
Open for Climate Justice Panel (24 October)

I had the pleasure of chairing on panel – on the theme of Open for Climate Justice – to kick off Open Access Week 2022. See Stephanie’s October report for full details.


eResearch Australasia (18 October)

I was part of the organising committee for the 2022 eResearch Australasia Conference. I attended one day of the first F2F conference since COVID-19 and chaired a session where Anton Angelo (University of Canterbury, New Zealand), Amy Walduck (SLQ / Topography of Search), Tim Davies (SMART Infrastructure Facility, Wollongong)  and Leslie McIntosh (RIPETA, USA) shared their work. Check out the Topography of Search.


Festive Market

It was great to be involved in the inaugural QUT Festive Markets (28 August). See Sarah’s October report for full details). Thanks to staff who were involved in organising and who sold their wares. The Festive Market is part of a series of student / community engagement activities that the Library is leading, in partnership with QUT Entrepreneurship, the QUT Art Museum and staff from the Sustainability and Wellness teams. More to come in 2023.


Texta Book Club

I had the pleasure of co-hosting the third Texta Book Club (18 October) – with Renae Belton from the QUT Art Museum. The book was The Jaguar by QUT’s own Sarah Holland-Batt and two talented students from the QUT Literary Salon read extracts from the book.


InSync Survey Winners

I presented gift voucher prizes to three students who were the random winners of the prizes – given for completing the 2022 InSync Survey. Find out more about the InSync Survey in Joanna’s October report.

External / Sector Engagement


QUT is taking a lead role in QULOC this year with representatives on every working group and also taking on convenor roles. See details below:

  • QULOC University Librarians Committee: Nicole Clark (Convenor) and Michael Hawks (Executive Support Officer)
  • Workforce and Organisational Development Group: Bruce Munro (Convenor) – Bruce is taking over from Jennifer Thomas while she is on secondment to SLQ.
  • Research Support: Stephanie Bradbury Co-Convenor with Jayshree Mamtora, JCU
  • Client Contact Points and Spaces : Danielle Laing, QUT Representative; Nicole Clark (Mentor)
  • Copyright: Katya Henry, QUT Representative
  • Indigenous Strategy Reference Group, Majella Pugh and Catherine Haden, QUT Representatives
  • Information and Communications Technology: Cathy Slaven and Jai Parker, QUT Representatives
  • Information Resources: Majella Pugh and Kendall Kousek, QUT Representatives
  • Teaching and Learning Support, Ellen Thompson and Gabrielle Hayes, QUT Representatives.

I am also working with Caroline Williams (UQ) to roll-out changes to revitalise QULOC, including changes to the QULOC working group model that will take effect in 2023. Part of this change will see working groups opened up to become Communities of Practice. Caroline and I met with  working group convenors and mentors on 7 October to consult about the changes. And I am also working with Caroline Williams, Claire Thorpe (Southern Cross University) and Helen Hooper (JCU) to put together a program for the UL’s Forum, which will be held in February 2023.


Charles Sturt University Library Visit (6 October)

We hosted a visit from CSU Library at KG Library.



    • Jane Norton, Director Client Services,
    • Anna Du Chesne, Manager Academic Services (Research)
    • Annette Goodwin, Manager Academic Services (Curriculum)
    • Lauren Hookham, Senior Client Services Librarian
    • Sarah Rosetta, Senior Client Services Librarian

Thanks to Danielle Laing, Bruce Munro, Sarah Howard,, Stephanie Bradbury, and Sarah Howard for meeting with them.


Some of the meetings I attended:

  • Lori Lockyer, Executive Dean CIESJ (17 October)
  • Nathan Richardson, Director, Facilities Management and David Martin Guerra,  Business Operations Managher, FM (17 October 7 October) – condition assessment of KG and GP libraries with a view to future refurbishments.
  • Stacey Jeffrey-Hannam, Alison Quin, Bruce Munro, Stephanie Jacobs (14 October) – Early Childhood Event Idea
  • QILT – Consultancy Session – Student Experience Survey  (13 October)
  • Kerrie Rosemund (13 October) – D Block Student Space
  • Julie Cook, Director Oodgeroo Unit (24 October)
  • Helen Hooper, Director Library, JCU (19 October)
  • Joe Sambono, Faculty of Health – Program Lead (Embedding Indigenous Australian Perspectives) (19 October)
  • Alisha Britten, Manager, Oodgeroo Unit (19 October)
  • Elsevier / CAUL  Webinar (18 October)
  • Bernie Cooper, Associate Director, Wellbeing Strategy)(11 October)
  • Mark McCormack, Director LETS (12 October)
  • Julie McKenzie, Manager, Disability Services (10 October)
  • Peter Gatbonton, Director HiQ (10 October)
  • Science Faculty Liaison Team (10 October) – discussed their role in embedding Indigenous perspectives in the curriculum, working with Joe Sambono.
  • Professor Amanda Gudmundsson, Executive Dean, Business and Law (4 October)
  • Professor YuanTong Gu (4 October)
  • Anne Walsh, Director, Office of Research Ethics and Integrity (6 October)

Some other things I attended:

  • Oodgeroo Unit BBQ (27 October)
  • QUT Library Morning Tea: Open Access Week (26 October)
  • Welcome to QUT Morning Tea (25 October)
  • QUT Health and Wellbeing Awards (10 October)
  • QUT 15 Minute Challenge Awards (6 October)
  • SLQ Queensland Memory Awards (6 October) – Dr Mimi Tsai from LTU was a recipient.


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