September 2022

Spotlight on….

Researcher Skills Survey

We want to hear from researchers on what skills they need training in to help us plan for 2024. The Researcher Skills Survey is running from October 3rd to 14th. It is being promoted via the Library Research Skills Newsletter for Liaison Librarians to disseminate to research staff, QUT News, a Digital Workplace carousel banner, emails to ADRs and Research Centre Managers, the Office of Research Services team under Katie York, and the Research Portfolio Newsletter.

Enabling a Modern Curriculum Conference

Wow, how fabulous was CAUL’s Enabling a Modern Curriculum Conference?  The conference had two parts – an online element that went for two days (7 and 8 September), and a face-to-face element on 13 September, and how lucky were we that QUT Gardens Point campus was the Brisbane location?

QUT Library presenters did us proud in sharing their innovative and ground-breaking work. Congratulations to Rosie Glynn and Cameron Rutter, Lyndelle Gunton and Sally Kleine, Catherine Radbourne and Stephanie Jacobs and Ginny Barbour, who presented in the first two days.

Pictured above are Kathleen Smeaton, University of Queensland (left) with Katya Henry and Kate Nixon who presented on QUT’s experience with Pressbooks and took part in a panel session at the Brisbane (QUT) based part of the CAUL Conference. Katya also helped to organise this part of the event. 

We couldn’t talk about this conference without acknowledging the amazing work that Sarah Howard did.  She did so much behind the scenes – and in front, that made sure it ran smoothly and successfully.  Bring on the next conference!

eResearch Showcase

The Office of eResearch hosted a showcase event in mid-September at The Cube, Gardens Point campus.  It was a great event that highlighted the diverse range of support they provide and the fabulous research done at QUT.

Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor Professor Christopher Barner-Kowollik opened by talking about the importance of eResearch in academia.

Pictured above are Philippa Frame, Research Data Librarian, Cameron Rutter, Health Liaison Librarian, Lyndelle Gunton, Coordinator, Information Research Skills, Tori Waqanaceva-Simpson, Professional Placement Student, Helen Davis, A/Business Liaison Librarian, Emma Nelms, A/Manager, Library Services (GP) and Catherine Haden, Health Liaison Librarian. There were refreshments 😊

Join us for Wednesday coffee

It is no secret that the Office for Scholarly Communication folk enjoy a good coffee. Most Wednesdays we can be found at The Boys House of Coffee in the Kelvin Grove Urban Village at 10:15 enjoying a weekly coffee. If you are in the vicinity, please pop in and join us.

We don’t always talk open access, research data management, ePrints, Pure, APCs, Read and Publish Agreements, copyright, Creative Commons licences or publication metrics, but we are happy to strike up those conversations at any time!

More than exciting news for Ginny

Ginny announced recently that commencing late January, she will be the new Editor-in-Chief of the Medical Journal of Australia (MJA), the nation’s leading peer-reviewed general medical journal. Ginny has been an inspiration to us in the OSC.  We have been so lucky and feel truly honoured to have had her as our Academic Lead for almost three years.  Her open access knowledge and foresight and her vast publishing experiences have helped us enormously. So stay tuned in 2023 to see spectacular things coming out of MJA.

And evidence of her great work is an editorial by Ginny, Kim Tairi (University Librarian, Auckland University of Technology) and Dimity Flanagan (Manager, Scholarly Communication Services, University of Melbourne) recently published in British Medical Journal:  No turning back on global open access.

Tori’s professional placement


In September, we welcomed Tori Waqanaceva-Simpson as our professional placement student from Charles Sturt University.  Tori’s two weeks were filled with a diverse range of small projects including link checking on the AIRS website, checking the open access status of QUT affiliated documents published under QUT’s Read and Publish agreements and UX projects on the Library website and user observation techniques on physical library space usage. Tori is pictured here at the Cube at Gardens Point campus where she attended the eResearch Showcase.

Congratulations to Catherine Radbourne who put together a fabulous program for Tori, and Catherine joins Ellen Thompson and Michael Hawks as a Professional Placement Champion.

Join us: Scholarly Communications Community of Practice

On the fourth Wednesday of each month, the Scholarly Communications Community of Practice (CoP) runs online for 30 minutes. The CoP is open to all and is facilitated by Dr Sameera Jayan Senanayake, School of Public Health and Social Work, who is also a Research Fellow in Health Economics at the Australian Centre for Health Services Innovation (AusHSI) and Centre for Healthcare Transformation (CHT). Sameera is the Early Career Researcher representative on the Office for Scholarly Communication (OSC) Advisory Group.

The CoP is online, and the format is usually a brief presentation (10 minutes) by one of our experts, followed by discussion.  You can register here  for future CoPs.  The next is on October 26 and will focus on Publication Metrics and Altmetrics.  Tanya Harden will briefly present before an open discussion.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Date Community of Practice Topic ​Presenter
26 October​ Publication Metrics and Altmetrics​ Tanya Harden​
23 November​ Data Availability​ Philippa/Paula

Bouquets 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺

Research Skills + FN001 / Advanced Information Research Skills (AIRS)

  • Phillipa is lovely and explained everything clearly” (Research Data Management Planning)
  • “Most useful?: Having the expertise of Ginny Barbour!  Very kind of her to take the time to speak with us” (Scholarly Communications CoP)
  • “These OSC sessions are always fantastic – I just wish they were longer/more frequent so I could learn more” (Scholarly Communications CoP)
  • “Clear exposition of the meaning and requirements for a systematic review. Filled in many gaps” (Introduction to Systematic Reviews)
  • “Very knowledgeable presenter. Well-paced session.” (Introduction to Systematic Reviews)
  • Thank you very much for your prompt response, Sal. (IFN001: AIRS)
  • Thank you very much for such a great service and help. (IFN001:AIRS)

QUT ePrints

  • Thanks very much Debbie for your efficiency, as always! Katrine Del Villar (School of Law)
  • Hi Debbie, That’s fantastic – thank you so much again for your help, I appreciate it!  Hope your Friday goes smoothly and that you have a relaxing weekend ahead 🙂.  Owen Forbes (School of Mathematical Sciences)
  • Thank you so much Paula for your great work….. Awesome support and will get back to you if any help is needed.  Prashant Sonar (School of Chemistry and Physics)
  • Rani, thank you for such a clear explanation!  Along with the infographic it makes a comprehensible story.  Have a wonderful day!!” [Copyright Considerations for Videos draft]
  • “Thanks so much for the helpful advice” after providing advice on using a figure in Doctoral Exegesis. 

Publication Metrics

  • (Tanya) You’re a star! Thanks so much. [Jacqueline Broad – AO to ADR Faculty of Science]
  • From Alice….

    Thanks so much for your kind words about the DECRA and our sincere thanks to you (Alice) and Tanya for helping make the application as competitive as possible through your generous efforts on the data and impact front.

    Thank you, also, for generating this report for Mathias and for letting me know you’ve shared it with him. That will be most valuable in the coming weeks as we work together to shape his application narrative and associated documents.

    Thanks, again, and all the best for the remainder of the weekend,

    T.J.   [Dr T. J. Thomson | Senior Lecturer, Visual Communication and Media]

  • Hi Lisa (Leeton),
    Just wanted to share this as a bit of feedback.
    As you will recall, Stephanie and Tanya have been assisting me in coming up with a way for us to be alerted when new quality research comes out. They have sent us a list for September articles – and it’s given us six leads which could result in media releases. This is a fantastic result and I really can’t praise Stephanie and Tanya enough for their help, attitude and willingness to help.

    Rod    [Rod Chester – Media Relations Team Leader]

September in Numbers

 QUT ePrints

New records added Existing records edited Email interactions with academics Full-text downloads Cumulative repository records Cumulative full-text downloads
377 920 53 144,015 123,144 (58.9% with full-text) 36,161,360

144,015 full-text downloads were records by IRUS for the reporting period (September).  See table below for comparison data: 

Platform Metric Type Reporting Period Table September 2022
QUT ePrints Downloads/Total Item Requests 144,015 114,015
Minerva Access (University of Melbourne) Downloads/Total Item Requests 124,395 124,395
Sydney eScholarship Repository Downloads/Total Item Requests 76,357 76,357
UQ eSpace (University of Queensland) Downloads/Total Item Requests 55,044 55,044
Monash University Research Portal Downloads/Total Item Requests 19,006 19,006


Total Consultations 
Top Three Topics in September 2022:
  1. Copyright advice on contract
  2. Permission to publish QUT content
  3. Video (Streaming and format shifting)

The following is derived from queries directed to the managed inbox Each query (composed of several emails and correspondents) is counted once. 

Enrolments Completions Workshops Attendances
25 21 3 20

Research Skills

Number of sessions Number of Attendances Consultations
17 91 165

Research Data Management

Hacky Hour attendees New records added to RDF RDF Cumulative datasets RDF Cumulative views
9 1 new dataset 419 581,684
  • Workshops/PD attended: Datasets/data management presentation at Pure User Conference; Australasia DataCite DOIs Community of Practice; eResearch Showcase 2022; ONDC Information Session: Getting onto Dataplace.

QUT Theses

Number of theses processed (with DOIs minted and published)

Publication Metrics

Number of Enquiries Number of Consultations Reports/Spreadsheets/Data Presentations

4 (x via LLs)

2 5 0

Service Highlights

QUT ePrints

A quiet month in terms of number of enquiries and new records to be processed. This provided an opportunity to do some metadata fixing work related to the integration with Pure.  

Academic Journal Publishing

The International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy published its third issue for the year – another double issue which includes a special issue on Death Penalty Politics: The Fragility of Abolition in Asia and the Pacific.

In this special issue, guest editors Mark Finnane, Mai Sato and Sue Trevaskes bring together international scholars, lawyers and abolition advocates to share their research of the death penalty, its practice and its abolition.

This special issue is set to be launched ‘officially’ on October 10, World Day Against the Death Penalty.  ANU College of Law is hosting a special seminar presented in partnership with the EU Delegation of Australia, Eleos Justice (Monash University), The Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research (Griffith University) to bring together academics and experts to discuss the politics of death penalty abolition from a number of perspectives—historical, legal and political, domestic and international.  Authors from the special issue will form part of the panel discussion.


QUT Theses

Marvin worked with Kylie Perry to report, test, develop solutions and advocate for follow up on outstanding issues as part of the RMSUP project. Matty Kerwin has made minor changes to QUT ePrints to fix issues with some fields. Marvin is developing a process for full embargoes and updating and detailing the work instructions. 

After September 30th, the Hypercare stage of the project is finishing up, with support reverting to normal channels, liaising with RISS for Pure related issues or DBS for ePrints. Kylie has said she will remain available for some questions. 


Research Skills

Core and collaborative Research Skills Program sessions



Copyright Clinic


Finding Publication Metrics: InCites


Introduction to Systematic Reviews


Research Data Management: Planning


Publication Metrics: Q&A Drop-in


Research Data Management: Storage, Analysis and Visualisation


Finding Publication Metrics: Alternative metrics and other measures


Research Data Management Consultation


EndNote Essentials


Scholarly Communications Community of Practice


  • Authentication proxy transition issues 

Jai and Marvin have been following up on continuing Paperpile authentication issues. Marvin has followed up with clients and Faculty teams, and Jai has investigated a technical workaround and liaising with the vendor. It is possible no solution will be available in the near term but workarounds may be available to manage some of the issues.



  • The annual Register of Licences and Registrations has been completed for 2022.
  • The sixth Copyright Clinic for 2022 was held on 14 September. A follow up email with relevant information was sent to registered students. The Clinic is being promoted through various channels.
  • With assistance from Alice Steiner and Ellen Thompson, the third Copyright Considerations quick guide on Videos is in final drafting stages. Almost ready for feedback from Learning Designers before going to graphic design.

Professional Development

  • Katya and Rani attended:
    • the ASCILITE OEP SIG webinar How do you project manage open education activities?
    • the OER Collective Community of Practice for Library Staff on Advocating to academic staff about open textbook.
    • the CAUL Enabling a Modern Curriculum Online sessions (7-8 September)


  • Katya and Rani met with the Canvas LMS+ Project Team again to discuss copyright implications for Canvas Commons.
  • Katya and Rani met Jillian Blacker re: thesis submission workflow.
  • Katya provided more assistance to The Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Entrepreneurial Studies with their application to have the Third Sector Review journal indexed in Scopus.

 Issues (from last month and emerging)  

  • Now that some staff have begun using Canvas, we will start updating all resources that indicate Blackboard to Canvas.
  • We continue to receive numerous queries from HDR students regarding copyright, images, and thesis submission. We are in touch with GRE+D to discuss how we can clarify this for students and support the team processing the theses.

Major future activities  

  • Quarterly copyright invoices have arrived. Payment to be arranged.
  • ResBaz has been rescheduled for 1-3 November 2022 at Nathan Campus, Griffith University. Katya and Rani will present the Copyright Considerations for Researchers session on 3rd November.
  • The Copyright Considerations for Canvas exemplar site will be released later this year.

23 Scholarly Communication Things

Usage in August

  • 208 total visitors
  • 492 pageviews
  • Top 3 viewed chapters (based on views):
    1. Databases for metrics
    2. Research Integrity
    3. Preprints, preprint servers and overlay journals
  • Top sites/referrers:

Publication Metrics

  • Tanya commenced sending a spreadsheet of QUT affiliated articles and reviews published in the top 10% of journals by SJR to Rod Chester, Media Relations Team Leader.  This is to assist them in promoting QUT’s research.  As a result of the spreadsheet, one story is already online and there are several in the works.
  • Tanya provided publications metrics data for Faculty of Science reporting.
  • The implementation of the Altmetric/Pure API is progressing.
  • Liaison Librarians and OSC staff have been providing metrics support to grant applicants for the ARC DECRA, Future Fellowship and Laureate grant rounds.

Issues (from last month and emerging)

  • Clarivate turned off the subscription access to the last five years of the Emerging Sources Citation Index in Web of Science while attempting to give us access trial access to the full dataset as part of ERA preparation.  This was eventually resolved, with assistance from Maryann Loneragan.
  • Attendance has been very low for the publication metrics session in the Research Skills program.  The format and timing of the workshops will be reviewed.

Future Activities

  • Liaison Librarians have been working on supporting applicants for the ARC DECRA and Future Fellowship grants, with assistance from Tanya and Catherine.  It is expected that the number of requests for assistance will increase into November, when the grants are due.
  • Tanya is presenting at two upcoming ORS grant information session for DECRA (21st October) and Future Fellowships (14th October).
  • Tanya, Stephanie and Philippa are meeting with Liz Truss and Stephanie Guichard from Digital Science to discuss Altmetric Explorer on the 21st October.
  • The saga of the Altmetric Explorer/Pure API continues with a meeting between QUT (Stephanie, Tanya and Clem Wong (Digital Business Solutions) and Matt Evans from Digital Science to go over questions raised by Clem.

Research Data Management

  • ResBaz has been rescheduled for 1-3 November (Tuesday-Thursday) at Griffith University’s Nathan campus.  More information on the program and specifics to follow shortly.
  • Workshops/PD attended: Datasets/data management presentation at Pure User Conference; Australasia DataCite DOIs Community of Practice; eResearch Showcase 2022; ONDC Information Session: Getting onto Dataplace.
  • Work has commenced between the Library and DBS on getting Research Data Finder indexed in Altmetrics Explorer.  Indexation would mean that mentions of all 418 research datasets published in our data repository could be tracked and used to show research impact and engagement.  Required metadata fields need to be put in a format suitable for indexing by Altmetrics.  Big thanks to Joe Stewart, Senior Developer, DBS for making this happen.
  • A revision of web content for AIRS Module 8: Managing data has been completed.  This update was prompted by work undertaken by Lyndelle, Sally and Ellen to develop a video on non-traditional research datasets for addition to the website.

Issues (from last month and emerging) 

  • A search on QUT’s DOI prefix for research datasets in Altmetrics Explorer returns 0 results.  A support request has been logged to investigate the problem.

Major Future Activities 

  • Attend: eResearch Australasia 2022 conference in-person; Meet the Office of Research Services – Kelvin Grove; ONDC Information Session: Data sharing requests on Dataplace; ARDC Data Retention Project Phase 4: Information Session; DataCite training for the Australasian community.


Congratulations and thank you for reading this report (right down to the end). If you would like any further information or have burning questions on the above, please contact Stephanie or the relevant Service Manager:  Katya (Copyright), Paula (Scholarly Communications), Tanya (Publication Metrics), Lyndelle (Information Research Skills) and Philippa (Research Data Management). 



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