2023 – Associate Director – Monthly Reports


After a rough start to the year, thanks to the cyber attack, isn’t it just wonderful to see so many students back on both campuses and using the three libraries!

Teaching and Learning

  • Canvas has arrived! I use the Canvas channel to share information, but please also use this channel where needed.
  • QUT You is moving forward. Catherine Haden and I attended a full day QUT You planning workshop, and are working closely with the QUT007 (Fighting Fake News) team. More details can be found on the QUT You channel.
  • Open Educational Resource – Pressbooks – Katya Henry and I are working on all things Pressbooks, OER Guidelines and more; and Rani has been leading the way with CAUL OER Collective activities.
  • Generative AI has certainly been the hot topic this year. With many thanks to Stephanie Paddick, Katarina Borcherdt, Emma Nelms, Jacque Quinn, and David Cohen, we now have a guide to share. A BIG thank you also to Kate Harbison, David Cohen, Helen Davies, Heather Edwards, Craig O’Neil and Jenny Thomas for updating Cite Write to assist our community (and others) to reference this information.

Social Media

  • Welcome Eileen Salisbury (QUT Library Blog Team) and Stephanie Paddick (QUT Library Twitter Team)
  • We are organising Twitter training with Ned Potter. More details coming…

Spaces Service

  • Nicole and I are working closely with the QUT Disabilities Collective, Disability and Accessibly Services, Facilities Management, LETS and HiQ to ensure our spaces are welcoming to all.
  • Library UX Working Group – please contact me if you are interested in discussing and exploring all things user experience! The Working Group meet up online and are collecting data regarding our spaces.
  • Maker activity planning – we continue to explore opportunities to engage our community with library spaces. Planning for 2023 has begun!


Earlier this month Robina led the Education Portfolio Forum Gardens Point, and we were all invited to join our Portfolio colleagues. A big thank you to Sami, Michael Hawks, Rachel and Laura for helping to organise the event. Colleagues continue to comment on the the fun they had with the library quiz!

Learning and Teaching

  • Nicole and I attended, and presented at, Faculty & LTU workshops for Science, Engineering, CIESJ and Business/Law
    • Nicole and I have been meeting with Liaison Teams to share the information gained from the sessions
  • QUT You – QUT007 Fighting Fake News
    • Catherine Haden and I are meeting fortnightly with the QUT007 to build this exciting new unit
  • Emma, Kate H and I met with the SSG Team to discuss all things ChatGPT. It was a wonderful opportunity to exchange information and network with our colleagues
  • Faculty of Science Learning & Teaching Committee meeting
    • I was invited to present to the committee on OER and QUT Pressbooks

Information Access

  • Cathy collaborated with Nicole, Majella, Steve, Kate Harbison, Catherine Haden, Sandra, Emma and Jenny to produce the wonderful new search facet for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander resources. A big thank you to Cathy and everyone involved!
  • Cathy led the QUT Library Alma enhancements voting round, with many thanks to Kendall, Steve, Narelle, Teresa and Kurt for their assistance
  • Cathy and I are on the ID@QUT Pilot Business Reference Group and are working with colleagues throughout QUT to explore the 2024 implementation of the new staff and student cards, whereby we will transition from our plastic cards to mobile access

Spaces Service

  • Ann-Maree, Ellen, Stephanie Jacobs and I have been collaborating with Marcia Mattushek (QUT Entrepreneurship) to explore makerspace opportunities
  • Nicole and I are working with Disabilities and Accessibilities and FM to explore future Low Sensory room spaces within the libraries


  • I attended the CAUL OER Collective Community Day. Thank you to Rani, Katya and Catherine for leading QUT Library in this space for the past 12 months
  • Did you know…we have three QUT Library colleagues actively involved in the Collective in various roles:
    • Katya Henry
      • Key Institutional Contact for QUT
      • OER Collective Champion for QUT
    • Rani McLennan
      • Library Representative in the Academic Authors Community of Practice for QUT
      • Rani is also the OER Collective Project Officer, working for CAUL
    • Bruce Munro
      • Member of the OER Collective Governance Group
  • CAUL OER Professional Development Program – I am continuing to work with the team to create a Pressbook containing the program materials
  • CAUL Deputy Librarians Group was established this year and we had our first official meeting this month

SLQ Future Libraries Symposium

QUT Guild

  • Nicole and I met with Zoe Davidson, QUT Guild President this month. It was a wonderful opportunity to share priorities and explore collaboration opportunities
  • I met with Harley Manley, QUT Guild Disability Officer. Harley and I discussed library spaces, including Low Sensory spaces

Equity Committees

  • I am very fortunate to Chair the Academic Division Equity Committee over the next two years, and I am very grateful to Rachel who has accepted the role of Committee Secretary. Together we organised the first committee meeting this month, and Rachel has created our new SharePoint and Teams space.
  • I attended the first 2023 QUT Equity Committee meeting also. It was lovely to meet our new QUT Equity Director, Paul Fenton, and new Chair, Professor Peta Wyeth.


Thank you very much Emma and all Library Advisers for the wonderful library workshops and tours provided in semester one. The great attendance statistics and feedback say it all! The students really appreciate the outstanding work created and delivered.

Learning and Teaching

  • QUT Library Learning and Teaching Committee meeting was held this month, and each of the Liaison Librarian Leads shared the wonderful work being done in Faculties this semester. Thank you! The committee also discussed the generic library workshops and tours, web & digital engagement service, Articulate (Rise and Storyline), and the new Video: Copyright Considerations Guide. Thank you Tom Mullins for joining us all this month!
  • Academic Integrity – Nicole and I met with the Director of Curriculum Quality and Academic Integrity, Amanda Stickley, to discuss how QUT Library can be a part of the new academic integrity unit within the Education portfolio. Amanda is aware the work we have led in this area, and we look forward to future collaborations.
  • Library L&T Leader Community of Practice – Sarah Beltrame (ACU Library) has created a new L&T CoP for Australian academic libraries and invited me to attend the April meeting. It is another wonderful opportunity to share information.

Information Access

  • Jai has audited numerous systems to explore how patron names are displayed, to help ensure that the correct name is used. Thanks Jai!
  • Cathy, Jai and Kurt have worked with Craig O’Neill and DBS on the new Google Analytics 4 in Primo. Thanks Team!
  • Cathy has been leading and working on library areas within the Information Asset Register Audit this month. Thanks Cathy!

Spaces Service

  • QUT Library is working with the Disabilities and Accessibilities Team and Facilities Management to create sensory spaces within the Gardens Point and Kelvin Grove libraries, as outlined in the Disability Inclusion Action Plan (2022-2025), and as requested by the QUT Guild. The goal is to create a safe space for students and staff to use to support their sensory needs.
  • Learning Hubs – I met with Stacey Lowe (SSG) and Dianne Nilsson (HiQ) to re-establish the Learning Hubs Working Group and ensure a collaborative approach to the Learning Hub spaces at Kelvin Grove and Gardens Point.

THETA Conference

  • I was fortunate to attend THETA this month and attend a variety of presentations whilst meeting a variety of IT and Library professionals. I will join Nicole and others to share my learnings at a future Library All Staff meeting, but please contact me in the meantime if you are interested to learn more.
  • Flinders University Library visited the Gardens Point campus and met with the QUT Library Leadership Team following the conference. It was a great opportunity to share information and connect with our South Australian library friends.
  • I co-hosted a CAUL Deputy Librarians event at Southbank during the conference, as it was another wonderful opportunity to meet with visiting librarians who were attending the conference.

UQ Library Visit

  • Jeffrey Cruz, Director of Library Student Experience at UQ Library, and ten of his Managers, visited Kelvin Grove Library for a day this month. Upon request, I invited HiQ to also meet with UQ team to share information. Members of the QUT Library Leadership Team joined the visitors for lunch – many thanks to Sami for organising this!


Many events this month!

  • I was fortunate to be invited to present at the QUT Senior Leaders Forum. Andrew Drylie (QUT Security) and I shared information regarding 247 library access and how our successful partnership enabled a successful ongoing trial.
  • QUT Alumni, Alia, contacted QUT Library earlier in the year with a special request to create a sock art installation in the library. 7,000 pairs of socks were displayed on Level 6 of GP Library, and the QUT community were invited to take the socks. All socks were gone within a week!
  • Ann-Maree, Stephanie J and I explored the J Block Design Makerspace at GP. With many thanks to Simon Belton and Scott Abbett (Faulty of Engineering) we learnt how valuable the space is to the students and teaching staff. Interested in Makerspaces? Please reach out to me and join our library Makerspace Task Team.
  • It hurt but I had fun running the 10km at the QUT Classic. Aiming for a better time next year…



Learning and Teaching

  • Nicole and I attended the QUT College / LTU Workshop. College staff, LTU, DBS and QUT Library had a great discussion on the needs of the College and how our areas can provide support. Bruce and I will meet with Robyn Nash (QUT College Associate Director) next month to focus on library support areas.
  • CIESJ Teaching Collective – Assessment Design and AI Tools – along with CIESJ Liaison Librarians, I attended this great discussion on using generative AI in curriculum.
  • Thank you to Marvin, David, Connor, Jacque, Tom, & Kristiana for representing QUT Library at the Paws for Support days at Kelvin Grove and Gardens Point.
  • Katya, Jenny and I met with Next Gen Learning and Student Success Group colleagues to explore what resources can be added to Canvas Commons. This tool within Canvas will be launched by the LMS+ Project Team in June/July. Jenny is working with Liaison Teams to add resources to a new QUT Library Canvas site that will be included in Canvas Commons.
  • Katya, Rani, Catherine, H, Peter, Bruce and I met to discuss a proposed QUT Library OER Community of Practice. More details coming…


  • All QULOC “Deputy Librarians”  were invited to attend the University Librarian Committee meeting this month. It was a wonderful opportunity to learn what is discussed at this meeting, and share information.

Spaces Service

  • QUT Library UX Task Team caught up and discussed ideas to explore, including those outlined in the 2023 library strategic priorities.

People & Culture

  • QUT Library Supervisors meet at our Community of Practice to discuss timesheet matters.
  • Dr Sonia Kalsi, former Manager Counselling and Psychological Wellbeing Services, presented to an All Library Staff session, providing an overview of the services available to students. Sarah will work with Counselling and Psychological Wellbeing Services to design training for library staff.


Social Media

  • Ned Potter Training – all QUT Library Staff were invited to join the QUT Library Twitter Team to a morning with Ned Potter (who joined us from York, UK at 12am….). We learnt from Ned that the QUT Library Twitter channel is doing a great job! We are actively Tweeting and reaching our followers. Ned gave us some new tricks and tools to explore, including the fun image generator Photo Funia which the Twitter Team I have been exploring… If you don’t already – please follow your library Twitter account – https://twitter.com/qutlibrary

Learning and Teaching

  • This month I met with three Associate Deans Learning & Teaching (ADL&Ts) to both share library news and learn Faculty news –
    • Karen Whelan – Engineering
    • Robyn Nash – QUT College
    • Laura Gregory – Health
  • QUT Library Learning and Teaching Committee – 3rd meeting held this month
    • Please contact your Learning & Teaching Lead or representative to hear what was discussed
  • H5P & Canvas
    • H5P has officially arrived at QUT, via Canvas. LTU have provided training sessions, but please reach out to me, your Learning & Teaching Lead or representative to learn more
  • QUT Library Digital Dexterity Champions meeting
    • I met with Emma, Katarina, and Jacque to discuss all things DigiDex
  • Introduction to Generative AI LibGuide – updated
    • With many thanks to Stephanie Paddick, Emma and Jacque, we have listened to recent feedback received and updated the guide
  • Heath Digital Capabilities Project
    • With our successful Wharton Award application EOI, we are now working with QALT to create a stellar application. This month Peter Sondergeld, myself and the project team spent a planning day with QALT
  • Abby Cathcart meeting
    • I met with Abby to discuss all things QALT and SSG. Together we are planning a QALT, SSG & Liaison Team meet up in September
  • QUT Welcome Week – library stalls
    • Our application for a stall during each of the campus Welcome Week events was approved by the Guild, and Emma & I are putting together the plans. If you haven’t already, please consider joining us and sign up to help on both days

Spaces Service

  • Makerspace Community of Practice
    • I am bringing together all QUT folk interested in makerspaces across the university next month, and have been working with a variety of people to ensure we work together to achieve our shared goal – establishing a space for everyone
  • UX Working Group
    • What a group! We continue to learn from each other a variety of UX techniques and explore ways to gain information regarding our library spaces. Interested? Please reach out to Joanna or I anytime, and we will send you an invite to our next meeting
  • Law Library Hours
    • With many thanks to Michael, Joanna and the Law Library Team, we reviewed different data and have made changes to the semester two opening hours
  • Library Submission to the Physical Capital Advisory Group (PCAG0
    • Nicole and I, along with Grant Bartholomew (Associate Director, Estate Planning), are working on a submission to PCAG in September to seek funding to improve GP and KG library spaces. Watch this space…
  • CIESJ – Teaching Collective #3 – Safe & Inclusive Classrooms
    • I joined ADL&T Cassandra Cross and her CIESJ colleagues to discuss and explore this important issue
  • Sensory Spaces
    • We continue to meet with Disabilities and Accessibilities and Facilities Management to explore opportunities within both the GP and KG libraries for a designated low sensory space
  • KG Toilets – Level 3
    • I am on a mission to answer the cries of help from KG students. We regularly receive feedback regarding the high use toilets on Level 3 of KG Library from students and staff, and I am working with Facilities Management and Bruce to see what we can do
  • Semester one, 24/7 access report is coming…

People & Culture Working Group

  • Please visit our new site in SharePoint to view the Terms of Reference, membership and our first meeting agenda and minutes.

Highly recommended…

A visit to QUT Museum to see the new gallery exhibition: Troy-Anthony Baylis & Alice Lang. Nicole and I were invited to the opening night and have already had a sneak peek.


  • I acted as Nicole for two weeks this month, and thank you to Bruce and Michael Wallace for acting in my position, and Lyndelle for acting as Manager, Library Service (KG and Law). In the University Librarian position I was fortunate to attend the SLQ Portrait of an artist: Bonita Ely event.
  • Congratulations to Rachel for stepping into Sami’s position as Executive Assistant until the end of the year.
  • Katya, Stephanie Bradbury and I caught up with Steven Chang, from La Trobe University Library, during his visit to Brisbane.


  • Academic Division Equity Committee – Meeting
    • Our two strategies for 2023 are:
      • Support the QUT Guild Food Bank – please consider donating to the food bank via the library collection points. The entire Division will be doing the same.
      • Include “Equity” as a standing agenda item with all Division meetings. The Library Leadership Team have added “Equity” to our agenda. Please also consider adding it your team meeting.
  • QUT Equity Committee – Meeting
    • Professor Vicky Browning is the new Chair
    • Contact me if you would like more information about this meeting. We had a full agenda, and two hours wasn’t enough!

Learning and Teaching

  • The Curriculum Design Studios and Liaison Teams met face to face on the Kelvin Grove campus for a meet up and exchange of ideas. It was a great opportunity to meet new staff and discuss all things learning and teaching. Michael Wallace shared the new Liaison Librarian Support for Teaching video, created by Graham Dawson and eMPS, and it was very well received. Above is a photo of the event.
  • Welcome Week – QUT Library stall at Kelvin Grove and Gardens Point. A big thank you to everyone who assisted with the stalls. The badge maker was a hit once again! Some photos of the stalls are below.
  • QUT You workshop – Catherine Haden and I were invited to a QUT You workshop led by Professor Chelsea Watego on the topic of Creating Safe Cultural Spaces for Indigenous Australian students.
  • I met with Stacey Lowe (SSG) and Dianne Nilsson (HiQ) to discuss the semester two program for the Learning Hubs at GP and KG.
  • I met with the OE Global Conference bidding team (UniSQ and SLQ) to continue our planning.
  • Rosie Glynn, Peter Sondergeld and I meet with the Faculty of Health Digital Capabilities Project Team every fortnight in the KG library. This month we were successful in our EOI submission to QALT to apply for the QS Wharton Award.

Spaces Service

  • With many thanks to Joanna Logan, I shared the semester one 24/7 access trial report. The statistics continue to increase as students use our spaces after hours!
  • I worked with Michael Wallace to review the Law Library spaces data and we have modified the opening hours for semester two as a result.
  • UX Task Team met this month. We continue to explore ideas on how we can gather information from our students and staff regarding library spaces.

People & Culture

  • I organised a Supervisors Community of Practice to discuss StaffConnect/Ascender shutdown period and of course….timesheets…
  • The People and Culture Working Group had our second meeting


  • I am leading a QUT Makerspace Community of Practice and we had our first meeting in GP Library this month. My aim is to bring all QUT spaces and groups together to discuss and progress our shared vision. We will continue to meet every month.


Thank you to everyone throughout QUT Library for your support towards the Guild Food Bank! You generosity and kindness is going a long way to helping students in need. When we deliver our library packages to the Guild Office, they are always very appreciative of QUT Library support.

Papermaker Event

Three years in a row now, during QUT Sustainability Week, QUT Library has collaborated with QUT Entrepreneurship and Wendy Ashcroft to offer a Papermaker event to the QUT community. 2023 was another success, with students learning the art of quilling thanks to Wendy and library upcycled books.

Information Access Team

  • Congratulations to Cathy, Jai and Kurt for their CAUL Award Nomination for the Outstanding Team Award! The winners will be announcement in September.

Charles Sturt University  – Library Students – Visit

  • CSU students and academics from the School of Information and Communication Studies visited GP Library on Thursday, 31 August. With many thanks to Jacque, Michael, Eileen, Catherine R, Majella and Michael, we presented a taste of QUT Library life and provided tours of the GP and Law Libraries.

Learning and Teaching

  • Wonderful to see the long list of academic promotions this month. Congratulations to all of our academic colleagues, including our Associate Deans of Learning & Teaching Professors Laura Gregory and Cassandra Cross; and a big thank you to all library staff who assisted with the promotion applications.
  • Support for Online Learning Working Group  – The Learning and Teaching Unit have set up this new group to explore online learning, and many thanks to Peter Sondergeld who is representing QUT Library.
  • Canvas Commons – Bruce and I was working with Learning and Teaching Unit colleagues to set up best practice protocols.
  • QUT Library OER Community of Practice – we held our first meeting this month, with many thanks to everyone that could join us.
  • QUT College – With many thanks to Stephanie Jacobs and Bruce, we are working with QUT College to help their students develop ICT skills.

Student Placements

  • All QUT Library teams have been super helpful taking onboard placement students this year. Thank you all very much! A special shout out to our wonderful Placement Champions – Ellen Thompson, Michael Hawks, Catherine Radbourne and Stephanie Paddick – for assisting supervisors and colleagues with the placements. I am continuing to receive requests from information science students, and it seems that we are now at capacity within our teams. The last three requests I have received I have had to advise the students that we don’t have any availability. I have, therefore, asked Craig today to “hide” our placement student information webpage for the time being. We will show it again when we are all ready to receive students again. Many thanks again for all your ongoing support to placement students.

Thank you and farewell Jenny Thomas

As we move closer to Friday, 8 September, and prepare to say goodbye to Jenny Thomas, we are working with the GP Team to put in place acting arrangements until the end of the year. I will be the acting GP MLS for the interim, so please contact me for GP library matters from September 9.  Let me know if you haven’t received an invite to Jen’s Farwell morning tea on the 8th.


Farewell Jenny & Hello GP Library

This month we said “until next time” to Jenny Thomas, as Jenny takes on an exciting new opportunity as the Head of Library Academic Engagement Services at Griffith University Library. While we are sad to see Jenny leave QUT, we are also thrilled for her as Jenny takes on this new chapter in her career. We gave Jenny a fabulous QUT Library send off in V Block and later at the Ship Inn. Jenny’s official last day is Friday, 13 October, however Jenny is taking a break while she can.

I have taken over the GP Manager, Library Service position duties for the time being, and I am thrilled to be working with the wonderful GP library teams.

People & Culture

  • People & Culture Working Group
    • This month we have explored the possibility of organising an out of hours Festive Season event, following our R&R event, to celebrate the end of the year!
  • Publishing Librarians
    • We met this month and explored the topic of “presentations”. Such a great informal discussion was had, as we shared information and explored future possibilities.


  • I am putting together the 2023 24/7 Access Trial report, with many thanks to Joanna Logan, and I have been gathering evidence from our users regarding their experience of the trial. Using one of Andy Priestner’s UX techniques, called Graffiti Board, I popped a whiteboard on Level 6 of the KG library and asked “What is the main reason why you use QUT Library 24/7?”. The comments shared have been fascinating, and I will add many of them to the report.

Learning and Teaching

  • Health Digital Capabilities Project
    • Did you know that Rosie Glynn, Peter Sondergeld and I meet with Professor Laura Gregory and the project team in the KG Library every fortnight to progress this project? We are currently working on embedding Digital Capabilities into various health curriculums, a Scoping Review, ethics application, award nominations, and a new Canvas Community site with a wealth of resources for academics to embed into their units.
  • Designing Interactive Learning with Canvas & H5P
    • I attended this online workshop and learnt of some exciting ways to use H5P within Canvas. A big thank you to Bruce Munro for organising H5P workshops for library staff next month!
  • QUT Library Learning & Teaching Committee
    • Committee members came together this month to explore topics such as:
      • Generative AI in Learning and Teaching
      • Canvas Commons
      • Cite Write Review
      • Support for Online Learning
      • Cloudstor
      • QUT You


  • I chaired the Academic Division Equity Committee, with many thanks to Rachel Burnell. Paul Fenton, Director of Equity, was our guest speaker
  • I attended the QUT Equity Committee this month, and shared the progress of our Academic Division Equity Committee 2023 priorities  – foodbank drive and “Equity” standing item.

UNSW Library Visit

  • Nicole and the Library Leadership Team hosted Martin Borchert and his leadership team this month. It was wonderful to exchange information and socialise.

CAUL Council Meeting – Melbourne

  • Nicole and I travelled to Melbourne for the annual CAUL meeting, held over two days in the Melbourne Town Hall and included tours of libraries such as Victoria University Library. Topics explored included:
    • Indigenising the workforce
    • OER landscape
    • Copyright considerations
    • AI & libraries
    • Australian research
    • CAUL Open Access Strategic Enabling program
  • Congratulations to our CAUL Annual Award nominations:
    • Emerging Leader Award: Gabrielle Hayes
    • Outstanding Library Team Award: Information Access Team, Cathy, Jai and Kurt


  • With many thanks to Stephanie Jacobs wonderful organisation skills, the QUT Makerspace Community of Practice (including the QUT Library Makerspace Task Team) visited the UQ Makerspaces this month. UQ are hosting the upcoming Makerspace Symposium.


Such an exciting and jam packed month it was! Don’t forget to check out the GP Library September report also, with many thanks to Laura Ross and team!


OE Global Conference, 2024 – Brisbane Win Bid

  • We received exciting news regarding the OE Global Conference 2024 – a conference supporting the development and use of open education around the world. UniSQ Library, SLQ and QUT Library submitted a bid earlier this year to host the conference in Brisbane, and after a year of planning, overnight it was announced that we had won! This will be the first time the conference will be held outside Europe and USA. Our UniSQ colleagues are at the conference in Canada and shared our announcement video in the early hours this morning. Nicole and I are on the conference local organising committee, and we will be in touch over the next few months regarding opportunities for QUT Library staff to also be involved in the conference. It is going to be a wonderful opportunity to showcase Australia, Brisbane, and of course QUT Library, to our 250+ conference visitors.

24/7 Access

  • More wonderful news this month! We have received approval to continue 24/7 access to the Kelvin Grove and Gardens Point libraries next year and move from a trial to business as usual. There has been a 24% increase this year in our total after hour entries across both libraries.


  • A big thank you to Ellen Thompson and David Cohen for assisting the Administration Division Equity Committee with two literature reviews on the topics of “aging populations in workplaces” and “disability employability strategies”.
  • Paws for Support was held on both campuses and included a QUT Library information booth. The purpose of the event is to remind our students of support areas, such as the library, during the stressful assessment/exam period. A big thank you to everyone who was involved.

UX Workshop with Andy Priestner

  • QUT Library hosted Andy Priester on Tuesday, 3 October and Wednesday, 4 October in the Gardens Point library for a two-day UX workshop. We had a wonderful time exploring the use of UX techniques and the Library Leadership Team will explore avenues for QUT Library to embed these skills into our processes. Watch this space!
  • A big thank you to Rachel Burnell who made an exceptional effort with assisting the two-day workshop. Her meticulous planning and attention to detail was truly remarkable and instrumental in making the event a resounding success. Thank you, Rachel, for going above and beyond to make the event a memorable one.

Learning & Teaching

  • Academic Integrity Update – Sandy Driscoll (Change Manager – Academic Integrity) met with Lyndelle Gunton, Emma Nelms and I, and also provided an update at an All Staff meeting this month, and shared the below:
    • New module on Academic Integrity will be released in January and will be mandatory for all commencing students in 2024. Students will receive a sanction if not completed.
      • Open to other students – students will also be referred to complete it, if they receive a minor penalty
    • Academic Integrity Officers will be located in each Faculty
    • TurnItIn – Academic Integrity feature is being evaluated
    • Symplicity – a new case management system across QUT
    • Measure Learning – new online functionality for student identification, verification and monitoring during exams
    • Lyndelle and I will attend future Academic Integrity Working Group meetings and continue to share information.
  • QUT Library Learning & Teaching Committee – October meeting
    • Please find the agenda and notes to the meeting HERE
      • We have begun exploring our 2024 priorities, to include in the library wide strategy

People & Culture Working Group

  • The Working Group October meeting finalised our submission to the Library Leadership Team (LLT) Committee to propose the transition of the Working Group into a Committee. We are delighted that LLT approved the submission and will transition to a Committee in 2024.

I will be on leave for most of November (returning Tuesday, 28 November) and Bruce Munro will be acting Associate Director, Library, and Emma Nelms as acting Manager, Library Service (Kelvin Grove). Many thanks to Bruce and Emma!


Many thanks to Bruce Munro for acting as Associate Director, Library, whilst I was leave 6-28 November.

Low Sensory Spaces – GP & KG Libraries

  • Work is progressing extremely well on Level 7, V Block and Level 5, R Block, with the construction of the two Low Sensory Spaces.

Makerspace Symposium 2023

  • Stephanie Jacobs, Ann-Maree Graham, myself and others from the QUT Makerspace Community of Practice attended the 2023 Makerspace Symposium at UQ Innovate. This three day event was a wonderful opportunity to network and learn about makerspaces around Australia, New Zealand and Asia.

QUT High School Community of Practice

  • Danielle Laing and I attended the second QUT High School Community of Practice meeting at Kelvin Grove. Danielle provided the group with an overview of the library school program activities this year, and we learnt from other areas what they have also been providing. The CoP is a great opportunity for future collaboration. Thank you to Michael Wallace for also being a part of this group.

Academic Integrity Comms & Engagement Working Group

  • As a member of this Working Group I invited the new Academic Integrity Unit (Amanda Stickley, Sheona Thompson and Sandy Driscoll) to join a Library All Staff meeting, and included HiQ and SSG managers. They shared with us information regarding the new Academic Integrity Policy and compulsory module. The Unit will again present to QUT Library, SSG, HiQ and the Curriculum Design Studio in late January with an update. Please contact Sarah if you would to come and haven’t received an invite.

Retention Working Group

  • Nicole and I are on this Working Group, led by Kevin Ashford-Rowe and we are working with colleagues from various QUT areas to explore strategies to monitor and progress student retention. We meet monthly have begun looking at retention data sources and strategies to assist with student retention.

OE Global Conference committee

  • Following the wonderful announcement in October, I met with the OE Global Conference Committee in December and we outlined our plans for the exciting year ahead. Starting in January we will have the Co-Directors of OE Global (from South Africa and South America) visit Brisbane and tour the conference spaces. I will share the details with QUT colleagues once the plans have been finalised.

Thank you for an amazing 2023. Looking over this report and other Library Leadership Team reports, we have certainly achieved a lot! Wishing you all a very happy festive season and lovely break.


Library Leadership Team Reports Copyright © by QUT Library. All Rights Reserved.

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