Information Literacy

Did you know your librarian can teach these skills in your course/unit? Reach out to your Liaison Librarian now.

The JISC element, Information, data and media literacies is divided into 3 sections (JISC Framework 2024Links to an external site.):

  • Information literacy
  • Data literacy
  • Media literacy

  Learning objectives

  • Identify different assessment types and their specific requirements around information sources and referencing
  • Identify different types of publications and their appropriate uses
  • Select appropriate search tools for finding specific sources of information
  • Apply the steps in the Information Searching Lifecycle to assessment tasks and searching
  • Locate items using the QUT Library search tools
  • Evaluate information sources for quality using specific criteria
  • Create reference lists to the specifications of different referencing styles
  • Apply the principles of Academic Integrity to assessment

Higher level

  • Create advanced search statements using search techniques
  • Replicate search statements across muliple sources


Study Smart 

Ask the class to complete the four modules of Study Smart between tutorials. Lead a 10-minute discussion recap at the start of the next class using these prompts to get them thinking:

    • What is one thing from Study Smart I already knew?
    • What is one thing I learned that I wish I could share with my younger self?

Using PICO

Ask the class to complete the Using PICO online module. After completion, ask students to share the following with the class (via Padlet):

    • Their PICO and resulting question
    • List the library database/s they think would suit searching their PICO question best
    • A screenshot of their search strategy applied in a library database using some of their PICO terms, applying appropriate search techniques
    • Reflection on ways they might improve the search by adjusting and repeating methods outlined in the module


Understanding database subject headings

Ask the class to watch the ‘What is a subject heading’ video (YouTube 5:12 mins). After watching the video, ask students to:


Further reading…

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