
Digital Identity Management

Our digital profiles have larger impacts on our lives than we realise – have you googled yourself lately? Use Create a Better Online You to learn more.

  Learning objectives

  • Understand the environments in which digital identity is created and managed
  • Employ social media as a medium useful for the development of both personal and professional networks
  • Manage digital profiles carefully and make sure they are suitable for different networks

Higher level

  • Maintain a current digital CV, portfolio or online blog
  • Analyse the forms of digital storytelling


Create a better online you

Create a Better Online You enables users to discover the impact of social media on personal and professional networks.

guide for academic staff [PDF] is available to support academic staff who wish to use these social media modules in their teaching.


Australia’s digital identity

  1. Ask the students to read this article from The Conversation.
  2. Ask them to answer the below questions.
    1. What are the benefits of having a Digital Identity?
    2. What could be some negatives/potential pitfalls of having a Digital Identity?

Digital Identity as a student

  1. Display the following questions on the board/screen before playing the video.
    1. What did you learn about managing your identity?
    2. Was there anything you disagreed with?
    3. What did you know already that was covered in this video?

Video: 5.3a Managing Digital Identity (University of Sydney)


Further reading…