic Synthesis,” Health & Social Care in the Community, vol. 2023, Article ID 1312525, 26 pages, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1155/2023/1312525.
Collection Access / Document Delivery
Some interesting Collection Access stats for the month
- 1966 items were loaned
- 39 postal loans were processed
- 11 Course Reserve items were loaned
- 1667 items were returned to KG
- 3608 items were reshelved to the collection – both returned loans and in-house use
- 730 hold requests were submitted, with 686 fulfilled
Some DocDel stats for the month
QUT Patrons
- 1,385 copies supplied
- 62 loans supplied
Lending to other libraries
- 495 copies supplied
- 60 loans supplied
1,059 requests went out to Rapid with 973 of these requests were supplied
Scan/digitisation requests
299 requests supplied
National Simultaneous Storytime
On the 24th of May we welcomed into the Curriculum Collection space children from 2 of the local kindergarten’s, to take part in the story time and planned activities. This year the fun event was based on the story of The Speedy Sloth by Rebecca Youth and Heath McKenzie. The CIESJ Education team did a fantastic job in organising the event along with 11 education student volunteers.
Thank you to Stephanie Jacobs, Sandra Fry, Jenny Clouston, Helen Batchelor, Cameron Deegan, David Huynh, and Mimy Andres for all your efforts, preparation, and involvement in the delivery of this year’s event. It was a great success with activities that were highly enjoyable. This was a outstanding demonstration of engaging with the broader QUT community and partnering with the QUT student cohort.
International Nurses Day, 12th of May
To mark this celebratory day Sally French innovated a pleasing book display which highlighted key relevant titles and brought about further connection with this collection. Thank you Sally for your efforts.
CAUL OER Collective Governance Group Meeting
Bruce attended the Governance Group meeting which considered models for the program to continue beyond 2023. These models as still undergoing a revision stage.
LGBTIQA+ Working Party Meeting #2
Bruce attended the 2nd Working Party meeting of the year which looked at assigning members to items as part of the 2023- 2025 Action Plan. Invited guests Pal Fenton, Director Equity and Shereen Metry, Director, Student Services also spoke at the meeting about their roles and aligning the areas with the working party activities.
Collection Access / Document Delivery
Some interesting Collection Access stats for the month
- 2,027 items were loaned
- 2,365 items were returned to KG, 4,311 shelved items
- 730 hold requests were fulfilled
Some DocDel stats for the month
QUT Patrons
- 1,075 copies supplied from other libraries
- 72 loans supplied from other libraries
- 231 scan requests supplied from QUT collection
Lending to other libraries
- 1,012 copies supplied
- 100 loans supplied
MLS Update
Bruce attended the LA Forum along with all Library Advisors across the teams. This was an engaging event filled with the sharing of many successful project and initiatives along with team building and networking.
Bruce attended the first meeting for the QUT Library People and Culture Working Group.
Time this month has been dedicated to staff planning and Liaison Librarian recruitment.
CIESJ Team Update
The CIESJ Liaison Librarians drafted a Library contribution to the review of the Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice. The review response considered the areas of strategy and organisation; learning, teaching and research; international and engagement.
Helen Davies supervised placement student Megan O’Neil during her day with the KG L&R Team.
Janet Baker has rejoined the team fixed term 1 day per week to provide support for AIRS marking during the peak period.
Zach Dominello has been a valuable member of the CIESJ team as Library Advisor and we are pleased to have his continued contribution in Health team in July.
Health Team Update
Sally French returned to her role as Library Adviser supporting CIESJ on 26th June 2023. Sally has made a valuable contribution while backfilling the Liaison Librarian position supporting nursing within the Faculty of Health. She has made substantial improvements with her review and initiatives supporting information literacy, along with her research and collection development assistance. I’m sure you will join me in thanking Sally for all she has done.
Peter Sondergeld attended the Learning and Teaching Award Drafting day.
Marvin Van Prooijen attended the QUT Research Communications which provided a good networking opportunity.
Collection Access / Document Delivery
Some Collection Access stats for the month
- 1,632 items were loaned ( -19% from May)
- 2,421 items were returned to KG ( +2% from May)
- 4,134 shelved items ( -4% from May)
- 499 hold requests were fulfilled ( -31% from May)
Learning Disability Awareness Week Book Display
MLS Update
Bruce acted as Associate Director from 3 July to 7 July. Thank you to Nicole and Sarah for the opportunity. Thank you to Lyndelle Gunton for stepping into the role of MLS for Kelvin Grove for this week.
Bruce was a panelist for the ALIA Career Starter Kit Webinar: Identifying Opportunity. The session for new library professionals discussed foundational and transferable skills, strategies and tips, and other advice for starting out and making a move in the sector.
Bruce also attended the QUT Pride Staff Network Executive team meeting and the LGBTIQA+ Working Party meeting where 2023 events and action plan projects were considered.
In Conversation Event
The Library partnered with QUT Health Events for the Indigenous Conversation Service: Strength and Stories held during NAIDOC Week themed For Our Elders. Guests Chris McGregor and Jake Anderson in conversation with Associate Professor Deb Duthie reflected on the role that elders have played and continue to play in the lives of indigenous peoples, the guidance that they’ve given new generations of aboriginal and Torres Strait islander peoples in communities, and in relation to their business Warrinyah Conservation Services. Held in the Curriculum Collection space the event was well attended with 57 people in person and 35 online participants.
Music Event
The Library organised and hosted the Book Folk music event with performances from Creative Industries academics Ruari Elkington and Chanel Lucas. Held at the E Block Ampitheater it was wonderful to have music in such a space, and just a delight. Many staff and students alike really enjoyed the opportunity to relax, listen and take in the music during Welcome Week. Thank you to Alice Steiner who ensured the smooth planning and running of the session.
CIESJ Team Update
Alice and Ellen attended the Creative Practice Learning and Teaching Working Group meeting.
Alice attended the School of Design Learning and Teaching meeting.
Health Team Update
Marvin made a valuable contribution as judge for the Three Minute Thesis Faculty of Health Final 2023 competition.
Catherine attended the QUT You Workshop: Creating safe cultural spaces for Indigenous Australian students by Professor Chelsea Watego.
Peter attended the ENS Examiners meeting (L&T subcommittee working group), School of Biomedical Science Unit Co-ordinator Professional Development and Connections day, and ran a study tour for visiting nursing students from the National Cheng Kung University, Tawain.
Collection Access / Document Delivery
Resource Sharing Gathering
Cathy, Narelle, Rebecca, and Clinton attended the resource sharing gathering held at Griffith Uni at Southbank. The day was a fantastic networking opportunity with over 70 people attended, either in person or online, from 27 libraries including academic, government, legal, public, health and museum libraries. It was the biggest gathering of Interlibrary staff in Qld in recent history. Ideas and thoughts were shared around some common challenges such as the increased costs of interlibrary lending, reciprocal arrangements, interoperability between systems and how to manage interlibrary requests for e-resources.
Some Collection Access stats for the month
– 2,245 items were loaned
– 2,111 items were returned to KG, 4,026 shelved items
Some DocDel stats for the month
QUT Patrons
– 489 copies supplied from other libraries
– 72 loans supplied from other libraries
Lending to other libraries
– 1,162 copies supplied
– 87 loans supplied
Staffing Welcomes and Thank Yous
We welcomed back Rosie Glynn on the 10th July, rejoining us as Liaison Librarian in the team supporting the School of Nursing and Faculty of Health. Rosie rejoins us following her position as Leaning Designer with the Curriculum Design Studios, QUT.
Congratulations to Helen Davies who has taking on the role as Liaison Librarian supporting the Schools of Teacher Education & Leadership, Early Childhood & Inclusive for the Faculty of CIESJ official from the 17th of July.
Sandra Fry will be officially taking on the role of Liaison Librarian supporting the Schools of Social Justice, Teacher Education & Leadership, Early Childhood & Inclusive for the Faculty of CIESJ. We are pleased to have her in the team on a permanent basis. Sandra has also recently completed a secondment in OSC as Scholarly Communications Librarian, and rejoined the LL CIESJ Team on 25th July following the secondment and a well-deserved break.
Stephanie Jacobs has taken on the role of Liaison Librarian supporting QUT College as well as the Faculty of Health, fixed term from 10 July to 18 November 2023. We thank Stephanie for her valuable contribution to the CIESJ Team since July 2022 supporting education and will be an asset in the team innovating support for QUT College.
We would also like to thank Marvin Van Prooijen for his substantial contributions to the health team. Marvin joined the team in late March 2023 backfilling Cameron Rutter during his secondment to OSC as Scholarly Impact Librarian. For the past 4 months Marvin has attentively supported the School of Public Health and Social Work as well as assisting the team with workloads and fresh ideas.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day
Partnering with the Oodgeroo Unit, the library contributed for the 2nd year in a row to the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day, a day to celebrate their children, to give them confidence and make the feel special and included. This year themed ‘Little Voices, Loud Futures’ we had 34 year 3 & 4 students from the Murri School Visit the GP campus library for a workshop and activities. A big thanks to the team led by Helen Davies, story reading by Sandra Fry, collection support by Helen Batchelor and Jenny Clouston, help on the day from Kate Harbinson, Michael Hawks, Sally Kleine and Kristiana Darling.
Wear It Purple Day
The KG Library contributed to a wonderful day of celebrating Wear It Purple, fostering supportive, safe, empowering, and inclusive environment for rainbow young people. The staff morning tea raised over $35 donated to the cause and ran a stall that was highly engaging to library clients with popcorn and pronoun badges. Thank you to all those that contributed their time for the event.
Bruce also took part in a photo to celebrate the day with Members of the Leadership team and QUT LGBTIQA+ Working Party members.
Collection Access / Document Delivery
The deselection project, which was started in November 2022, was completed at the end of August 2023. Thats to all staff that contributed to this great effort.
The number of items pulled from the shelf and withdrawn from the collection by KG and GP CA staff totalled at 16,727.
Some Collection Access stats for the month
– 2,811 items were loaned (+25% from last month)
– 2,193 items were returned to KG, 4,115 shelved items
Some DocDel stats for the month
QUT Patrons
– 1,276 copies supplied from other libraries
– 67 loans supplied from other libraries
Lending to other libraries
– 1,428 copies supplied (+22% from last month)
– 100 loans supplied
MLS Update
Bruce has taken on Service Management of Web and Digital Engagement, starting to meet with teams including the Web Information Literacy Group, and collaborating with LTU around governance for Canvas Commons.
As part of Pride month Bruce was pleased to see the release of the LGBTIQA+ Action Plan, being part of the drafting process and attending the launch on 21st September- LGBTIQA+ action plan – Staff – QUT Portal
Health Team Update
- The team have taught into 98 classes so far in 2023.
- The team has supported research with delivering 746 individual consultations to date in 2023.
- Tom participated in an RUOK Day event with a constant stream of students that took part in all the activities in the space including badgemaking, collection titles available and the Frog Logs board game.
CIESJ Team Update
- The team led by Ellen hosted CSU placement student Dominic Jones who had a particular interest in collection management.
- Alice assisted CIESJ Associate Dean Prof. Thea Blackler with an impact report.
- Sandra has been busy providing a number of consultations on metrics to researchers for promotions and DECRA submissions with success.
- Helen along with support from Zach facilitated the “Find It Use It” presentation to around 50 year 11 bachelorette students from Cleveland SHS and Calamvale Community College.
Collection Access / Document Delivery
Plans are being made to back shelve the entire collection. This will create room in the collection where it is tight and also create more student space on level 3 where we are planning to reduce the number of shelves and replace the current shelves with the same ones as in the Curriculum Collection area.
Some Collection Access stats for the month
– 2,167 items were loaned
– 2,162 items were returned to KG, 4,016 shelved items
Some DocDel stats for the month
QUT Patrons
– 1,235 copies supplied from other libraries
– 62 loans supplied from other libraries
Lending to other libraries
– 1,405 copies supplied
– 96 loans supplied
MLS Update
Bruce attended the 2 day UX workshop by Andy Priestner along with members of LLT and the UX Working Group. It was enlightening training working through the methodologies from library user research too prototyping an idea, with much future application. Already applying the learnings Ellen and Bruce visited Visual Arts and Fashion tutorials for gathering feedback for the Borrowable Journals project applying UX techniques.
The Cite|Write Review Working Group has commenced, undertaking a literature review and environment survey looking for continuous improvement opportunities with technology and pedagogies. The group will run into early 2024.
Bruce has spent some time organising the space for the building works for the KG Library Sensory Room (R522), a project lead by Disability & Accessibility Services. Works are anticipate to commence following 20th November 2023.
Health Team Update
The Liaison Team have been busy assisting with scoping review and metrics requests.
Meeka and Amika put together a great display for Queensland Mental Health Week.
CIESJ Team Update
The Liaison Team have been busy assisting requests supporting DECRA submissions.
Helen Davies worked with the Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child in setting up activities in the link area between R Block and E Block for Children’s Week.
Collection Access / Document Delivery
The Collection Access Team are currently undertaking a stocktake project of the KG collection.
Some Collection Access stats for the month
– 1,692 items were loaned
– 2,406 items were returned to KG
– 4,211 shelved items
For the month of November while Bruce was acting as Associated Director and MLS for Gardens Point Library, Kelvin Grove was fortunate to have Emma Nelms to be acting as Manager Library Service. Emma successfully led the teams through the end of semester period as well as building projects that commence in November. She also completed significant work in consultation with LTU to create a canvas site structure for the Library Learning & Research teams.
As part of the Borrowable Journals project Ellen and Bruce undertook UX activities involving 2nd and 3rd year Visual Arts and Fashion students. This provided valuable user feedback and direction for the project, which is to be complete for implementation and promotion in Semester 1, 2024.
The KG L&R Team have continued finalising requests received in 2023 including VRES workshops and consultations, and have commenced preparations for 2024 with class requests and H5P module creation to be embedded in Unit Canvas sites.
A back shelving project was undertaking in November at Kelvin Grove which has resulted in evenly distributing the physical collection from levels 3 to 5. This has freed up physical space for further collection development, and the current collection being more browsable with a consistent Dewey run. Thank you to Teresa for organising this project and the Collection Access team for assisting with continue access to the collection throughout the time.
Thank you to Connor Emerson, David Huynh and Gabriel Boylan who have been valuable members of the Collection Access Team as Collection Access Assistants in 2023.
The outside of the Kelvin Grove Library has had much welcomed updates with the removal of metal fences.
Thank you to the KG Team for all your hard work in 2023!!!