
Digital Creation

Digital creation is about digital production of content. The capacity to design and/or create new digital artefacts and materials; digital writing; digital imaging; digital editing of images, video and audio. At higher levels, the ability to code and to design apps/applications, games, virtual environments and interfaces.

Use the below guiding questions and resources to design and plan your assessment and learning resources/activities to support student development of digital creation capabilities.

Student learning outcome examples

  • Design and create digital content including presentations, posters, images, webpages, digital media (online, print and audio) and videos.
  • Demonstrate basic digital editing skills as appropriate to the discipline.
  • Design and produce digital solutions to creative, scholarly and professional problems.
  • Analyse how digital design is influencing the discipline and its cultural practice.
  • Design digital solutions with an awareness of accessibility, universal design, inclusivity and sustainability.

Assessment design

Example assessment types may include:

  • Presentation
  • Poster
  • Infographic
  • Video
  • Print media
  • Creative work
  • Performance
  • Webpage
  • Animation
  • Coding/Modelling
  • Design
  • Project (applied)
  • Exhibition

Assessment considerations:

  • Often digital content is produced as a means to demonstrate other digital capabilities such as digital communication. Consider whether you are assessing the creation of content or the use of content or both. This should be represented in your marking criteria and standards.

Marking criteria examples for Digital Creation

  • Content has been designed for accessibility
  • Appropriate use and acknowledgement of copywrite material
  • Protect your own and others intellectual property when creating digital content
  • Appropriate selection of digital content
  • Appropriate manipulation of digital content to enhance visualisation/readability
  • Uses secure processes to work with digital content
  • Content applies outstanding graphical design skills
  • Appropriate selection of digital tool to create digital content (assess affordances and limitations of a range of digital tools to confidently select an appropriate digital tool to create digital content)
  • Quality of digital production
  • Quality of digital editing
  • Audience engagement through embedded digital interactivity
  • Audience alignment/ mirrors authentic digital content

Criterion standards case example

Assessment: Create scientific figures

High Distinction Uses secure processes to work with sensitive content in a digital environment.
Careful selection and purposeful digital manipulation of images using a range of digital technologies enhances the visualisation of relevant content to create figures suitable for scientific publication.
The content in all figures is expertly communicated through accurate, sufficient and specific labels, headings and annotations using outstanding graphical design skills.
Distinction Uses secure processes to work with sensitive content in a digital environment.
Careful selection and digital manipulation of images enhances the visualisation of relevant content to create figures suitable for scientific publication in most cases.
The content in all figures is expertly communicated through accurate, sufficient and specific labels, headings and annotations using excellent graphical design skills.
Credit Uses secure processes to work with sensitive content in a digital environment.
Careful selection and digital manipulation of images enhances the visualisation of relevant content to create figures suitable for scientific publication in most cases.
The content in figures is clearly communicated through accurate labels, headings and annotations using excellent graphical design skills.
Pass Uses secure processes to work with sensitive content in a digital environment.
Careful selection and digital manipulation of images enhances the visualisation of content to create figures suitable for scientific publication in most cases.
Essential information in figures is clearly communicated using basic graphical design skills. Structures have been accurately identified in most cases.
Marginal Fail

Uses secure processes to work with sensitive content in a digital environment.
Selection and digital manipulation of images is not the most appropriate or sufficient to clearly visualise the required content.
Errors and insufficiency in structure identification results in superficial information on digital images which is difficult to interpret.

Uses secure processes to work with sensitive content in a digital environment.
Frequent errors in labelling and content interpretation results in digital images that are not appropriate for publication.
Low Fail

Does not use secure processes to work with sensitive content in a digital environment.
Insufficient digital images to be able to visualise content.

Capability development case examples

Assessment: Create scientific figures

Synchronous in-class activity: Workshop

Activity 1: Select relevant scientific figures from peer-reviewed publications to share with students. Include a range of examples that demonstrate outstanding, satisfactory and poor digital creation skills. In small groups ask students to critique the figures and explain the positive and negative attributes of each figure in terms of clear interpretation of the data/image. Whole of class discussion, led by the academic to collate findings on qualities of an outstanding scientific figure and align to assessment criteria and standards.

Activity 2: Provide students a partially complete scientific figure or some data to use to create a scientific figure. Encourage students to bring their own device and use relevant digital tools to complete the figure. This may include a demonstration of how to use the digital tool by the academic. Students are asked to post their completed figures onto Padlet or a shared online site for academic feedback or pair up with another student to provide peer feedback.


Students can choose a tool that allows them to share a link to their infographic or presentation.

Tool Free account available Shareable link to infographic Download of infographic Training and tutorials Tips
Venngage Yes Yes Not with the free version Video Guide to Creating Your First Design What is an infographic? Examples, templates and design tips
Canva Yes Yes Yes Design School for Canva Presentation checklist
Piktochart Yes Yes Yes Piktochart video tutorials Piktochart Blog

Students can sign up to a website building platform to create their own website:

Tool Free account available Guides Tutorials Design tips
WordPress Yes Get started Themes
Wix Yes Getting started with Wix 10 essential tutorials that every Wix newbie should know Templates


Further reading…