June 2022

24/7 Access Trial

  • Continued to provide library entry data and analysis for the 24/7 access trial at GP and KG, including contributing to the final report for Sarah Howard.
    Also regular Library Occupancy Reports – available online – COVID-19 Library Staff Information – Library Reports – Library Occupancy Reports.

Data Insights and Visualisations

  • Three new visuals are now available on the Library web pages. Many thanks to the other members of the working group that were involved in designing the 2021 Library Snapshot – Rani McLennan, Stephen Booth, Jill Rogers and Tom Mullins.  Marketing and Comms have done a great job in producing the professional suite of visuals.
  • Enquiry Services Reports – showing trends in Library enquiry services and HiQ library related enquiries – distributed to Senior LAs, Sarah Howard and Nicole Clark. Also available online – Library Statistics – Data Insights – Enquiry Services.
  • Faculty level analysis of chat and Helpdesk and appointment data.
  • Five year borrowing and lending trend data analysis.
  • CAUL benchmarking data – submitted 2021 data. Also produced a 2018-2020 CAUL benchmarking report for LLT, with a deeper dive into Information Resources benchmarking data.

Service Management

  • Business continuity planning – working on populating the new Business Impact Analysis template, consultations with DBS and other relevant stake holders.

Professional Contribution and External

  • Accepted on to the Board of the LibPMC International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries. The conference will be held in July 2023 online.


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