
Steps to Embedding Digital Capabilities


What are Digital Capabilities and why are they important?

Digital capabilities have a central role in all of our lives and our professional futures.

Watch the video below to find out more about the role of digital capabilities:

This pressbook is built on the JISC Digital Capabilities Framework which promotes a collaborative approach to digital transformation. The JISC Digital Capabilities Framework has been adopted by educational institutions worldwide. The 6 elements of digital capabilities identified by JISC are:

Embedding Digital Capabilities 

The Digital Futures project has built resources for academics to identify digital capabilities which are important for graduate outcomes and embed these using whole-of-course design principles in learning and assessment. This Pressbook will support academics to: Prioritise digital capabilities according to industry needs, map to course and unit outcomes, design assessment to assess student demonstration of these digital capabilities, and design learning activities and resources to support student development of these digital capabilities in a scaffolded manner across their course. The five stages of embedding digital capability development are summarised in the flowchart below.

Support to guide your completion of each stage for your course curriculum are provided in this Pressbook in this Chapter.

Examples of support resources according to the JISC digital capabilities will continue to be curated from across the Queensland University of Technology and from publicly available outside sources for you to use and adapt to your discipline and learning context.