November/December 2022

Looking back over 2022 and I am again reminded of what an incredible team QUT Library is. We have worked extremely well together to achieve so many great outcomes for the QUT community and beyond! Thank you everyone, I am so grateful to be your colleague.

Learning and Teaching

Some highlights…

  • Learning and Teaching Group became the Learning and Teaching Committee
  • Information Literacy Framework updated
  • Faculty of Health Digital Capabilities pilot program & creation of a Digital Capabilities Pressbook
  • Open Education Resources (OER)
    • CAUL OER Collective
      • Thank you to Katya, Catherine Haden and Peter Sondergeld for assisting the two QUT grant submissions for the 2022 CAUL OER Collective grants. Both were from Health and successfully received funding!
      • Bruce (formally USC) and I were on the Governance Group this year, and Bruce has taken over from me in his new QUT role
    • CAUL OER Professional Development Program
      • I have been fortunate to have been a part of this planning team
      • Congratulations to Catherine Haden, Mathew Fletcher, Sally Kleine and Sandra Fry for joining the program
    • CAUL Conference
      • I was also fortunate to be a part of this planning team
      • Thank you to everyone who assisted me to organise day three of the conference, including – Sami, Rachel, Laura, Katya, Ishara, Ellen, Alice, Kate H, Michael H, Catherine H, and Helen D.
    • Open Education Global Conference bid – UniSQ Library invited QUT Library and SLQ to join the bid committee
      • Nicole and I are on committee, and have our fingers tightly crossed that we will be successful in the bid process
  • Create a Better Online You updated
    • Many thanks to Helen Davies, Craig O’Neil and Rosie Glynn for updating this popular resource

Information Access

Some highlights…

  • Alma Resource Sharing – project completed! Goodbye VDX!
  • Rapido – project completed!
  • Open Athens – project completed! Goodbye EZproxy!
  • MOPP review – F 1.8 Library resources and borrowing conditions

Spaces Service

Some highlights…

  • Successful 24/7 access trial, Gardens Point and Kelvin Grove libraries
  • School of Design – Student Work – library promotion – student work continues to be displayed on the digital screens throughout QUT
  • Sarah took Nicole, Jen, Michael and Bruce on a tour of some Ipswich libraries, to seek new ideas and inspiration for our QUT spaces
  • Many events were held in library spaces throughout the year, such as –
    • Papermaker
    • Festive Markets
    • 3D Printing

We welcomed new staff to our wonderful Teams throughout the year, including Bruce Munro.  We are so lucky that they choose QUT Library!

Professional Placement Program – with a million thanks to Ellen Thompson our placement program was revamped. We now have Placement Champs in many of our teams, and did you know that 10 placement students joined us throughout the year. Thank you!

Travelling to Sydney with Nicole to join the CAUL Deputies Librarians network was an amazing opportunity this year. Meeting librarians face-to-face from around Australia and New Zealand to build the CAUL Deputy Librarians network was valuable and rewarding.

November & December news…

  • I met with the OE Global Conference bid committee to tour the Brisbane Convention Centre facilities, to assist in our bid document planning
  • Faculty of Health learning and teaching workshop. Led by LTU, Nicole and I attended this important workshop to listen to learning and teaching leads in the Faculty and understand their needs, goals and how we can assist them into 2023.
  • I organised a session for the Library Leadership Team to visit the XR Hub in Z Block, KG.
  • Canvas training sessions and meetings
  • QUT Library Mentor Program planning…watch this space!
  • CAUL OER Professional Development Program live sessions – a big thank you to Katya for presenting twice. I was fortunate to lead four sessions with Angie Williamson (Deakin) and Annette Goodwin (CSU) to discuss all things OER
  • QUT Library Learning & Teaching Committee – final meeting for 2022. We discussed 2023 learning and teaching priorities for 2023 and reflected on all the 2022 achievements
  • QUT Library Social Media Team caught up for a final time. Tom Mullins is stepping down from the group – thanks Tom for your support this year!

Looking ahead into 2023…

  • QUT You – QUT007 “Finding Fake News”  – QUT Library has been invited into this unit design team
  • Canvas
  • Academic Integrity
  • Digital Capabilities
  • Makerspaces
  • OER
  • Promotion of updated Information Literacy Framework
  • Cite Write review
  • Library spaces – using more UX techniques
  • plus much, much more!


Thank you for reading this report. If you want to know more about the above, please contact Sarah anytime.


Library Leadership Team Reports Copyright © by QUT Library. All Rights Reserved.

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