
Digital Wellbeing

Check out the QUT Wellbeing App

  Learning objectives

  • Look after personal safety using online platforms
  • Understand and select privacy settings
  • Identify existing support services within QUT that can assist with social-media-related issues
  • Identify how much time one spends online and devise a plan to encourage balance between on- and off-screen activities
  • Recognise that online and offline environments are not discrete and that online actions often have offline implications and vice versa


Wellbeing at QUT

  1. Give students time to install and explore the QUT Wellbeing app. 
  2. Ask students to share their experiences of using the app.
  3. Give students time to explore the range of counselling and wellbeing services available at QUT. 

Teaching strategies

  1. Screen up/screen down – plan a lecture or tutorial with designated ‘screen up’ time where digital devices can be used, and ‘screen down’ time where digital devices are to be put away, creating time for interactive activities or physical movement.

Digital time

  1. Ask students to download Quality Time [Android] or Screen Time [IOS] and track their digital interaction for a week.
  2. Ask students to pair-share their findings and personal strategies for balancing on and off screen activities.


Further reading…