2023 – University Librarian – Monthly Report

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Welcome to 2023 and Happy Lunar New Year of the Rabbit / Cat!

My highlights so far:

  • We had a very productive Library Strategic Planning morning on 1 February with service managers and staff from across the Library. Some fantasic ideas were generated. Library Leadership Team will meet in the coming weeks to finalise the plan. Thanks to everyone who came along and contributed your energy and ideas.
  • I’m involved in the planning for the QULOC University Librarian’s Forum (9 February). Thanks to Michael Hawks, Danielle Laing, Bruce Munro and Stephanie Bradbury who are also involved. Find out more and register here.
  • We are progressing installation of Unstacked for early 2023. We are working with the vendor and colleagues from Student and Staff Communications and special thanks to Majella Pugh, Steve Grasso, Cathy Slaven and her team for their help. Unstacked is an exciting data visualisation “art work” that will help us promote the depth and breadth of our collection. We will look for an opportunity to demonstrate it once it is finalised. Check out the UNSW Unstacked installation too to see how it works.

Coming up: Education Portfolio Forum – hosted by QUT You and Library (Thursday 2 March, 11am-2pm, GP-S1215 OJW Room)


Highlights this month:

  • The Library and QUT You hosted the Education Portfolio Forum and ran a fun trivia / quiz session as part of the day. Many thanks to Michael Hawks for putting together the quiz with colleagues from QUT You and to Sarah for hosting it in my absence. And big thank you to Sami for all the behind the scenes logistics.
  • I attended my first University Research Committee (* march) and University Academic Board (
  • Along with colleagues from the Education Portfolio, Sarah and I met with senior leaders from the Faculties of Business and Law, Engineering and CIESJ to discuss their Learning and Teaching priorities.
  • I was invited to be part of a panel discussion on inclusive leadership for the QUT Women in STEMM Leadership Shadowing Program (15 March)


  • Jennifer Thomas and I met with senior staff (including the President and the University Librarian) of the National Taiwan Normal University and took them on a tour of Gardens Point Library (5 April).
  • Michael Hawks and I organised and attended a special meeting for QULOC University Librarians to share their learnings and experience with ChatGPT and generative AI (11 April).
  • It was wonderful to host another “in conversation” series, this time with acclaimed singer / songer writer Joe Geia speaking with Associate Professor Debbie Duthie. Joe shared stories about his life, his time playing with No Fixed Address, and his experience with meeting and being on stage with national and international acts such as Sting and Wynton Marsalis. He was kind enough to perform a wonderful, inclusive, version of the national anthem, which I understand is being taken up at several primary schools across Australia.
Joe Geia and Associate Professor Debbie Duthie
Joe Geia and Associate Professor Debbie Duthie


I also attended the THETA Conference as well as the CAUL Council meetings during this time.


  • QUT engagement:
    • Brisbane Street Arts Festival (BSAF). I attended the launch of the BSAF (6 May) along with the Vice-Chancellor, the Registrar, and the Executive Dean of Creative Industries. The Library was chosen as the QUT location for one of the artworks created as part of the festival.

    • QUT College / Education Portfolio workshop: Along with Education Portfolio colleagues I presented on Library services to the QUT College (3 May). This was the last of a series of workshops held with Faculty to understand how we can better support their needs.
    • Senior Leadership Forum (18-19 May): Sarah and I attended the Senior Leadership Forum (held at Sanctuary Cove)> Sarah presented on the 24×7 project and there was a lot of interest in our service and approach to partnerships. We also heard from students about their needs, especially around wanting activated and engaging spaces and activities on campus, the current cost-of-living pressures and the need to consider flexible study / training / support options for students trying to juggle many demands on their time.
  • External engagement:
    • National Kaohsiung Normal University (NKNU): Jennifer Thomas and I met with delegates from the NKNU (2 May), including their President and University Librarian and showed them around GP Library. There were many similarities in our services and they were impressed by our spaces and services.
    • Janet Fletcher (University Librarian at Australian Catholic University) met with Bruce and I (4 May) and toured KG Library
    • QULOC University Librarians’ Meeting (12 May): I chaired this meeting. Sarah and other Deputies / Associate Directors attended. One item discussed was the new QULOC model. Most groups will transition to Communities of Practice in the next couple of months and will be open to anyone to attend.
    • CAUL Council Annual General Meeting (25 May): Tracy Creagh received a shout-out for her leadership of the CAUL Libraries and Open Publishing Case Study. Thanks and congratulations, Tracy.
  • Other excellent things:
    • Indigenous Constitutional Recognition – Voice Partnership and Empowerment Panel Discussion (11 May): QUT Chancellor, Anne Sherry, hosted this panel discussion with Elders from the Empowered Communities, speaking about their support for the Voice to Parliament.
    • IDAHOBIT Morning Tea (17 May): thanks to Bruce and the KG L&R team for hosting a great morning tea to celebrate IDAHOBIT.
  • Key Meeting / Committees:
    • University Research Committee (3 May) -I attended and presented on the QUT ePrints and Open Access Annual Report. Thanks to Stephanie, Paula and the OSC for prepping me for the meeting 🙂
    • QUT Disability Action Plan meeting (16 May):  we are helping progress the plan by working towards Low Sensory rooms at both KG and GP libraries. Watch this space or ask Sarah or me for more information.
    • University Academic Board (29 May): some things discussed: reports from Appeals Committee, Student Ombudsman, Curriculum Standards Committee; approval to accredit various courses including Master of Nursing and Graduate Diploma of Nursing, Masters of Engineering Technology / Sustainable Infrastructure / Renewable Energy / Advanced Manufacturing and associated courses. 



I’m writing this report as I leave for two weeks holiday; a road trip up to the Laura Quinkan Aboriginal Dance Festival that will be a little over 3000km round trip. But here, briefly, are some of the things I was working on in June:

  • QULOC: Michael Hawks and I met with all the convenors of the QULOC working groups to discuss the transition to the new QULOC model for groups. Working Groups, on the whole will transition to communities of practice. This will hopefully mean less red tape and more opportunity for involvement. More news to come in late July.
  • Games Night: Along with a small working group (Michael Hawks, Tom Mullins, Stephanie Bradbury) I am progressing a “games night” activity using games that have been created by a former student – Hannah Ford Morgan (Guild Master Games) and donated by the Registrar to the Library. The event is planned for 21 July at Gardens Point Library. Ask one of us for more information if you are interested.
  • Indigenous Literacy Foundation Book Sale: Along with Renae Belton (QUT Art Museum), Jenny Thomas and Cameron MacLeod, I’ve been planning for the ILF Book Sale to be held in Welcome Week (17-19 July) at Old Government House. Thanks to the Collection Access Teams for all their help as well as everyone who has volunteered. Come along and support the event. If you would like to donate books you can bring them to the event on the first Monday of Welcome Week or drop them off to my office.
  • Ground Plane Response: I was asked to contribute to planning for the Ground Plane Study. This is work being done by the Precinct Management Team to create vibrancy throughout student spaces and improve student experiences.
  • GP LIbrary Furniture Refurbishment: I worked with Jenny Thomas and FM to finalise requirements for the GP Library soft-furnishings refurbishments. We have been allocated $500K to spend this year.
  • Integrated Planning: Sarah, Joanna and I (working with LLT) are progressing our response to the QUT Integrated Planning Framework for 2023-2024. 
  • Digital Strategy: I met with DBS and the Associate Directors Teaching and Learning to discuss the top IT-related priorities for them and the Education Portfolio.
  • QUT Art Museum: Sarah and I attended the opening night of the new exhibition by Troy-Anthony Baylis and Alice Lang at the QUT Art Museum. It’s on now. Go see it 🙂
  • ALIA Visit: I met with ALIA colleagues Cathy Warburton (CEO) and Emily Wilson (Regional Engagement Manager) , along with Jill Rogers and Bruce Munro. They were very impressed with QUT Digital Collection and KG Library.
  • Farewell to Marthalina Brown: I attended Marth’s farewell. I worked with Marthalina when I got my first job in libraries and she showed me the ropes. She will be very missed here but has wonderful things planned for the future.


  • Welcome Week:it was a busy week with lots happening. Thank you to everyone involved in creating and hosting the activities.
    • Welcome Week stalls at KG and GP campuses (thanks EVERYONE who staffed the stalls)
    • Indigenous Literacy Foundation Book Sale: 17-19 July at Old Government House (special thanks to Cameron MacLeod, Teresa Butland, Jenny Thomas and the Collection Access Teams)
    • Book Folk: 19 July at KG Library (special thanks to Alice Steiner, Bruce Munro, Mimy Andree and everyone involved)
    • Games night activity with GuildMaster Games creator and QUT Alumni, Hannah Ford Morgan: 21 July at GP Library (special thanks to Stephanie Jacobs, Michael Hawks and Tom Mullins)



Books on a bench

  • Platinum Group / QTAC Pillar Meeting: I attended a meeting (19 July), organised by the Vice-President (Administration) and Registrar, Leanne Harvey, and facilitated by Emeritus Professor Carol Dickinson to look at ways to encourage more prospective students to choose QUT, with a focus on the QTAC pathway.
  • I attended the University Academic Board and was part of a panel discussion on the Digital Learning Framework (24 July)
  • I hosted the Texta Book Club with Renae Belton, at the QUT Art Museum where we discussed Jazz Money’s “How to Make a Basket” and took a tour of their current exhibitions by QUT alumni, Troy-Anthony Baylis (I Wanna Be Adorned) and Alice Lang (Flowah Powah)
  • Other meetings during this time:
    • Julie Cook (Director, Oodgeroo Unit)
    • Dr Mimi Tsai – State Library Queensland Fellowship holder and QUT staff member
    • Professor Rowena Barret (Pro-Vice Chancellor, Entrepreneurship)
    • Peter Gatbotton (Director, Student Engagement)
    • Emily Rosemond (Director, QUT Sport)
    • Kierin McIntosh and Amy Jomanday (from the Office of the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Indigenous Strategy)



  • I had the pleasure of attending the HDR Meet, Eat and Greet event on the 3rd of August. See Stephanie’s OSC report for all the details.
  • Michael Hawks and I traveled to the Gold Coast Campus, Griffith University for the QULOC University Librarians’ Meeting on 11 August. Professor Rowena Barrett, Pro Vice-Chancellor Entrepreneurship, QUT presented to the group on entrepreneurial thinking in libraries.
  • It was great to celebrate Wear It Purple Day with students and staff and thank you to everyone involved. I think we all learned something about pop-corn machines 🙂
  • Other meetings during this time:
    • University Research Committee Meeting
    • Platinum Group Meeting
    • Shangaray Sriskkantharajah, Faculty Operations Manager, Faculty of Business and Law
    • Paul Fenton, Director, Equity Services
    • Peter Gatbonton, Director, HiQ
    • Julie Cook, Director, Oodgeroo Unit
    • Anne Walsh, Director, Office of Research Ethics and Integrity
    • Kevin Ashford-Rowe, Pro Vice-Chancellor , Learning and Teaching
    • Sarah Howard and I met with Nathan Richardson, Director Facilities Management and David Martin Guerra, Business Operations Manager, FM
    • Stephanie Bradbury and I met with Leon Scott, Director, Research Infrastructure Operations


Lot’s happened in September. Below are some of the highlights.

  • Colleagues from the University of New South Wales Library, including Martin Borchert (University Librarian and former QUT colleague), visited us on 6 September. The visit was a chance to showcase our spaces and services and share information about our respective strategic plans.
  • Sarah and I attended the CAUL Council Meeting in Melbourne (14 and 15 September). Topics discussed included: the international OER landscape, strategies for recruiting and supporting Indigenous staff, Copyright considerations, AI challenges and opportunities plus presentations from European colleagues from LIBER and cOAlition S. Carmel O’Sullivan (Director, Library Services at UniSQ) was welcomed as the incoming Chair of the CAUL Board.
  • We said farewell to Jennifer Thomas  who left QUT after 17.5 years to take up an exciting role at Griffith Library as the Head of Library Academic Engagement Services. Jen was a fabulous manager, colleague and friend and she will be very much missed.
  • I had the pleasure of being part of a radio show broadcast hosted by Charles Sturt University. I was part of a panel discussion, talking about how libraries can better serve the LGBTIQA+ community. You can hear the program here.
  • Along with Majella Pugh and Catherine Haden, I attended the QULOC Indigenous Strategy Community of Practice Forum (29 October) hosted by UQ. It was a great chance to learn about the great work being done by the UQ team, lead by Mia Strasek-Barker, and catch-up with colleagues from across the state.
  • To coincide with Pride Month at QUT, we hosted an “in-conversation” event with writer Ellen van Neerven and artist Troy-Anthony Baylis (13 September). The event, which was held in the QUT Art Museum at Gardens Point, cooincided with Troy’s exhibition “I Wanna Be Adorned” and  was a collaboration between the Library, the Faculty of Health and the QUT Art Museum.

L-R Ellen van Neerven, Nicole Clark, Troy-Anthony Baylis, Assoc. Prof. Deb Duthie

Other Meetings:

  • University Academic Board
  • QALT Steering Committee
  • Professor Chelsea Watego, Director, Carumba Institute
  • Professor Abby Cathcart: Director, Student Success and Teaching Advancement,  along with Sarah Howard
  • Portfolio Leaders Meeting
  • Leigh Burgess, Sustainability Manager
  • Caroline Williams, University Librarian, University of Queensland
  • Rachel Shanahan, Senior Divisional Administration Officer, Education Portfolio
  •  Mitch Adams, Associate Director, Data and Analytics, along with Sarah Howard and Joanna Logan
  • Angela de Villiers, Procurement Partner and Aroha Simpson, Procurement Advisor, along with Sarah Howard and Majella Pugh


Some of the tings that happened in October:

  • I attended the UX Workshop with Andy Priestner. It was wonderful to learn more about UX and to speak more with our students about ways that we can improve or spaces and services.
  • I started a series of induction meetings for the CAUL Board
  • I attended the Clare Burton Memorial Lecture, hosted by the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar, Leanne Harvey (10 October).
  • I attended the Rainbows and Mocktails event to celebrate LGBTIQA+ pride, hosted by the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar, Leanne Harvey (11 October).
  • Along with Renae Belton from the QUT Art Museum I co-hosted the Texta Bookclub (17 October). The book was “The Island of Missing Trees” by Elif Shafak.
  • I attended the official opening of the Oodgeroo Unit and Carumba Institute at Gardens Point (18 October).
  • I assisted with the “Artwork in a Box” workshop with school students  and artist Sonja Carmichael – and many thanks to Michael Wallace, Michael Hawks, Marvin van Prooijen Widening Participation team and everyone who assisted.

Photo of Sonja Carmichael and Nicole

  • I met with Asst. Prof. Thirayu Jumsai na Ayudhya, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, School of Architecture, Art, and Design at the King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL) 
    Bangkok, Thailand. Some of you may  remember T.J. who was a Peer Adviser at Gardens Point Library, before HiQ took over front desk service delivery. It was great to catch-up.

Photo of T.J. and Nicole

  • Sarah and I met with the Deputy Dean, Faculty of Business, Cameron Newton, to discuss Continuing Professional Development (CDP) and microcredentials (10 October)
  • Bruce and I met with Nic Hjertqist and Sam Dryhurst from Facilities Management (12 October) – to discuss improvements to the KG Courtyard.


Some things that happened:

  • I attended the University Research Committee meeting (1 November)
  • Cameron Rutter and I attended a briefing with Terri Janke, from Terri Janke and Associates, who have been engaged by QUT to consult and advise on an Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property framework. More to come. (6 November)
  • Michael Hawks and I attended and ran the QULOC University Librarians Committee meeting at UQ (10 November)
  • It was wonderful to attend the 2023 QUT Library Reward and Recognition event. Congratulations to all nominees and recipients (22/11)
  • The newly convened Engagement Working Group met twice during November (7, 27/11)
  • I attended the University Academic Board Meeting (20/11) and their strategic planning workshop (27/11).

Thank you all for everything this year. Have a fabulous, safe and relaxing holiday season and a very happy New Year.

(Thanks to Kate Harbison (?) – who created this photo many years ago, using a image from QUT Digital Collections)



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