Digital Communication

Did you know that the Student Success Group can assist students to develop these skills within the context of your unit? You can email the Student Success Group via

  Learning Objectives

  • Understand and apply respectful communication in different media and spaces
  • Communicate with other people in a range of digital media e.g. email, presentations, blog posts, video conference,
    photo sharing, text, twitter, understanding the differences between these media
  • Consider the communication and access needs of different people
  • Communicate in a socially and culturally acceptable way using communication norms
  • Maintain privacy in private communications to protect people and organisations

Higher level

  • Design digital communications for different purposes to achieve effective messaging


Communicate and collaborate module

  1. Ask students to complete the Communicate and collaborate online module  (UQ Digital Essentials, 30 mins) in pairs.
  2. Students can discuss their results in pairs, if they complete their final quiz separately.

Respectful communication

  1. Find out what your students need by asking them and making them feel safe to share their thoughts and feelings.
  2. Separate students into peer groups and ask them to practise respectful communication. This would also be a good way to help students feel more connected with their peers.
  3. Share stories of when communication went well (and when it didn’t).

Drafting emails

  1. In a tutorial, spend time drafting an imaginary email to a placement supervisor, demonstrating good practice.
  2. Demonstrate to students how to respectfully ask for assistance or to raise concerns.

Poster communication skills

  1. Ask students to make a ‘Dos and Don’ts’ poster of communication skills and answer the following questions.
    1. Can the students find and adapt existing resources for this?
    2. Could they practise their group-work skills while doing this?



Further reading…


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