July 2022

Welcome Rapido!

A massive congratulations to Cathy, Narelle, Information Access Team, Document Delivery Team, and both Collection Access Teams for an outstanding achievement – the completion of the transition of document delivery systems – VDX to Alma Resource Sharing to Rapido – in less than 12 months. You are all Super Stars and your colleagues are extremely grateful to you all. Celebration coming soon….

Learning and Teaching

  • QUT Library Learning & Teaching Committee  – Meeting #5
    • Liaison Librarian Leads – informal report back of semester one
    • Information Literacy Framework – Working Group – update
    • ADL Report
      • QUT You
      • CAUL OER Collective Grants – QUT successes!
    • Makerspaces
    • LMS+ Project – student support template – thank you Jenny Thomas for representing the library and ensuring the QUT Library website is clearly located within Canvas
  • LMS+ Project – Business Reference Group
    • Sarah is a member of this group, who are meeting fortnightly.
  • Associate Deans of Learning & Teaching
    • Sarah contacted all ADL&Ts to share our 2021 snapshot and 2022 strategic priorities. She is meeting with ADL&TS also.
    • ADL&T for the Faculty of Business & Law, Larry Neale invited Sarah to present to the Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee.
      • Wonderful to hear from the academics the gratitude their have towards the Business/Law Liaison Librarians. Well done Team!
  • Health Digital Capabilities Project
    • Sarah, Rosie and Cameron continue to meet fortnightly with ADL&T Laura Gregory, SSG and the Curriculum Design Studio.
      • Cameron and Rosie are leading a Scoping Review for the project!

Papermaker Event – Thursday, 25 August 

QUT Library and QUT Entrepreneurship are organising the above event.

Please come along and enjoy the fun!

Information Access

  • Rapido, Open Athens, QUTeX, database trials, RFID, etc. etc…..the IA Team have again kicked into semester gear assisting the QUT community access our resources
  • Planned ALMA outage
    • Thank you to the IA and Collection Access Teams for planning and organising this.
  • Student ID Cards (SIDC) Project
    • Cathy, Kurt, Jai, Teresa and Sarah are working with Fraser Keetley to explore the use of alternative student ID cards.
  • MOPP review – F 1.8 Library resources and borrowing conditions
    • Cathy, Majella and Sarah are currently updating this outdated MOPP to reflect both online and physical resources.

Spaces Service

  • 24/7 Access Trial continues into semester two. Keep up-to-date with the monthly reports on SharePoint.
  • Herston Health Science Library
    • Emily Banks, Nicole, and Sarah visited the UQ Library space to meet with UQ Facilities and Library staff to explore possible collaborations. Watch this space….
  • Ipswich Libraries
    • Sarah arranged a day trip to Ipswich to explore a couple of Ipswich City Council Libraries and a brief visit to USQ Library, for Nicole, Jen, Michael and Bruce. It was an opportunity to explore new spaces and design ideas, and many were obtained! More photos can be found on SharePoint.


  • OER Collective – QUT success!
    • Thank you to Katya, Catherine Haden and Peter Sondergeld for assisting the two QUT grant submissions for the 2022 CAUL OER Collective grants. Both were from Health and successfully received funding! Congratulations!
      • Disclaimer – both Bruce and Sarah were on the Governance Group who reviewed the grants, but did not review the QUT submissions.
  • CAUL Conference – September
    • Well done to everyone at QUT Library who submitted abstracts to the conference – no easy task! Congrats to all those that received acceptances. QUT Library will be very well represented at the conference and the Brisbane workshop!
      • Thank you to Sami for assisting Sarah with the CAUL conference registrations.
    • Thank you to the Brisbane Workshop planning team…we are getting closer to the big day with plenty to do…
  • OER Professional Development Program
    • Sarah continues to meet weekly with the development Team and together we are building the program – no easy feat!
      • Registrations will open in August. More details can be found on the EMC Blog.
  • Deputy University Librarians Network
    • CAUL is developing this network to strengthen partnerships across the sector.

Interested in Makerspaces?

Reach out to Sarah and join Ellen, Stephanie J, Ann-Maree and Sarah in our new pop up group. 


Sarah met with the following people this month…

  • HR Partner – Sam Lant
  • Finance  Partner – Flamur Cocaj
  • HiQ –  Angela Kenna and Dee Nguyen
  • SSG – Megan Pozzi and Ian Lightbody
  • Curriculum Design Studio – Trish Maynard and Holly Russell
  • QUT Entrepreneurship – Marcia Mattushek
  • QUT College – Loretta Smith

QUT Library – Insync Survey – 5-18 September

QUT Library is conducting a client satisfaction survey that is designed to give undergraduate students an opportunity to share their thoughts on how well QUT Library meets their needs. The results will be benchmarked against other Australian academic libraries and used by QUT Library to help develop and improve services for undergraduate students. All opinions are valuable and will help QUT Library understand how to develop and improve the services that matter most. The survey is voluntary and should take less than 10 minutes to complete. All responses are confidential. A summary of the results of the survey will be made available on the QUT Library website. To thank students for their time, QUT Library will offer a chance to win one of three $150 gift vouchers.

Events, Meetings and Workshops

Sarah attended the following this month…

  • NAIDOC Week: Incarceration Nation Film and Guest Panel
  • Ken + Julia Yonetani: To Be Human exhibition opening event
  • Indigenous Literacy Booksale
  • QUT Library HDR Event
  • Unstacked planning meetings
  • Uncle Cheg yarning circle with QUT Library staff

Thank you for reading this report. If you want to know more about the above, please contact Sarah anytime.


Library Leadership Team Reports Copyright © by QUT Library. All Rights Reserved.

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