Digital Creation

Digital creation is a key part of communicating. Ask the students to deliver a short reflective video or an infographic to support an assignment.

  Learning objectives

  • Understand fundamental design practices for digital environments
  • Create engaging PowerPoint presentations
  • Design and create online resources such as webpages
  • Design, create and edit visual online images
  • Capture, edit and produce digital media such as videos and podcasts


Consumer health infographic

  1. Provide the students with three to four pieces of information about treating a certain issue.
  2. Ask them to create an infographic using Canva aimed at the general public.
  3. Get them to present this in class.

PowerPoint essential training 

  1. Ask students to complete the ‘1. Get Started Quickly’ module (10 min) of the PowerPoint Essential Training (Office 365/Microsoft 365) on LinkedIn Learning.
  2. Ask them to make a note of anything new they have learned from the module or any issues they faced and share this with the group.
  3. Ask them to work through any other modules in the course that might help them address skills gaps they may have with PowerPoint.
  4. Ask students to find other resources/courses to help them develop in areas they need help with and share with the group.

Video creation 

  1. Ask the students to pair off.
  2. Watch this video on how to record and narrate a PowerPoint.
  3. Create a two-minute video in pairs.
  4. Present at the next tutorial.


Further reading…

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