Digital Participation

Did you know that the Student Success Group can assist students to develop these skills within the context of your unit? You can email the Student Success Group via

  Learning objectives

  • Participate in a range of online networks
  • Share digital resources in a wide range of formats
  • Understand the value of personal and professional learning networks

Higher level

  • Build online networks to create positive new connections between people
  • Behave safely and ethically in networking situations
  • Encourage others to participate digitally by removing barriers to access



Facebook groups

  1. Ask the students to find a relevant group on Facebook which might be useful to them when they graduate.
  2. Have them answer a few questions about this page, e.g. purpose, audience.

Professional online behaviour

  1. Show the students an online conference in your area.
  2. Ask them to note down five things about how they would be expected to respond in this environment – including asking questions. ie, one or more of the five things can be in the form of a question.
  3. Discuss as a class.

Personal and professional learning networks

  1. Map your learning networks and share examples with students, encouraging them to do the same. Here are some examples of what this might look like and instructions on how to start.


Further reading…



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