August 2022

Papermaker Day 2022!

With many, many thanks to Wendy Ashcroft (Quilling Artist and workshop lead), Marcia Mattushek (QUT Entrepreneurship), everyone who helped (and offered to help) and everyone who came along to the 2022 Papermaker Day event during Sustainability Week was a success. It was wonderful learning to quill whilst meeting students and staff.

Learning and Teaching

  • Semester two orientation program – library workshops and tours
    • A massive thank you to Emma and amazing Library Advisers who planned and delivered a successful program again this semester. The feedback from the students was wonderful! 
  • LMS+ Project  – Canvas
  • Information Literacy Framework
    • A HUGE thank you to Stephanie J, Emma, Gabrielle and Peter for finishing the draft version. Next steps…review by the wider Working Group.
  • QUT Library Learning and Teaching Committee Meeting #6
    • Faculty of Health Digital Capabilities Pilot Program
    • Information Literacy Framework
    • New Digital Learning Framework
    • CAUL OER
    • QUT Library “What we do” infographic
    • Meeting frequency
  • Sarah was invited to present to the School of Accountancy L&T Forum on the topic of OER & Pressbooks
  • Sarah met with ADL&T Karen Whelan and will meet with the Engineering Liaison Team.



Ann-Maree, Stephanie J, Ellen and Sarah met to discuss opportunities for maker activities and a makerspace within QUT Library. We are have a Teams site, so please join us if you are interested. We are doing an environmental scan of the different makerspaces currently available and plan to visit some over the next few months. We are also connected with Makerspace Managers in academic libraries throughout Australia and New Zealand. Watch this space…


Information Access

  • Cathy, Kurt and Jai are super busy as they look after our systems and access to resources. Semester has certainly started!
  • MOPP F/1.8 Library Resources and Borrowing Conditions  – review and update.
    • With many, many thanks to Cathy and Majella, the draft document has been submitted for approval.
  • Student ID Cards (SIDC) Project
    • Cathy, Kurt, Jai, Teresa and Sarah continued to work with Fraser Keetley this month.

Rapido Pizza Party

The Document Delivery Team, Information Access Team and Collection Access Teams came together to celebrate the work they did on the Rapido project this year. A BIG congratulations to all, as they also received a Monthly Success Champ Award. Congratulations to Narelle and Cathy who receive individual awards.

Spaces Service

  • Nicole and Sarah spent time at each of the three libraries to explore the spaces with the Managers, Library Service. It is great to see the library spaces full of life and used by students. We are working with FM to ensure our spaces are up-to-date and looking their best.
  • 24/7 Access Trial continues into semester two. Keep up-to-date with the monthly reports on SharePoint.

Amazing Library Race!

What a fabulous activity Michael Hawks and colleagues created for the Portfolio event. Sarah continues to receive great feedback from staff….and one area has asked for Michael’s assistance to recreate the activity for students in the MBA program!! Way to go Michael!


  • CAUL Conference – September
    • It is almost here! Both online and on the GP campus, we are ready to go. Can’t wait to see all of the QUT Library presentations.
  • OER Professional Development Program
    • Congratulations to Catherine Haden, Mathew Fletcher, Sally Kleine and Sandra Fry for their successful EOIs to join the program. Starting soon….

Library Committees – did you know…

We have three committees – Library Leadership Team (LLT) Committee, Information Resources Committee (IRC), and the brand new Learning & Teaching Committee. Information regarding each of the committees, including membership, can be found within SharePoint – explore the top heading “committees & working groups” within the Library Home page. In addition to the committees QUT Library also has the OSC Advisory Group, community of practices and working groups. You are welcome to sit in and observe any library committee in action. Please speak to your supervisor if you would like to come along.


Sarah met with the following people this month…

  • Megan Duffy – DBS
  • Maker Activities Group
  • Fraser Keetley – DBS – KG library tour
  • Nathan Richardson & David Martin Guerra – Facilities Management
  • Megan Pozzi – SSG
  • Julie McKenzie – Disability Services
  • Flamur Cocaj – Finance Partner
  • Jen Tredinnick – SSG

Events, Meetings and Workshops

Sarah attended the following this month…

  • LMS+ Project Business Reference Group
  • Leading a Well Team Workshop – highly recommended
  • Makerspace Manager’s Meet
  • Procurement and Contract Management Training – high recommended
  • GP Library L&R Team meeting
  • QUT Library CAUL OER Collective group meeting
  • Bruce and Sarah gave Margo Powell (Executive Director QUT Engagement) and her Team a tour of the KG Library
  • ALIA Professional Pathways Update
  • Bruce, Ellen and Sarah meet to begin planning a QUT Library mentorship program
  • Joanna and Sarah (with the help of many other colleagues inside and outside of the library) continue to plan for the upcoming InSync Survey
  • Nicole and Sarah met with Adrian Stagg (UniSQ) to discuss conference partnership opportunities
  • Glen Murphy (QUT Entrepreneurship) and Gemma Alker (Director, Innovation Central Brisbane)
  • Law Library Team meeting
  • Joanna and Sarah attended the SES/GOS Workshop
  • Publishing Librarians
Thank you for reading this report. If you want to know more about the above, please contact Sarah anytime.



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