
Module 3: Informed Decision Making

Topic 3.1: Using Data

The world is awash with data! As citizens and consumers, we generate numbers, details, and measure behaviours without thought. When these are gathered and collated, they can reveal insights that are at times obvious, and at times completely a surprise. What should government agencies focus on? What should be the drivers of the decision-makers’ approach and thinking? Regardless of how the data are gathered, objective overview and careful decisions about data sources and collection methods are essential. The methods and tools that you use to analysis and develop insights are the next stage of the decision process. Modules 1 and 2 provided you with the wherewithal to develop a ‘fit for purpose’ approach, and by using the Strategy Journey Map framework, you will develop your own approach! Remember the overused yet annoyingly appropriate adage: ‘Garbage in, garbage out’!

What are Big Data, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence?

There is an exploding field of technologies that are rapidly changing the concept of data, data collection, analysis, and usage. The following media release from Gartner, the research and advisory company provides a good starting point to explore this expanding field.

40 mins

Research your jurisdictional, agency/department, and team approaches to thinking about the ongoing revolution in data collection, analysis, and insight generation.

Here are some thought prompts:

  • How can big data be used to enhance public sector value?
  • What are some of the sources of data in your context?
  • What are the challenges that you and your teams are experiencing with the explosion of data?
  • What are some of the innovations that you can identify and share with your cohort and teams?


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