Data Literacy

Data literacy is how you handle data as a special form of information. The capacity to collate, manage, access and use digital data in spreadsheets and other media; to record and use personal data; to ensure data security and to apply legal, ethical and security guidelines in data collection and use. At higher levels, the ability to interpret data by running queries, data analyses and reports.

Use the below guiding questions and resources to design and plan your assessment and learning resources/activities to support student development of data literacy capabilities.

  Student learning outcome examples

  • Collate, manage and access digital data in spreadsheets and other media
  • Understand ethical, legal and security responsibilities when accessing data
  • Critically appraise published data in order to understand potential limitations or biases
  • Interpret data in databases and spreadsheets by running queries, data analyses and reports
  • Produce data visualisations and reports
  • Follow ethical, legal and security guidelines when recording, accessing, managing and using data
  • Make informed and ethical choices about the use of data in personal and professional life

  Capability development case examples

Data literacy quiz 

Ask the students to complete this The Data Literacy Project: Self Assessment Tool in class, share their results with the person next to them and report back on a few key takeaways depending on your focus for the tutorial.

Working with data module

  • Ask the students to complete the Working with Data Canvas Commons Module (based on the UQ Online Module, 30 mins) before or in class. To add this module to your subject site, visit this page <under construction> to find out how.


Further reading…

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