May 2022

Thrive at Uni

GP and Law Library staff participated in the Thrive at Uni event, held in GP-V310 (the former HiQ Activity Room) on 9 May – Thrive at Uni is aimed at students who may be experiencing difficulties in transitioning to university, or considering withdrawing from their studies.  It is also an opportunity to provide students with short drop-in sessions with practitioners/experts, service referrals, and organising bookings onsite for a range of support services. Thanks to Jenny T, Thu Hoang and Heather Edwards for participating and assisting our students 🙂


  • GP Library has several vacancies, particularly in the LA pool and I have been working very closely with Jacque and Kate as the Senior Library Advisers in finding solutions to these gaps. I can’t quite believe the magic we weaved, and continue to weave as new staffing challenges come our way!

Library displays

  • GP Library displays have been ever changing. Here are the most recent, with thanks to Stephanie Jacobs 🙂
Australian Women’s History Month
Australian Heritage Festival

GP Teams

Collection Access team

  • The CA team is doing great work, in partnership with LRS, on quality control link checking. The new workflow is making a difference in progressing this important work – “The results contribute to supporting a greater student experience, and are an excellent example of ‘one library’ in action. I’m very pleased!” [Majella]
  • GP have deselected (2100 items) and change locations (580 items) for the Creative Industries/Industrial Design collection move from GP to KG. Relocated items have been suppressed in readiness of move.


Engineering team

  • Ann-Maree attended the Faculty of Engineering Learning and Teaching meeting and Graham attended a Faculty Learning and Teaching Partners meeting.
  • Graham presented to the QUT Centre for Robotics on enhancing your academic profile while other team members assisted a considerable number of researchers ensure their academic profiles were up-to-date. – “Thanks for the great talk this morning!” [Dr Dorian Tsai]
  • Brendan coordinated the annual library subscriptions review at GP Campus and also coordinated the submissions for new library subscriptions for 2023 at GP. (Both of these were discussed at the June IRC meeting).
  • All Engineering Liaison Librarians have now been trained in Rialto Marketplace for ordering book titles.
  • Graham and Brendan ran an Advanced EndNote session.
  • Graham attached a review of VRES for Summer 2021/2022 and a planning meeting for 2022/2023 Summer.

Library Adviser team

The GP LAs continue to make a great difference to our clients.  In May we empowered about 300 students to succeed!

  • 258 chats
  • 11 attended appointments
  • 12 hours law helpdesk coverage
  • 14 workshop attendees

Science team

Web & Digital Engagement Service Management

  • Jenny Thomas and Gabrielle Hayes continue to work with SSG on the re-write of the HiQ Study Pages, with the updated pages due to be rolled out by Semester 2, 2022.
  • JT attended the first meeting of the LMS+ Student Templates group – looking at how support pages can be displayed in Canvas
  • JT working to progress video-hosting governance in the Library – early days working with Craig O’Neil and Rosie Glynn.

External Engagement

  • CAUL- Jenny T is a member of the CAUL Learning from bold Minds in Leadership Working Party and the sixth and final event – Are you Leading your Business or managing your BUSYness – was held on 10 May. The presenter was Dr Neil Carrington, an in-demand speaker around leadership and organisational culture and the event was well received.




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