
Further reading

Digital Proficiency and Digital Productivity

Hailegebreal, S., Sedi, T. T., Belete, S., Mengistu, K., Getachew, A., Bedada, D., … & Mengiste, S. A. (2022). Utilization of information and communication technology (ICT) among undergraduate health science students: A cross-sectional study. BMC Medical Education22(1), 1-7.

Lu, J., & Price, J. (2018). Chinese students’ ICT readiness for a blended teaching and learning environment. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(7), 2907-2914.

Marković, B. (2021, July). The importance of ICT skills and digital literacy in the health care profession of nursing. In Proceedings of EDULEARN21 Conference. 1740-1752.

Westbrook, J. I., Braithwaite, J., Gibson, K., Paoloni, R., Callen, J., Georgiou, A., … & Robertson, L. (2009). Use of information and communication technologies to support effective work practice innovation in the health sector: a multi-site studyBMC Health Services Research9(1), 1-9.

Wilson, C. B., Slade, C., Wong, W. Y. A., & Peacock, A. (2020). Health care students experience of using digital technology in patient care: a scoping review of the literature. Nurse Education Today95, 104580.


Information Literacy, Data Literacy and Media Literacy

Boruff, J. T., & Harrison, P. (2018). Assessment of knowledge and skills in information literacy instruction for rehabilitation sciences students: a scoping reviewJournal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA106(1), 15.

Butler, A., Fuentes-Bautista, M., & Scharrer, E. (2018). Building media literacy in higher education: Department approaches, undergraduate certificate, and engaged scholarship. In Handbook of research on media literacy in higher education environments (pp. 153-171). igi Global.

Donoghue, T., Voytek, B., & Ellis, S. E. (2021). Teaching creative and practical data science at scaleJournal of Statistics and Data Science Education29(sup1), S27-S39.

Goodsett, M. (2020). Best practices for teaching and assessing critical thinking in information literacy online learning objectsThe Journal of Academic Librarianship46(5), 102163.

Hardin, J., Hoerl, R., Horton, N. J., Nolan, D., Baumer, B., Hall-Holt, O., … & Ward, M. D. (2015). Data science in statistics curricula: Preparing students to “think with data”. The American Statistician69(4), 343-353.

Lu, F., & Lemonde, M. (2013). A comparison of online versus face-to-face teaching delivery in statistics instruction for undergraduate health science studentsAdvances in Health Sciences Education18(5), 963-973.

Musgrove, A. T., Powers, J. R., Rebar, L. C., & Musgrove, G. J. (2018). Real or fake? Resources for teaching college students how to identify fake news. College & Undergraduate Libraries25(3), 243-260.

Sickler, J., Bardar, E., & Kochevar, R. (2021). Measuring data skills in undergraduate student work: Development of a scoring rubricJournal of College Science Teaching50(4), 25–32.

Yang, Y., Majumdar, R., Li, H., Akçapinar, G., Flanagan, B., & Ogata, H. (2021). A framework to foster analysis skill for self-directed activities in data-rich environment. Research & Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning16(1), 1–17.



Digital Creation, Digital Research and Problem Solving and Digital Innovation

Abookire, Plover, C., Frasso, R., & Ku, B. (2020). Health design thinking: an innovative approach in public health to defining problems and finding solutions. Frontiers in Public Health, 8, 459–459.

Aparicio-Ting, F. E., Slater, D. M., & Kurz, E. U. (2019). Inquiry-based learning (IBL) as a driver of curriculum: A staged approach. Papers on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching3, 44-51.

Ingram, Langhans, T., & Perrotta, C. (2022). Teaching design thinking as a tool to address complex public health challenges in public health students: a case study. BMC Medical Education, 22(1), 270–270.

Lareyre, F., Behrendt, C. A., & Raffort, J. (2022). e-Health in Vascular Diseases: Integrating Digital Innovation in Everyday Clinical Practice. Journal of Clinical Medicine11(16), 4757.

Oliveira, Zancul, E., & Fleury, A. L. (2021). Design thinking as an approach for innovation in healthcare: systematic review and research avenues. BMJ Innovations, 7(2), 491–498.

Reynolds, J. A., & Thompson Jr, R. J. (2011). Want to improve undergraduate thesis writing? Engage students and their faculty readers in scientific peer reviewCBE—Life Sciences Education10(2), 209-215.

Reynolds, J., Smith, R., Moskovitz, C., & Sayle, A. (2009). BioTAP: A systematic approach to teaching scientific writing and evaluating undergraduate thesesBioScience59(10), 896-903.


Digital Communication, Digital Collaboration and Digital Participation

Costa, C., Murphy, M., Pereira, A. L., & Taylor, Y. (2018). Higher education students’ experiences of digital learning and (dis) empowermentAustralasian Journal of Educational Technology34(3).

Darius, P. S. H., Gundabattini, E., & Solomon, D. G. (2021). A survey on the effectiveness of online teaching–learning methods for university and college studentsJournal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B102(6), 1325-1334.

Hinojo-Lucena, F. J., Aznar-Díaz, I., Cáceres-Reche, M. P., & Romero-Rodríguez, J. M. (2020). Use of social networks for international collaboration among medical. students. Educación Médica21(2), 137-141

Sheng, Z., Li, K., Griffin, M., van Vulpen, E., & Desai, A. (2020). How Digital Collaboration is shaping the future of Healthcare and Education.


Digital Learning and Digital Teaching

D’Antoni, A. V., Zipp, G. P., Olson, V. G., & Cahill, T. F. (2010). Does the mind map learning strategy facilitate information retrieval and critical thinking in medical students? BMC medical education10(1), 1-11.

Dart, S. (2020, December, 18). It’s not production quality that counts in educational videos – here’s what student value most. The Conversation, https://theconversation.com/its-not-production-quality-that-counts-in-educational-videos-heres-what-students-value-most-151573

Georgieva, D., & Todorova, T. (2018). Efficient methods of teaching-implementation of mind map and concept map in health care trainingKnoweldge-International Journal23(4), 1029-1035.

Howard, S., Serpanchy, K., & Lewin, K. (2018). Virtual reality content for higher education curriculum. In VALA2018 Proceedings: 19th Biennial Conference and Exhibition (pp. 1-15). VALA-Libraries, Technology and the Future Inc.

Michelini, C. A. (2000). Mind Map®: a new way to teach patients and staff. Home Healthcare Now18(5), 318-322.


Digital Identity Management and Digital Wellbeing

Penglee, N., Christiana, R. W., Battista, R. A., & Rosenberg, E. (2019). Smartphone use and physical activity among college students in health science-related majors in the United States and Thailand. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(8), 1315–.

Dale ,A. (2021). Health and wellbeing: Not all doom and zoom: Finding the sweet spot for screen time. LSJ, 76, 52–53.

Kern, P. (2016). How to be a healthy user of social media. The Conversation.

Nabben, K. (2021). The government wants to expand the ‘digital identity’ system that lets Australians access services. There are many potential pitfalls. The Conversation.

Sebire, K. (2020). The coronavirus lockdown is forcing us to view ‘screen time’ differently. That’s a good thing. The Conversation.