March 2022

Image courtesy of Jacque Quinn 2022

Welcome week

GP campus is buzzing again! The following stats (thanks Joanna) show how popular the library was on the first day back on campus (14 March) between 7am and 2pm:

  • GP = 6441 entries
  • KG = 3140 entries
  • Law = 322 entries

GP Library is a very popular building and to see the floors full again is heartening.

24/7 Opening

  • Joanna has been gathering occupancy data for all the libraries during 24/7 opening. Students are definitely using the spaces after hours and entries are creeping up. We will continue to monitor the trial and plan to do some UX activities with students to raise their awareness of the 24/7 offering. So far so good!


  • Progressed the refurbishment of the level 7 bathrooms with Facilities and the architect. Plans have been drawn up with works scheduled to happen over the sem 1 exam break to be completed by semester 1.
  • Jenny T worked with the Facilities and Disability Services teams to scope out the best spots for sit-stand desks on level 2 of GP Library, due to student demand.

Library Adviser team

Thanks to our Tech guru Stephanie, the Library has purchased some adaptors for use in F2F situations such as Appointments. So rather than sharing a small screen, these adaptors will enable most student laptops to connect on to large screen monitors, enabling 1.5m distances to be maintained.

GP LAs are also helping with the Law desk to cover staff shortages. Plus we have also been busy covering an increase in Enquiry Service usage for the start of the semester.

The Generic classes were provided and interest & attendance from students was strong. LAs adapted quickly to a changing schedule due to campus closures and Library physical tours were offered during weeks 1 & 2 as compensation to cancelled face to face classes.

Congrats to Maureen on her Success Champion award, for assisting the Engineering team with some key prep work for semester 1. Thanks Maureen!

Engineering team

Well March was an interesting month … between dealing with flooding and COVID-19 infection, Graham helped to ‘keep the show on the road’ …

Support for Teaching

  • Supporting coursework masters students in Project Management, Engineering and Engineering Management, as well as UGrads in built environment, (1st year foundation knowledge about library services and resources) and with 4th year capstone engineering project advanced scholars.

Research Support

  • Graham advised Dr Tobias Fischer (Robotics) on his application for a science tall poppy award Monday 7th of March.
  • Graham conducted the library orientation to Faculty of Engineering HDR scholars on Friday 11th of March.

Collection Access team

  • The CA team have been terrific, implementing the new opening and closing procedures for 24/7 hours and making suggestions for improvement.
  • Continued with training and getting up to speed with the new Resource Sharing Module
  • Completed stocktake at GP and documented processes and learnings, to be implemented for the Law stocktake happening next
  • Cameron continued to coordinate RAT kit distribution

Web & Digital Engagement Service

  • Appointed the ‘Libguides’ team – Thu Hoang, Katarina Borcherdt, Stephanie Jacobs and Michael Hawks will work together with Jenny and Craig on the ongoing maintenance and stewarding of Researching By Study Area guides and Course and Unit Guides. 
  • Primo citation generator – work with Kate H and the Info Access team on making the message about APA being unavailable, visible in Primo
  • HiQ Study Pages update continues – Jenny T and Gabrielle working with SSG and HiQ on improving the Library content on the HiQ study pages

External Engagement

  • QULOC – first meeting of the Workforce and Organisational Development (WOD) group was held on 18 March. Great roundtable discussion and the next meeting on 17 June will be about fieldwork placements. Jenny T is Convenor of the group and Kate T is our QUT representative.


Library Leadership Team Reports Copyright © by QUT Library. All Rights Reserved.

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