ICT Proficiency

Do all your students have access to the main technologies they need to complete their degree? Connect them with HiQ if they need more options.

Learning objectives


  • Use ICT-based devices, applications, software and services
  • Use learning, teaching and assessment systems as required

Higher level

  • Choose, adapt and personalise ICT applications and systems
  • Recover from failures
  • Stay up to date with ICT as it evolves and adopt new systems, applications and approaches into teaching practice


Using the Learning Management System

  1. Ask the students to post on the discussion board and introduce themselves or complete a short quiz (not marked).
  2. Check that each student has completed this task.

Using Zoom effectively

  1. Run a short Zoom session with your students.
  2. Introduce them to the whiteboard function and the reactions and ask them to use these in the session.
  3. Check each student can complete this task.

ICT skills video 

Before playing the below video in class, ask the students these questions:

  • What types of technology are you going to need as a future health professional?
  • Do you need further skills in technology you already use?

After the video, ask the students to Think Pair Share if you have online students, this could be done using Padlet



Further reading… 

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