
Module 3: Informed Decision Making

Module Three
Learning Objectives

At the end of Module 3, you should be able to:

  • Find, identify and apply the decision-making frameworks and criteria that apply to your jurisdiction and work context
  • Identify appropriate and valid input sources for your decision-making frameworks.
  • Apply relevant decision-making and performance criteria for initiatives and projects
  • Identify, communicate and evaluate a specific initiative or project using a suitable business case process.

In this module, we focus on the need to enhance your decision-making capabilities in the context of public sector value as you build the case for action.

This module is important because it helps you to develop initiatives and operational approaches that align with your organisation’s overall strategy, and to be able to justify those initiaives and approaches. Clearly, this relies on your ‘insider’ knowledge and on your existing capabilities. The purpose here is to provide you with a structured and transparent approach to enhancing those capabilities and leveraging them to achieve powerful outcomes.

The topics in this module are:

  • Topic 1: Using Data
  • Topic 2: Decision-making frameworks
  • Topic 3: Developing and Evaluating Business Cases
  • Topic 4: Decision Implementation


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