
Information, Data and Media Literacies

What do we mean by information, data and media literacies?

Information literacy 

The capacity to find, evaluate, manage, curate, organise and share digital information, including open content. At higher levels, a critical awareness of provenance and credibility. Capacity to interpret information for academic and professional/vocational purposes. Ability to act within the rules of copyright and to use appropriate referencing. Ability to record and preserve information for future access and use.

Data literacy

The capacity to collate, manage, access and use digital data in spreadsheets and other media; to record and use personal data; to ensure data security and to apply legal, ethical and security guidelines in data collection and use. At higher levels, the ability to interpret data by running queries, data analyses and reports.

Media literacy

The capacity to critically read communications in a range of digital media – text, graphical, video, animation, audio, haptic, etc., (also ‘multimodal literacy’). At higher levels, the capacity to appreciate audience, purpose, accessibility, impact and modality, and to understand digital media production as a practice and an industry. To act within digital copyright law.

Sourced from the JISC Capability Framework