
Digital Capabilities Case Study 1

Digital Capabilities Case Study: LQB670 Anatomical Dissection

Organisational area: School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Course: Bachelor of Biomedical Science

Student cohort: 3rd year Biomedical Science students; capstone unit

QUT Assessment type: Case Study

Course Learning Outcomes mapped to case study assessment:

  • Critically review, analyse and synthesise foundational knowledge in a broad range of biomedical discipline areas and in depth theoretical, technical and practical knowledge in specialised discipline areas.
  • Demonstrate the cognitive skills required to find solutions to scientific problems.
  • Apply knowledge and skills to rapidly source, critically analyse and communicate biomedical science information using appropriate technologies.

Step 1: Identify relevant Digital Capabilities to embed

Having prioritised digital capability graduate needs of your student cohort, digital capability development has been scaffolded across the course and mapped to specific core units of study. As a capstone unit, a number of digital capabilities were mapped to the assessment in LQB670 across three Jisc elements. Digital capability subelements that requiring embedding in LQB670 are illustrated in the below table.

Step 2: Refine your Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO)

Having identified the digital capabilities that need to be developed and assessed in the unit, the unit learning outcomes should be reviewed to ensure the relevant digital capabilities are explicitly expressed in these outcomes. Review the refinements made to the ULOs in the example below for the Case Study assessment in LQB670: Anatomical Dissection.

Step 3: Design your Assessment

The case study assessment type provides an authentic project-based setting to develop all four of the identified digital capabilities.